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Storm Dragons Siegebreaker Cavalry

Olgerth Istaarn

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When I posted the WIP of these guys, I got soundly laughed out of town. And rightfully so, because they ARE Space Marines riding cleaned-up Bloodcrushers decorated with Imperial symbolic. But I rather fell in love with the mean mecha-bulls when I first saw them, and couldn't bring myself to convert them to wolves, dragons or anything other than what they are. There's fluff to account for why they are what they are, but who cares.

They have been since painted, and assumed a rightful place on my shelf. I'm a glutton for punishment, so I'm going to post the finished product for further ridicule. The paint job is not mine, I hire a commission artist, but the assembly and conversion, such is it is, is mine. Pictures were taken before the minis were based, but basing is rather regular black sand with some ash.

All three side by side:


Thunder Hammerer:

gallery_32009_5678_27116.jpg gallery_32009_5678_39765.jpg gallery_32009_5678_31666.jpg

Chainsworder #1:

gallery_32009_5678_56853.jpg gallery_32009_5678_8805.jpg

Chainsworder #2 with Meltabombs:

gallery_32009_5678_49036.jpg gallery_32009_5678_31825.jpg gallery_32009_5678_52292.jpg

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The Cliffs Notes of the fluff is that the mounts were forged in the likeness of bloodcrushers by the orders of Saralen Kurtzman, the "patroness" Inquisitor of the Storm Dragons, for a covert operation. Each mount is "driven" by a Machine Spirit salvaged from a destroyed Land Raider and "adjusted" by the Inquisitor's techno-adepts, and it communicates with its rider via a modified MIU.


Five men from the ranks of the Chapter were chosen to pose as Black Legion berserkers to be admitted to a certain heavily fortified area, cause havoc and rescue a high-value hostage. In spite of grim survival projections, all five made it out, along with the hostage. The mounts were gifted to the Chapter afterwards, and the five riders formed a rather exclusive "fraternity".


The Siegebreakers are called to action only under the direst circumstances, and they never stay on the field longer than absolutely necessary (much like Space Wolves' TWC).


...so yes, the cursory resemblance to berserkers is somewhat intentional.

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I field them as Thunderwolf Cavalry. Two more are on deck and will be built and painted soon . It's an uberunit of five guys, 1 TH/SS, 1 CCW/SS+Melta bombs, 1 CCW/SS, and two independent characters with Frostblades/SS. They take up a good chunk of points, but also take forever to kill and draw tons of attention, while the rest of my army does whatever it needs to do in peace.
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i guess i was one of the haters of the WIP thread of these guys :D


and even if i still don't like the fluff idea behind your project i like the conversions, even if their still "too chaosy" in my opinion, but accounting to the covert ops idea and most important if you like it, it's perfect :D


so thumbs up for this nice project!


one thing to the paint job, i think some scripture on the rolls on their armor would have looked nice, f. e. on the roll on the power plant of the thunder hammer wielding rider.

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