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Company markings on your Librarians?

Comabat Apothecary

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OK, so I'm painting up a libby for my homebrew chapter, Painted DA green, bone shoulder paldrons and other DA markings for tacticals/assault ect, but using the vanilla codex in every other way (Unfogiven thinking they've done enough to atone, wanting to help the imperium as much as possible, but because of this have made enemies of the DA and other successors?)


I'm doing all my guys as a 3rd Company battle group, and I'd really like to give my libby 3rd coy markings on his knee pad to tie him into the rest of my army. to Make up for him being blue and what not. Has anyone done this before? I'm also planning on giving my scouts 3rd coy markings to show the attachment to the battle group for this conflict.


Also I'm stuck for names for my chapter (arn't we all at some point?) I'm tenuiously using the Imperial Watch for now, but any other suggestions more than welcome.


my planned chapter badge is a battlemech decal found here: http://www.fightingpirannhagraphics.com/mwda.htm (Confederation Reserve Cavalry)





Maybe we should work together, since I'm doing almost the same, even with a similar colour scheme (vallejo luftwaffe camo green for the armour, khaki-bone mix for the shoulder pads), and mine have decided forgiveness might better be achieved by good deeds than by trying to retcon bad ones. They regularly crusade around and are rather more zealous in that than other DA. They still hunt the Fallen, though, but with a lot less enthusiasm, and also in a rather covert ops way (Deathwatch-style), instead of the silly race-ravenwing-to-them-then-teleport-in-terminators way, which basically invites being lured into traps all the time.


My chapter's badge is a red templar cross, though, since I wanted to use all the cool templar bitz, too.


For the question: why not, even if the Librarian is only temporarily attached, that could be displayed on his armour. Personally, I simply used the main colour of my chapter on a lot of minor details to tie him into the scheme.

It is your army, you can choose to show their alligence how you want. You could even not paint him blue bar his right arm/puldron and keep him green if you would prefer it. Technically Librarians don't join company so they wouldn't really take on their markings, but you could say that to encourage brotherhood that they join companies for a period of time :P

For a name I really like Dark Watch. And for the Libies do wat you want, or perhaps paint them green like the rest. with blue shoulder pads...


For a name I really like Dark Watch. And for the Libies do wat you want, or perhaps paint them green like the rest. with blue shoulder pads...

My first ever HQ unit, almost complete.... less some touching up to do on the sword hilt!! How does your colour scheme look compared to this WP Haelaeif?

As for my libby, I'm half way though painting it now, so I'm keeping him blue, and will just alter the knee pad. Painting blue makes a nice change from green anyway! I might start a thread in the WIP forum.


edited for additional text


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