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If I See Another


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This is a little venting thread that should be helpful at the same time! Is there something that you have seen in an IA so many times that it makes you sick?


If I see another chapter that has an unknown origin, dont know what founding they are part of, or dont know who their primarch is I am going to scream.


Feel free to add to the "If I see another" theme of this thread.

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This could end badly. But I'll bite.


+1 for unknown gene-seed, ugh.


I'll also throw one in for "oh noes, we got totally pwnt early in our history so now we have to make tactical/organizational changes!" It's like a conscious attempt to avoid being a Mary Sue, but doesn't address the underlying problems of actually giving the Chapter some character.

  CantonWC said:
This could end badly. But I'll bite.


+1 for unknown gene-seed, ugh.


I'll also throw one in for "oh noes, we got totally pwnt early in our history so now we have to make tactical/organizational changes!" It's like a conscious attempt to avoid being a Mary Sue, but doesn't address the underlying problems of actually giving the Chapter some character.



Mary Sue???? Please explain.

  ringlancer said:
Mary Sue???? Please explain.


Someone who's fan characters or recent editions are almost entirely perfect, can defeat anyone flawlessly, are paragons of, well, everything. Let me put it this way, here's a test to give you an idea of what to avoid to not have your characters be one: http://www.springhole.net/quizzes/marysue.htm


Though in addition to this topic: Chapters who are so heavily mired in being in keeping with the canon and staus quo they are essentially their founding chapter with different coloured armour.


EDIT: Never mind. They were not IAs posted in here, just chapter backgrounds.

  Codicier Lucion said:
  ringlancer said:
Mary Sue???? Please explain.


Someone who's fan characters or recent editions are almost entirely perfect, can defeat anyone flawlessly, are paragons of, well, everything. Let me put it this way, here's a test to give you an idea of what to avoid to not have your characters be one: http://www.springhole.net/quizzes/marysue.htm


Though in addition to this topic: Chapters who are so heavily mired in being in keeping with the canon and staus quo they are essentially their founding chapter with different coloured armour.


EDIT: Never mind. They were not IAs posted in here, just chapter backgrounds.



Ah, gotcha. Like Tarl Cabot in the Gor novels. I-just-encountered-your-culture-and just three-weeks-later-I-kick your-cahmpions-butt-at-his-own-game kinda thing.

  ringlancer said:
Ah, gotcha. Like Tarl Cabot in the Gor novels. I-just-encountered-your-culture-and just three-weeks-later-I-kick your-cahmpions-butt-at-his-own-game kinda thing.


And I thought I was the only one to read the Gor Sagas. <_<




I almost forgot about the 2 movies.

if i see another:


1.space wolf successor or someone so desperately wanting to be SW the SW somehow become the training cadre of the DIY chapter totally forgoing the actual chapter they are created from. AGH!


2. "My chapter's founding was 21st founding and can burp thunder, piss fire and crap lightning."


3 . chapter that states Librarians are in HIGH number and lead companies of some sort. its one thing to have Librarians play an important role in the chapter (like my scions of the infinite) its another thing to have them leading companies and be chapter masters. Librarians are the weird guys in the chapter, not ones to take a commanding role and be social. You know, like the kids in elementary and high school that sat alone in the lunchroom listening to Napalm Death and writing songs about weird things (or maybe that was just me?)


4. my biggest one: a DIY chapter that are Blood Angels successors but don't suffer from the Black Rage or Red Thirst. "Oh, so you mean there just ultramarines who like to wear red because its pretty......" THIS ONE I WANT TO Smash heads with a thunder hammer over. THIS IS MY BIGGEST PEEVE of DIY chapters.

  XKhalilX said:
3 . chapter that states Librarians are in HIGH number and lead companies of some sort. its one thing to have Librarians play an important role in the chapter (like my scions of the infinite) its another thing to have them leading companies and be chapter masters. Librarians are the weird guys in the chapter, not ones to take a commanding role and be social. You know, like the kids in elementary and high school that sat alone in the lunchroom listening to Napalm Death and writing songs about weird things (or maybe that was just me?)


The Librarians are only the "weird kids" because that's how they're treated in Codex Chapters. Does your hatred extend to the Iron Hands and their cunningly named Iron Fathers, who are vastly important command figures and spiritual leaders? I'll admit that the Iron Fathers are not likely to be replacing the Clan Company Captains, but they're held in high regard for reasons other than just their facility with machinery and their zeal in battle.


It may be a difficult concept to carry off convincingly and it certainly has its issues, but I hardly see it as either an oft-recurring element or one that really merits this kind of response if the reasoning is given enough thought.

you know there is a case for a chapter master being a librarian... soul drinkers anyone?


but i dont get the issue, sure you dont like mary sues and whatnot, but if someone wants to get creative and has libbies as major HQ choices you dont like that either..

surely you have to be open minded when creating DIY fluff.. your judging them based on your own biased opinions.

-"The Something Something Marines favor quick strike tactics and aggressive assault (I only put this in so I can use both the Space Wolf and Blood Angel codexes when I want without having to play a successor XD lol)"


-When a Chapter "improves" the Codex Astartes.


-I honestly haven't seen many "cured" Blood Angels successors. I'm sure they're out there, but I haven't seen them. But along the same lines, I think, I get frustrated with Dark Angels successors that refuse to be involved with the hunt for the Fallen in any way. I mean really, I don't even like the Dark Angels fluff, but what's the point of playing a successor Chapter and ignoring everything that defines what it is to be a successor of the Chapter you picked as your predecessor?

If I see another chapter that needs critiquing help and nobody else has given it, I will put aside my cynicism and help them, no matter how many cliches it seems to have. And I've hung around the Liber since '06 so it shouldn't be too hard for anyone else to do either.
  Sigismund Himself said:
If I see another chapter that needs critiquing help and nobody else has given it, I will put aside my cynicism and help them, no matter how many cliches it seems to have. And I've hung around the Liber since '06 so it shouldn't be too hard for anyone else to do either.


But I'm speechful, argumentative and opinionated, when it comes to cliches. B)


As for OP, I will quote myself from other thread:

  NightrawenII said:
*Waits in silence for the day, when someone made a Japanese-themed Chapter without obvious rip-offs like samurai, ashigaru, ninja's and katana's.*



..... after 50 years of patient waiting, NightrawenII died with his wish unfulfilled. :unsure:

  Sigismund Himself said:
If I see another chapter that needs critiquing help and nobody else has given it, I will put aside my cynicism and help them, no matter how many cliches it seems to have. And I've hung around the Liber since '06 so it shouldn't be too hard for anyone else to do either.


In my defence, out of the last ten days four have been spent without a major critique occuring because the preceeding six had them every day.. Surely I get a break?

I think you end up with trends that come and go over months and years. It has been a while since I've read about a Space Wolf successor, but there was a massive spate of them not too long ago. They don't really make me annoyed as it is understandable that a person coming in from the cold, heartless world of before-Liber would not know that their cool idea has been done countless times before and generally in a poor manner. Once they have embraced the warmth and loving of Liber, I begin to expect more carefully craftedout and weave together more tightly - but that only comes with time and practice.
  Battle-Brother Ludovic said:
  TheWarmaster said:
  Reveal hidden contents

I must have missed something :blink:




It's a major plot point in the second game's expansion. Look up Lexicanum if you aren't able to play it.


  NightrawenII said:

But I'm speechful, argumentative and opinionated, when it comes to cliches. B)


As for OP, I will quote myself from other thread:

  NightrawenII said:
*Waits in silence for the day, when someone made a Japanese-themed Chapter without obvious rip-offs like samurai, ashigaru, ninja's and katana's.*



..... after 50 years of patient waiting, NightrawenII died with his wish unfulfilled. ;)


I'm more a fan of the Chinese Three Kingdoms era, but i'd be willing to give this a shot if you really wanted someone to try and do it properly. And assuming you wouldn't post "I hate the very concept your chapter is based on and agree with everyone above" as advice again.


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