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If I See Another


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Yes, but it was around 5 years ago....but you don't know man, you weren't there!


It rears it's head every few years, but I wasn't in the 'Cong with the rest of you, I came in on the tail end of a new deployment (yes I'm stretching the metaphor a bit here). However, the insurgency continues (now getting topical) and rears it's ugly head every so often.


On the subject of annoying fads, I'd say 'Roman Marines', 'Spartan Marines' and really any chapter which looks like 'Rip-off/Copy-Paste real world culture - Marines'. Though the former two got really bad for a while. Especially when movies on those time periods are released. Troy and 300 being good examples.


I'm tired of people giving C&C trying to make someone else's vision into their vision.


When we're working within the shared universe as most of us nominally are, that's what we work with. You're well within your rights to dismiss the advice and state you're not trying to make it conform to the popular set of guidelines most of us try to set our work within, just don't expect everyone to cheer for you when you do so.

  Codex Grey said:
If I see another Chapter posted by a person who don't want critique on the Chapter... I'll ignore it.


Is that in the same vein as those vigorously defended ideas that are proven to be wrong or impossible, yet still defended?

@ Ferrata: Amen.


On the topic of the OP (and admittedly not the consistent presence I would like to be): concepts which prove out how little research the creator has done. If you're posting on the B&C, that means you have internet access. Which means, at a minimum, you have google access. Take 10 minutes and exercise some google-fu before you post a concept about your Grey Knight successors who use Tau weaponry and within a decade of creation have developed the ultimate weapon of Tyranid destruction...in M39. Seriously, detailed fluffing is hard, but the foundation work isn't. Not with as many resources out there as exist today.

  Plague Angel said:
I really don't see any problem with the 26th Founding. I mean, unless they say something like "specifically created to fight the Tyranids/Necron" or whatever. But in general, if there isn't some earlier event that you specifically want your Chapter involved with, why shouldn't the 26th be the default? Every DIY is someone's first, and for a lot of us it is our only. Generally speaking, unless you're bitten with the writing bug you only want to make the one background story for your new tabletop army anyways, especially new players. The 26th Founding is fine, even ideal, for such Chapters.


In response to the highlighted section, it pretty much is the default.

Overwhelmingly so, in fact.


It'd just be nice to see a bit more variety - the youth of the chapter very seldom actually makes it's way into the IA in any way, so why not make use of one of the other 25 foundings, for fun?


And then the ones that do actually play on the 'relative youth' aspect frequently act like plucky, heroic newcomers who disregard the entire codex because Brother Toby stubbed his toe on a rhino and thus only have three companies each made up exclusively of assault marines so Toby and his friends never stub their toes again.


Although that's a problem with bad writing rather than exclusively the 26th founding. Apologies for the digression - I seldom give voice to my irritation and might as well get it all over with now, out of the way. :D

  Plague Angel said:
Actually, that's another one: Codex divergence for the sake of Codex divergence. Not to be part of your theme, but just because you want to be different from everyone else you share Codex Space Marines with. It doesn't add anything, it doesn't add anything at all.


  Grey Hunter Ydalir said:
On the subject of annoying fads, I'd say 'Roman Marines', 'Spartan Marines' and really any chapter which looks like 'Rip-off/Copy-Paste real world culture - Marines'.

These irk me as well, mainly because I think they're different offshoots of the same problem - starting at the wrong place when creating a Chapter. The iconic Chapters, both from the official GW one and those done by fans, are ones that took an archetype and worked with it in an interesting way, with historical tropes and tabletop implications flowing from there. Trying to do it the other way just never works out as well.

You know, with all the mention of annoying conversions like Spartan and Roman matines, I've had a bit of an idea. I know there's both the Iron Gauntlet and the Painting Challenge going on right now so it might not be the best time, but why not have a competition about it? I personally believe everything has a chance to be translated into 40k, it's just a matter of writing. So I propose we have a contest. Anyone that wishes posts a theme that they think has been overdone, is corny, or is too blatantly a theme to be a chapter. Participants then take one of them and create a chapter, using that theme, and see if they can actually make something good from it. I don't have anything against theming - in DIY, why not take something you like and let it influence something else you like? But it's the writing that determines how well it actually turns out.
  Blacklight said:
You know, with all the mention of annoying conversions like Spartan and Roman matines, I've had a bit of an idea. I know there's both the Iron Gauntlet and the Painting Challenge going on right now so it might not be the best time, but why not have a competition about it? I personally believe everything has a chance to be translated into 40k, it's just a matter of writing. So I propose we have a contest. Anyone that wishes posts a theme that they think has been overdone, is corny, or is too blatantly a theme to be a chapter. Participants then take one of them and create a chapter, using that theme, and see if they can actually make something good from it. I don't have anything against theming - in DIY, why not take something you like and let it influence something else you like? But it's the writing that determines how well it actually turns out.

Now that is something I would love to do (honest). Genius boy, genius! :lol:




Edit: Though, technically, I shouldn't be calling you boy, since you are 5 years older than I am :)

  Ecritter said:
  Captain Juan Juarez said:
There isnt enough complaining going on here...


If I see another IA started, and not finished, by CJJ ... I think I'll have to eat a lizard.




It's only... Six?... so far!


Besides, I'm trying to rewrite the Reavers, but it's tough.. On that note, go look at V1.1 :P

  Battle-Brother Ludovic said:
  Blacklight said:
You know, with all the mention of annoying conversions like Spartan and Roman matines, I've had a bit of an idea. I know there's both the Iron Gauntlet and the Painting Challenge going on right now so it might not be the best time, but why not have a competition about it? I personally believe everything has a chance to be translated into 40k, it's just a matter of writing. So I propose we have a contest. Anyone that wishes posts a theme that they think has been overdone, is corny, or is too blatantly a theme to be a chapter. Participants then take one of them and create a chapter, using that theme, and see if they can actually make something good from it. I don't have anything against theming - in DIY, why not take something you like and let it influence something else you like? But it's the writing that determines how well it actually turns out.

Now that is something I would love to do (honest). Genius boy, genius! ;)




Edit: Though, technically, I shouldn't be calling you boy, since you are 5 years older than I am :)


Well we might have to organize something eventually :P

Just don't do it just yet, wait until after or at least in the closing period of the Iron Gauntlet. Having too much going on at once is a good way for people to overload themselves and not do either contest.


It's a good idea though, but it would need some further discussion to cement what you want to get out of it, what you put into it and what guidelines and rewards there need to be in order for it to work, but as you said, that comes later.

  Blacklight said:
Most definitely. Doing the Iron Gauntlet and the Painting Challenge on top of having a theming contest would be insane. Once the IG wraps up though I'll think about running something if there's enough interest in it.


Where's the sense of adventure!?

  Captain Juan Juarez said:
  Blacklight said:
Most definitely. Doing the Iron Gauntlet and the Painting Challenge on top of having a theming contest would be insane. Once the IG wraps up though I'll think about running something if there's enough interest in it.


Where's the sense of adventure!?


Oh I've got a sense of adventure, it's the sense of sanity that I'm worried about. Can't have everyone on the Liber falling to Chaos :)

  Blacklight said:
  Captain Juan Juarez said:
  Blacklight said:
Most definitely. Doing the Iron Gauntlet and the Painting Challenge on top of having a theming contest would be insane. Once the IG wraps up though I'll think about running something if there's enough interest in it.


Where's the sense of adventure!?


Oh I've got a sense of adventure, it's the sense of sanity that I'm worried about. Can't have everyone on the Liber falling to Chaos :)


I never pick Chaos, I always pick Orks.

The number of Blood angel chapters that recently appeared is rather annoying...funny how that happened just before the stormraven was released... more annoying is those that claim to have 're-appeared' and decry these BA newbs.

Personally, I find the thought of any non-Templar/imperial fist chapter in need of cleansing flamey purification.


What I truely truely truely am and always have been sick of is people swapping and changing and picking and choosing the special characters with no regard to their actual army's coulor scheme or fluff or whatever, '...dese blue but dese really led by Vulkan...' when I my d.i.y chapter of IF's , my chapter master was damn well Pedro, and any other characters that get put in have been drastically altered.

Rawr 'n' stuff.

Hell if I see any more "copy pasta from a History book" Marines I'm going to Have a Fit of Nerd Rage over the Internet, These include Ceaser Marines and Nippon Marines and the like. That and any IA that Mentions they Favour Assault because that's The Fluff for My Chapter So I use the Ba dex But I am a Codex Chapter and also have the Company lay out akin to swiss cheese as far as the Codex dictates Oh and also these New Chapter that have 159 Battle Barges Because of Close ties to the Ad Mech. But this is just a short list of stuff.
  Roesor said:
The number of Blood angel chapters that recently appeared is rather annoying...funny how that happened just before the stormraven was released...


On the first 5 pages of the Liber, there are 6 Blood Angels successors, including my own.


On the same first 5 pages, there are about 9 or 10 Raven Guard successors. 4 of those are specifically Raptors successors.


I also counted about 8 or 9 Dorn successors.


Are you only seeing what you want to see?


EDIT: This is somewhat skewed, I realize, as some of those threads are months old but are still active.


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