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How much left?


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Reading a topic elsewhere I started thinking... How much minis left to paint if I stopped buying boxes right now (wont happen, but meh)?

So I made a list :HQ:



35 termies

4 Ravenwing AS

2 assault squads

1 devastator squad

3 scratch rhinos/razorbacks/whirlwinds

a tactical squad or three

20+ company veterans in various gear configurations

8 dreads

2 scratch Land Raiders

a thunderfire cannon w/tech

4 techmarines

10 servitors

around 10 different HQ

all named DA characters


Am I the only one whose paint time/models income relation is awfully wrong? :S

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Seeing as how I have only just started my new marine chapter, once I finish my bikes I will have no more models to do, much the same with my Warmachine force.

I do have an excess of Tau and Nids though that was the result of a massive bargain find at a garage sale than any real crazy buying frenzy on my part.


When I was younger I used to buy lots of stuff, but now I have enough to play most games with I have no need to go out & buy stuff like crazy. Only when I need something new to paint

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Am I the only one whose paint time/models income relation is awfully wrong? :S
No, I had this realisation a few years ago and so I set forth on an odessy to get caught up again. I'm currently forecasting completion for this time next year.


Currently on the slate I have:


Battle Wagon Squadron - 2 weeks

Big Guns Battery - 1 week

Old Epic Warlord - 3 days

Forty 'Stealers - 3 weeks

'Fex Brood - 1 week

HordaGaunts - 1 week

Trygon - 1 week

Assorted Heavy Weapon Marines - 1 week

Treasonous Forces - 3 months

Warhound - 1 month

Oversight Rectification - 4 months

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I find myself in a similar situation. Here's what I got left to paint, and who knows when it will get done:


2 Assault Squads

2 Dev Squads

5 Rhinos / 3 Whirlinds/ 2 Razorbacks

1 Baal Predator

Full Command Squad

10 Man Sternguard Squad

4 Terminators

1 Black Reach Dreadnought

1 Venerable Dreadnought

5 Assault Terminators

60 Scouts

10 Scout Bikes

1 Land Speeder Storm

3 Land Speeders (2 Typhoons)

6 various HQ's

1 Stormraven (pre-ordered)

1 Librarian Drad (pre-ordered)



I do plan to add a few more things to this list, but I really must catch up.

The Librarium Painting Challenge is taking a small bite out of this list.


I'm doomed come April....

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I have FAR more minis than I will EVER paint in my lifetime. Of that, I am certain.


Of course, there is the "old painters' myth" that if you ever finish painting ALL of the minis that you have bought, you'll fall over dead on the spot! If that's true, I'll live FOREVER!!! :D

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I recently removed the paint from almost every Space Marine miniature and vehicle I have painted in the last five years.


I have about 100+ Marines (assorted TDA and PA), 6+ Dreadnoughts and a dozen other vehicles to convert, base and paint. Plus I'm doing THIS for almost every Marine.


I also made a Bitz order at the Warstore for a lot of money to spruce them all up a bit.



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I have:


4 Deathwing Assault Termies

4 Chaos Marines (Nearly done)

1 Elder Farseer

1 TechMarine

1 Liberian

21 'Gaunts


I don't think it's a bad thing to have a few projects to paint, it means if you want a change you can easily swap Miniatures for a while. But saying that, I think you might want to stop buying things for a while Wayward :)

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I've been lurking here for a long while and recently signed up and this thread gave me some amusement, because I've had a conversation very similar to Wayward's thoughts, but with my wife, who, God love her, still supports my habit for plasticrack even with the following list of things left:


Never been painted:

Master of the Forge + 4 Servitors

10 Dark Angels Veterans

13 Devastators

1 Dreadnought

1 Venerable Dreadnought

10 Assault Terminators

5 Terminators

10 Assault Marines

7 Ravenwing Bikers

1 Legion of the Damned Squad

1 Damned Legionnaire w/Heavy Flamer

5 Sternguard Veterans

5 Vanguard Veterans

5 Veterans from the Veteran Mk 2 box

1 Chaplain w/Jump-pack

2 Terminator Chaplains

2 Terminator Librarians

1 Ravenwing Battleforce

1 Landspeeder Typhoon

1 Landspeeder Tornado

1 Vindicator

1 Whirlwind

1 Predator

1 Landraider Crusader (with magnets to allow for Redeemer)

20 Old School metal Deathwing Terminators of varying type

10-15 Tactical Space Marines (plastics built from left overs from various boxes)


To make it worse, I am repainting the following:

1 Terminator Captain

5 Terminators

5 Old School metal Deathwing Terminators

8 metal Dark Angels veterans

5 Assault Marines

1 Landspeeder Tornado

1 Landraider

1 Landraider Crusader


Currently WIP:

Landspeeder Tornado


(Okay, I think I have carpal tunnel now from typing out that list and I hope I made Wayward feel better. :P )


Also, non-PA: about 1500 pts of Tyranids, so that a couple of friends that really like the game but aren't invested in painting or modeling can play if they want

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