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WIP: Lemartes & DC


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I have been extremely busy as of late, I am getting geared up to record an album so minimal painting time available, but I have managed to squeeze in enough to layer the wings to the next stage. Only edge highlight and glaze left! No pics, but here is a little vid showing half the squad on a rotating stand

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Those death guard are looking pretty good.  The momentum you've captured in the powerfist marine in particular is really nice!


In terms of recording the video, there were a couple of things that could be improved in my opinion:

The video seemed a little shaky in parts, do you have a tripod to stabilize the recording?

Is there a way to bring the focus in a little closer so we can see more detail on the models?

Do you know how to add a title card or music to the video?  Having the music eliminates the noise of the rotating display stand motor, any random noise in the background, etc. and just overall improves a video I think.

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  • 1 month later...

Small update, I have broken Lemmy out of my display cabinet to work a little more on him. I was a little discouraged with this guy as he had fallen apart and chipped in a few placed due to the weight of his metal jump pack. Never the less I soldiered on and went around the model fixing a few bloopers and starting to push the highlights on his jump pack wings. Kind of wish I had a finecast version of this jump pack now!


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Today I decided to stop stalling and work on these packs. Once the wings are done I will be on the home straight! I have pushed the highlights on the wings on 2 of the packs




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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the the 'Nut-Job Next Door', 'The Sage of Rage', Every bodies 'Favourite Lunatic', Blood Angels Chaplain Lemartes!

I cannot possibly push anything any more on him so I had to call it a day and get him varnished. In another age & time who knows I may give it another go and do a few things a little differently but I am pretty happy with him. Love his sculpt and how he came out. The squad will be on their way soon :ph34r.: 












And here he is next to his senior officer Astorath






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  • 1 year later...

IronKobra got his toys back! LONG TIME NO UPDATE! mostly because I have not been hobbying as hard as I would like with other stuff in the way... That boring story aside, I have been grinding on with my Death Company! These guys are now all stuck together and I am now in the clean up/final details stage after pain staking highlighting those bloody wings! I AM going to finish these! The photo isn't great but my cam died right as I was going to take a photo. FML


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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

So nearly done! The matt varnish is just curing on these and then a few fluffs of static grass and hey presto!


Just snapped a few quick pics on my phone of my fave guy in the squad before I get to doing something better



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just until I have a better set up and or lighting to take proper photos I threw up a couple of quick YouTube vids of the completed models on a turntable :smile.:

Part 1:


Part 2:

Edited by IronKobra
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  • 8 months later...

Howdy y'all - got myself a lightbox and my girlfriend got herself a camera (technically I got it for her) and now we have some better quality pictures of my Death Company! We have also done some hi res videos too which will be up when we get a chance! Enjoy!






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  • 2 years later...

too bad all your pics are so blurry except for 2. From what I can see from those 2 your chaplain without jump pack looks well painted as does the storm raven


Yeah Photobucket started demanding I pay so lots of old pics have gone this way. I have however posted them in a new thread here



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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 year later...

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