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Crazy Idea for DIY Successors

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Crazy idea, indeed.


Viking Blood Angels Successors.


Yes, I know, I know, "If you want Vikings in Space, go play Space Puppies!" But bear with me.


First off, the Puppies can't, according to fluff, have successors. Geneseed trouble and reluctance at the highest levels when it comes to making successors. The Blood Angels can.


Second, units. Really, the Death Company are berserkers. That alone is one iconic Viking image. Librarians are tasked with keeping record of the Chapter history, thus we have skalds. The Norse did practice blood sacrifice, blot, and combine that with healers and we have the Sanguinary Priest (with a slight rewrite). Chaplain are a little harder, but I'm sure I can think of something. Company Captains are Jarls (Earls). Tactical Squads, Devastator Squads and Assault Squads can just stay as they are. Same with most unis, really.


Third, it'd be worth it merely for the look of rage from people who instinctively connect SW and BA with cheese and WAAC-players, without even seeing the list or actually playing the opponent before they judge. :rolleyes:


So, we'll have a slightly strange successor Chapter, that isn't quite like the others of the family, but still shares most of the common traits, up to and including a battle-lust that sometimes gets the better of them. The slightly wierd cousin from the hicks, so to speak.


What do you think, ladies and gentlemen? Does this have enough merit for me to run with it, or have I finally lost the last shreds of sanity I once had?

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I think it sounds good. There may not be as many or as diverse successors to the Blood Angels than to the Ultrasmurf, but if the Ultramarines can have something as different as the Mortifactors, why should the sons of Sanguinius need to be so uniform?



But just don't paint them baby-blue. :HQ:

I think it sounds good. There may not be as many or as diverse successors to the Blood Angels than to the Ultrasmurf, but if the Ultramarines can have something as different as the Mortifactors, why should the sons of Sanguinius need to be so uniform?

Indeed. :HQ:


But just don't paint them baby-blue. ;)

Naw, I'll stick with something more suitable, like a shade of red with something for contrast. Any good ideas?

I acctually had a similar plan to this for a Blood Angels succesors of my own, not nessicarily all viking themed but with bits here and there(Death Company being berzerkers), my idea though was a bit more complex and took influences from many different eras and cultures.


Blood Angels don't need to be all "pretty boy" Marines or masters of art and artifice, and already have some of their own "barbaric" successors with the Blood Drinkers and Flesh Tearers no? I say go for it.

i likey ;) sounds nice, and you actually thought about it instead of going "i want space puppies with teh bluwd angels codex lulz!"

The idea came to me as I was reading Prospero Burns and I started to think about how the historical Vikings were portrayed. That then lead to "DC are berserkers, so what else fits?" The rest is history. :)


For Sanguinius og Allfaderen! ;)

Use catachan arms with swords, shave down over the shoulders a little and put marine shoulderpads on them. Dunno why, but viking marines would hate forearm-armour I think.

Wierd you should mention the Catachans. I switched from IG to BA, and made my successor chapter (Bloodfire Guard) out of LotD figs, but I gave alot of them Catachan arms, as Catachan is part of their back story and primary recruiting grounds.

Use catachan arms with swords, shave down over the shoulders a little and put marine shoulderpads on them. Dunno why, but viking marines would hate forearm-armour I think.
Wow they would have to hate it even more than Khârn. The champion of Khorne only has one bare forearm. :lol:


Unfortunately I have no idea for a typical viking paint scheme.


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