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DC and Boltguns


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Hi guys, this is probably a bit of a newbie question but i have just recently returned to the modeling world after about 10 years out. my question is this, is it legal to field a dc model with both a jump pack and a boltgun instead of the chainsword and bolt pistol combo. it does not say i can't in the codex but i just thought id check with you guys anywho.


Much appreciated.



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How useful is wound allocation on single-wound models? I get how it makes Nob Bikerz so good.


Very, if you have more than one model toting a good weapon - who do you want to lose? The Thunderhammer or Melta guy, or one or two Bolters before you have to choose between the others? Works particularly well in Dev squads with ablative wounds of Bolter Marines.

How useful is wound allocation on single-wound models? I get how it makes Nob Bikerz so good.


It's most significant when you must allocate more than one wound per model. Especially of varying strengths & AP.


Say 5 unique models must allocate 11 wounds (x), 3 of which with no armour save (X).


A x x

B x x

C x x

D x x



E is plainly dead. but A through D get to make 2 saves each. Requires 4 failed saves to eliminate the unit and these 4 fails must be on each of the models as opposed to say, A & B failing twice each.


If the models are identical, all 11 rolls are done at once as a batch. Already 3 models are dead from the no save attacks. Then, the remaining 8 rolls must be saved by 2 models, ie 2 failed saves of 8 batch rolled and they're dead too.


It means the difference, in the above case, of around 2 survivors versus probably none. If they're 80+ points worth of veterans, the 30 points spent on ensuring they're all different is well worth it.


It's why I'm fond of HI VV 5 mans having (although I don't field them myself)

Glaive (sgt)






They're more or less the same... but are uniquely and cheaply done so.




Oops... aye, boltguns on jp DC is OK.

In fact, they really aint bad. I sand-boxed 10 of them versus 20 JP assault squad models and the DC ate them 5 times out of 6 even though the RAS were more expensive.


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