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Work with what we've got!


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Ok so the storm raven is here, for BA players at least but possibly for all of us in the future!


As an aircraft enineer and all round plane nut I will definately git one in my army at some point, at least I would if it weren't so damn ugly!


All is not lost though I'm sure between us we can come up with a list of possible conversions and come up with a Stormraven Mk Not naff looking!


I saw one guy on here who left off the whole top turret assembly which was a hell of an improvement right off the bat! The turret weapons can be easily wing mounted, move the missiles to the topside of the wing ala Jaguar.


I would add winglets to the tailplanes ala C-17 and scratch build an extended tailboom, get the tail further back where it might actually be able to pitch the aircraft and won't be melted by the engines!


Possibly fit large fans placed in holes in the wings (like the small troop ships in avatar) to lose the wingtip thrusters, thinning the wings and them a bit more sleek.


Tempted to lose the front trusters altogether, in space all you need to maneuver are tiny holes for compressed gas or ducted air from the main engine.


Definately try and reduce the wing droop, try and get them closer to the horizontal.


The pilot looks far too cramped, it's a troopship not a fighter! Not sure what I'd do about it though!


The engines look beefy enough to be sure, I'd just model something that resembled vectored thrust probably.


Thats my to do list when I buy one next payday (Monday lol!).


Any more ideas?

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The way the wings go around the engines bugs the hell out of me.

I plan on building a Raven and converting it to 'not ugly'.


Removal of top turret and nose guns is a must, as is the removal of the current wings by taking away the engine and rebuilding a straight wing section.


Adding length to the tail is a brilliant idea, and I will place the engines similar to an A10.


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