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I'm starting a new blog to consolidate my progress with the almighty redemption. It comes in 2 forms:


1) The redemptionist crusade, a guard army

2) The Emprah's War Bastards, the marine chapter that draws recruits from the surviving conscripts from the crusade.


At the moment, I am in China, so the photos will mostly be of the Marine variety as the guard army currently resides in England.


The Marine army all have themed base, made from regular 40k bases and plasticard, bits and bobs and whatever i can find. Here is a dreadnaught base:



So far I have completed a squad of terminators and a cheap marine HQ (lord in terminator armour, 140 points)



I also have 2 dreadnaughts. The first is of the rifleman variety:






The second is a little controversial - I got carried away while converting and ended up with a dreadnaught with a living pilot! Oops.



I have also finished a squad of scouts, mostly close combat but there are 4 shotguns.



And my current WIP is a tactical squad with a Rhino APC.




10 man tac squad, flamer, powersword, missile launcher, Rhino (almost finished)

10 man tac squad, flamer, powersword, missile launcher, Rhino

10 assault marines, powerfist

10 assault marines, powerfist

Landraider redeemer

Gabriel Seth

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The Emperor’s warbastards were formed as a direct command of the high lords of Terra in an attempt to create a chapter of marines for almost exclusive use in faith based conflicts and suppression of social movements/heresies within the Imperium. While most marines follow the cult of their original legion, the war bastards were not informed of the gene-seed used to create them, and as such have no knowledge of their original history. They follow and worship the emperor as a divine being exclusively as dictated by the imperial cult.

They are a new chapter, having only been active in combat for 200 or so years. They are recruited entirely from the Necromundan 412th legion, or the redemptionist crusade – a guard regiment created largely to thin down numbers of violent religious fanatics prowling the hives of Necromunda by press-ganging them and then throwing them at the guns of heretics.

This rather limited method of recruitment and the extreme (even for marine standards) ritual and religious duties leave them little more than manic genocidal berserkers, easily on par with the famed flesh tearers for sheer brutality.


The combat doctrine of the warbastards is one of extreme and unlimited anti-secessionist warfare. As they are often fighting in urban areas they have a very skewed organization, relying heavily on assault troops, and their squads are almost exclusively armed with flamers. They use a limited supply of redeemer-class landraiders, rhinos and whirlwinds as their primary vehicles.


Perhaps the most notorious battle in the chapters history, and the one that signaled the utter failure of the project, was the massacre of Reproire IV. When the population of hive primus aligned themselves to a rogue cardinal and revoked their adherence to the cult of the imperium, the warbastards were sent in. in there eagerness to join the fight, they forgot to check the spelling of their target on the brief, and instead committed wholeheartedly to purging the neighboring Primea hive. The mistake was only discovered by a scribe some 10 years later, at which point the entire planet and the population of 2 moons of Reproire V had also turned renegade. Widely regarded as a bunch of imbecilic morons by the older marine chapters, the Warbastards were given a 100 year penitent crusade as penance for their errors.


The chapter is organized in the same 10 company structure as a codex chapter, however they are unique in that they have 2 full 10 man squads of terminators in each of their 4 companies, and have no ‘first company’ as such. The company commanders enjoy a large degree of autonomy because of this, and do not have to rely on other parts of the chapter quite so often.


The standard organization is:

Commander and command squad

2x terminator squad

3x tactical squad

4x assault squad

Bike squad



The warbastards have largely kept the belief system of the redemptionist crusade, and are as such violently opposed to any kind of mutation or psykers in any form, and even go so far as to attack librarians from other chapters. Needless to say they have no librarians, and an above-average number of chaplains.


As their gene-seed origin is unknown to the chapter, they fanatically adhere themselves to the imperial cult and as such their battle cries are often the standard ‘for the emperor’, however more often they are single syllable words that can easily be taught by the chaplains, as reading has never been the strongpoint of redemptionists. Often, therefore, they go to battle with simple cries of ‘die’ ‘kill’ or ‘burn’ – multisyllabic words often escaping their vocabulary in the heat of battle.


It is thus that the warbastards charge forth into the universe, on a mighty crusade of penance for a reading error that a 3rd grader would have noticed, flamer in one hand and chainsaw in the other.

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Do you want critique on the fluff, or are you just sharing? Like, the full Liber treatment?

Heh I'm gonna bite anyway ^_^...


The Emperor’s warbastards were formed as a direct command of the high lords of Terra in an attempt to create a chapter of marines for almost exclusive use in faith based conflicts and suppression of social movements/heresies within the Imperium.

:lol: Uhh why select the BA gene stock for this? we are a lil off kilter, and All Loyalist marines take part in averting heresies and as for social Movements that is why we have Arbities e.g Space cops that do this sort of thing.


While most marines follow the cult of their original legion, the war bastards were not informed of the gene-seed used to create them, and as such have no knowledge of their original history.

This just smacks of lazy writing


They follow and worship the emperor as a divine being exclusively as dictated by the imperial cult.

Uhh you know those guys I think they were called the Word Bearers they did this and look where they ended up In fact Marines are frowned upon looking at the Emperor as a God rather than a example of Humanity at its pinnacle.


They are a new chapter, having only been active in combat for 200 or so years. They are recruited entirely from the Necromundan 412th legion, or the redemptionist crusade – a guard regiment created largely to thin down numbers of violent religious fanatics prowling the hives of Necromunda by press-ganging them and then throwing them at the guns of heretics.


Marines do not recruit from IG worlds and uhh redemptionists are you know a Hive Gang on Necromunda and are the whole religious fanatics that Prowl the Hive of Necromunda also they do not need a IG Pressence on Munda because again they have Arbities.



This rather limited method of recruitment and the extreme (even for marine standards) ritual and religious duties leave them little more than manic genocidal berserkers, easily on par with the famed flesh tearers for sheer brutality.

Pffftttt there are comments I "could Make" But won't But sorry newbie but your Marines are not going to hold a candle too the established Blood shedders.


The combat doctrine of the warbastards is one of extreme and unlimited anti-secessionist warfare. As they are often fighting in urban areas they have a very skewed organization, relying heavily on assault troops, and their squads are almost exclusively armed with flamers. They use a limited supply of redeemer-class landraiders, rhinos and whirlwinds as their primary vehicles.

So far this is the best part BUT this is seen pretty much everytime somebody in LA wants to use BA codex for their Marines and almost a copy pasta job..


Perhaps the most notorious battle in the chapters history, and the one that signaled the utter failure of the project, was the massacre of Reproire IV. When the population of hive primus aligned themselves to a rogue cardinal and revoked their adherence to the cult of the imperium, the warbastards were sent in. in there eagerness to join the fight, they forgot to check the spelling of their target on the brief, and instead committed wholeheartedly to purging the neighboring Primea hive. The mistake was only discovered by a scribe some 10 years later, at which point the entire planet and the population of 2 moons of Reproire V had also turned renegade. Widely regarded as a bunch of imbecilic morons by the older marine chapters, the Warbastards were given a 100 year penitent crusade as penance for their errors.

Sense make not does So they Butchered some Hive with out any provocation and allowed People to go renegade and renegade how? Xeno, Chaos what or decided to not go to church on sunday? **so now your guys are Heritics and Possibly working for the Word Bearers the =I= has been informed Please ready your headspace for a Bolter round.** and from doing so all you got was a Penance Crusade for a Hundred years the Lads From the Badab wars got that and well they did something much worse your chapter would have been meeting the Purge hammer.


The chapter is organized in the same 10 company structure as a codex chapter, however they are unique in that they have 2 full 10 man squads of terminators in each of their 4 companies, and have no ‘first company’ as such. The company commanders enjoy a large degree of autonomy because of this, and do not have to rely on other parts of the chapter quite so often.


The standard organization is:

Commander and command squad

2x terminator squad

3x tactical squad

4x assault squad

Bike squad


4 companies or 10 companies? And 20 Termies Per 4 chapters No first Co?...Why. Oh and Codex chapter then alot of we changes how we do stuff = not a codex chapter oh and the snowflakeness makes no real sense as to why there are 20 termies per 4(or so) compaines.


The warbastards have largely kept the belief system of the redemptionist crusade, and are as such violently opposed to any kind of mutation or psykers in any form, and even go so far as to attack librarians from other chapters. Needless to say they have no librarians, and an above-average number of chaplains.

So they are the Male SOB's but more heretical than Female Marines. and If you attacked ANY chapter Psykers that chapter is going to open 47 cans of Emperor Brand whoop ass on your guys.


however more often they are single syllable words that can easily be taught by the chaplains, as reading has never been the strongpoint of redemptionists. Often, therefore, they go to battle with simple cries of ‘die’ ‘kill’ or ‘burn’ – multisyllabic words often escaping their vocabulary in the heat of battle.
So male SOB that are like the Word Bearers and the World Eaters....


It is thus that the warbastards charge forth into the universe, on a mighty crusade of penance for a reading error that a 3rd grader would have noticed, flamer in one hand and chainsaw in the other.
Okay so I was somewhat Nice about things Now Take your fluff to LA and Have them do their thing.


Oh And as for the First post those Tau Tanks look familiar.

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I chose the BA codex because you have good flame tanks, and I like assault marines. The fact that there is a special character witha chainsword is just a bonus really. I also wanted to stay well away from using salamanders to make an army that relies almost entirely on heat-based weaponry, as then everynoe would accuse me of bandwagoning.


The Redemptionist army started off as a necromunda gang maybe 15(?) years ago and has grown ever since. I am an expat now, and I move around a lot so I figured a plastic marine army would be easier to transport than 4-5,000 points ot metal guardsmen and tanks.


As for the fluff - honestly I don't take it too seriously, I just figured if i were to write a bit of a backstory It would be cool. I figured that people here would pick it apart if there were any glaring inconsistencies; I don't really have the time to read up on the whole backlibrary of the 40k universe but I have played it long enough to have a good idea.


As for the photos having no place here - yeah, well. Its a guard army. But they lift the most mental of the surviving conscripts from them and use them as marines, so I figure It would add to the back story.


The army list as it stands is at 1,000 points, and is:


Company commander with terminator armour

5 terminators, 5 chainfists, heavy flamer

quad autocannon dreadnaught

multimelta/heavy flamer dreadnaught

10 scouts, powerfist

10 marines, flamer, missile launcher, power weapon, rhino


Its not a strong list for sure, but its what I'm going with at the moment.

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1) I didn't select BA gene stock. I left it unknown, not for the purposes of lazy writing, but more for letting something be a mystery. Kinda like giving the DM a hook about your characters past in a game of D+D.


2) The Necromundan 412th are a guard legion that I have played for over a decade formed from hive gangers - in particular, redemptionists and cawdor. It was formed as a way of shunting dangerous people off the planet and into warzones where thier destructive tendencies were actually useful.


3) I know little about the word bearers, but from what you say, yes, it is creating a marine chapter that worships the emperor as a god - basically deliberately attempting to further militarise the faith of marines to make them even more crazy.


4) I live in China, not LA. I don't give a flying crap about whether people in the USA copy and paste fluff for their army.


5) Sorry, typo. 4 companies, 10 squads in each.


6) I thought the bit about Reproire IV was good - they killed the wrong hive cos they read the briefing incorrectly. When they were done purging and headed home, the apostate cardinal's regime spread, and they were punished for being so bloody stupid.


7) "Okay so I was somewhat Nice about things Now Take your fluff to LA and Have them do their thing"

Is that even a sentence? LA as in Los Angeles? What on earth does that have to do with anything? to whom does your pronoun refer, and what thing? Nothing is specified in this sentence. And, you have the nerve to accuse me of lazy writing when your summing up argument is utterly incoherent as both a stand alone sentence and a closing argument.


The pictured game was in Milton Keynes, in the UK. I am not familiar with the owner of the tau; it was a pick-up game.

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Ahh I was not sure if you wanted a Liber Astartes The forum like 2 down from here it is what I was Meaning By LA No worries aye Bud Just been hanging out in the Liber forum for a while and tend to rip into Fan Fluff But yeah its all good . and the Photo thing is only really because this is a Power Armour forum and it lacks it.
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Ahh I was not sure if you wanted a Liber Astartes The forum like 2 down from here it is what I was Meaning By LA No worries aye Bud Just been hanging out in the Liber forum for a while and tend to rip into Fan Fluff But yeah its all good . and the Photo thing is only really because this is a Power Armour forum and it lacks it.


Thats okay, i just like sharing the photos - I like to look at other people's as well of course.


I just had a look at the Liber Astarates forum - maybe I'll make a page, but I will take more care over that than just bashing out some fluff on the keyboard :P

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First, this is probably more appropriate to the Liber Astartes forum.


Second, leave the Imperial Guard out of it. The B+C is for Power Armor only, the BA section is for BA and successors. We don't want pictures of Imperial Guard units. The post with the battle between IG and Tau has been removed.

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As for the fluff - honestly I don't take it too seriously, I just figured if i were to write a bit of a backstory It would be cool.


That's what I figured when I saw the sentence "It is thus that the warbastards charge forth into the universe, on a mighty crusade of penance for a reading error that a 3rd grader would have noticed, flamer in one hand and chainsaw in the other."


So yeah, it looks like you're just trying to have fun, and I'm very pro-fun. But even the most tongue-in-cheek joke should be consistent, and it's out-and-out inconsistencies in the fluff that will stick out and keep your own fluff from being appreciated. For example:


The Emperor’s warbastards were formed as a direct command of the high lords of Terra in an attempt to create a chapter of marines for almost exclusive use in faith based conflicts and suppression of social movements/heresies within the Imperium.


This bumps up against three things, that all combine to make this sentence unbelievable:


1) The Adeptus Astartes is an autonomous part of the Imperium. They work for the High Lords, yes — and the High Lords are not part of the Imperial Cult, they are over it. So Marines aren't part of the Imperial Cult at all, as it would be seen as introducing a conflicting loyalty.


2) Since the Adeptus Astartes is its own organization with its own goals, the High Lords like the Codex Astartes. Chapters that diverge from it are no longer used to make more Chapters in the future. That's the reason the Ultramarines are the "best" — they follow the Codex to the letter and have no genetic impurities at all. Everyone else either doesn't follow the Codex that closely, has mutations, or both. So the High Lords prefer the Ultras, and use them as breeding-stock the most, and would rather let the other Chapters all die out. Yet here you have the High Lords purposefully creating a Chapter designed to break the Codex outright, and completely ignore it. That's just something they wouldn't do.


3) That's the Adepta Sororitas' job. The High Lords wouldn't create an Astartes Chapter to police a single hive when they have the Adeptus Arbites to do that. And it's the Sororitas' job for a very specific reason in the background: the Imperial Cult once made a power grab against the High Lords, and so they are forbidden from having a standing army of "men of arms." The Sororitas exist because they aren't men. But a Chapter working for the Cult would violate the edict that the High Lords made — an edict designed to protect the High Lords from the Cult.


So right away, accidentally and unwittingly, you've violated three things in the backstory that are integral parts of how the setting is put together and why everything works the way it does. So it doesn't matter if it's supposed to be serious or funny — 40k simply doesn't work that way. It makes it hard to appreciate the fluff, whatever your attitude is.

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Okay, Apologies for not taking my toy soldiers seriously enough. I shall stick to the previous version of the story which was:


They are redemptionist marines, they set fire to stuff and are easier to take through customs than a guard army.


As for being a place for BA and BA successors only - there is no need for pedantry. I am using the BA codex, that is enough.


Anyway, speaking of customs - their first flight is today, the war bastards are going from China to England and maybe will have their inaugaral battle. I take it I can post pics of that?

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My wife loves that lunch box, and made me tell you so.


Dont worry about teh critique, it is just to help make stronger fluff, though the writing is still fairly mild for the LA crew - im waiting till my IA is a bit more polished first before posting.


Also, no pics of non power armour figures (though i dont know about sisters of battle) - which includes no sexy female eldar pics.Unfortunatly.


Nice job BTW.

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My wife loves that lunch box, and made me tell you so.


Dont worry about teh critique, it is just to help make stronger fluff, though the writing is still fairly mild for the LA crew - im waiting till my IA is a bit more polished first before posting.


Also, no pics of non power armour figures (though i dont know about sisters of battle) - which includes no sexy female eldar pics.Unfortunatly.


Nice job BTW.

Sisters of Battle pics are fine, either in the Inquisition section of the board or the painting section.

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The warbastards have largely kept the belief system of the redemptionist crusade, and are as such violently opposed to any kind of mutation or psykers in any form, and even go so far as to attack librarians from other chapters. Needless to say they have no librarians, and an above-average number of chaplains.

just adding a few things if you DO care about your fluff beeing consistant ^_^


tbh, this part, along with the fact that theyre the emprah's fanboiz seems to me that they would be more appropiate to the imperial fists geneseed. or more specificly, the black templars ;)


theyre zealous, hate psychers, and venerate the god emperor. the "stupid" comes across as a bit odd though... theyre punished by beeing told to do something they would do otherwise anyway (as far as i can tell from your backstory ;) )


and if you dont:

its all good tbh :) its a hobby after all. do as you please.


space wolves can also do the "beserker" thing with their blood claws. get more attacks on the charge, just are hit more easily in combat...


so long as you enjoy yourself whilst following the hobby who cares though, right? :tu:

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Okay, Apologies for not taking my toy soldiers seriously enough. I shall stick to the previous version of the story which was:


Why even bother to post fluff on a forum where a majority of the posters love the fluffy part of wh40k, if you don't really care about the fluff? And then get surprised when noone wants to look at your IG in a forum dedicated to marines?

It's like posting pics of your kawasaki and telling everyone 'this is the original chopper' in a harley davidson forum...


As for your armylist, do you plan on using drop pods for those dreads?

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Yes, eventually I will get one troop and 2 dreadnaught drop pods, and a variety of dreadnoughts to put in them.


As for motorbikes, I actually drive a Yamasaki. It's better than a yamaha and a Kawasaki put together, and a hell of a lot cheaper than either, lol.


As for photos and fluff, I guess the forums I usually post on are a lot more relaxed about things like that. I'll keep my mouth shut about people's attitude and you keep your mouth shut about mine, and we'll get on fine.

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As for photos and fluff, I guess the forums I usually post on are a lot more relaxed about things like that. I'll keep my mouth shut about people's attitude and you keep your mouth shut about mine, and we'll get on fine.

You just keep poking the bear. People care around here about fluff and marines. And a forum is not a place to tell people to keep their mouths shut.


Aside from that your models look pretty good. Just time to work on the fluff.

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As for photos and fluff, I guess the forums I usually post on are a lot more relaxed about things like that. I'll keep my mouth shut about people's attitude and you keep your mouth shut about mine, and we'll get on fine.

You just keep poking the bear. People care around here about fluff and marines. And a forum is not a place to tell people to keep their mouths shut.


Aside from that your models look pretty good. Just time to work on the fluff.


Regardless of common usage, can you really say you care and mean it when you use such a dismissive term as "fluff" to describe the background story?

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Just for the record, no one said "you aren't taking this seriously enough." People said "Hey, there's an inconsistency here." Rather than just refining it, you got defensive, quit, and said that we were the ones with bad attitudes as though you'd been attacked.


The current state of the thread is not one person's fault. How you wrote something is not always how it is read.

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The current state of the thread is not one person's fault. How you wrote something is not always how it is read.


Oh so very true.



Also, "fluff" isn't intended as a dismissive term. Or if it originally was, it's not any more. It's just become commonly accepted phraseology to describe the two parallel aspects of any game:


Fluff is the story.

Crunch is the rules.


This applies to everything I've seen, be it 40k, WHFB, Warmahordes, Dungeons and Dragons, or so on.

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