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I have finally got around to taking some photos. Unfortunately since the last update the army has become almost colossal, and I now have a lot of painting to be cracking down to.


1) My Terminator Reclusiarch. Before he was a marine, he was a pirate... only really because I was listening to Alestorm while I was painting him. Yes, we all need more wenches and mead.


2) His Squad. I have changed the power weapons for Eviscerators. On the charge, out of their Redeemer they get 15 re-rollable eviscerator attacks. A very reliable way to kill skimmers, not matter how fast they are moving.


3) My first tactical squad.


4) The Landraider redeemer.

Next up: An assault squad, and Astrorath with jump-pack honourguard.















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I have a weekend in shanghai scheduled for the 9th and 10th of April, and the distractions of work and life happily part to give me all of the Saturday to hang out in the shanghai gaming store and try to play as many games as possible.


The list is thils:

Terminator reclusiarch

5 terminators with chainfists, 1 heavy flamer

Land raider redeemer with multimelta

Tactical squad, flamer, missile launcher, power weapon, rhino

Tactical squad, flamer, missile launcher, power weapon, rhino

10 man Assault squad, power fist

10 man scout squad, 4 shotguns, 5 BP/CCW, powerfist

1,500 points


It's a basic list, but it should be pretty sound IMO. Usually there are mostly marine played in China, so the redeemer is gonna get some dinner. Om nom nom.


To paint before the day:


Full tactical squad

Full assault squad


Eep. That is a lot of work to do. Here's hoping.

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  • 2 months later...

5 death company with power weapons

Basic reclusiarch


These guys just got bumped to the top of the painting list, after deciding to proxy a redeemer-transported squad, they slew 12 of 15 blood claws and a wolf guard leader in a single round of combat. The other 3 were killed pre-combat by the redeemer's flame storm cannon.


quick question, not worthy of an extra thread. Can a death company re-embark in a transport, or must they always go towards the enemy because of rage? What if they can't see any enemy units?

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uick question, not worthy of an extra thread. Can a death company re-embark in a transport, or must they always go towards the enemy because of rage? What if they can't see any enemy units?


They must move towards the closest visible enemy. If that move ends with them within 2 inches of a transport entrance, they can embark. If they can't see any enemies, they can go wherever you like.

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How did you make the eviscerators? I'd like to... borrow... that idea.


Just something that popped to mind: if you move a transport in front of a DC squad before the DC do their move and by doing so cut their LOS to enemies, can you now control their movement? Or do you still have to move towards the closest enemy squad because they had line of sight at the begining of the movement phase?

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The eviscerators are the 'post apocalyptic rippers' from the maxmini.eu site. I think they are in the kromlech section... They are cheap, and good, and you get power armour size ones as well as (disgustingly awesome) power-claymores.


To reimbark them I shall:

1) do thier compulsory move

2) move a land raider next to them

3) embark the squad.


Is that kosher? Or do I have to move the land raider first?

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How did you make the eviscerators? I'd like to... borrow... that idea.


Just something that popped to mind: if you move a transport in front of a DC squad before the DC do their move and by doing so cut their LOS to enemies, can you now control their movement? Or do you still have to move towards the closest enemy squad because they had line of sight at the begining of the movement phase?


Maximus, theres nothing to suggest that. So, when its their turn to move, they move to what they have line of sight to.


Also, what d503 is suggesting is legal too !

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  • 1 month later...

Here are the fruits of my labours for the last 3 months or so. I paint at a reasonable speed, but I don't update blogs very quickly, sorry!

























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