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Making a Crozius

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Depends on your selection of bits, what kits you have, that sort of stuff.

A good one I have seen is the top thing for the banner in the Command Squad which is glued on.

Also, pretty much anything which look like an Eagle (Imperial Guard Aquilas) will do the trick.

Hope this helps

For the base, you will need either a thunder hammer, power axe, the DA power mace, or an axe based Glaive Encarmine. Remove the weapon head, and replace it with your choice of icon. The command squad has at least three icons which are suitable, there are a couple on the DA sprues, one on the Sanguinary Guard sprues, and probably a few more scattered around that I can't recall.
The command squad has at least three icons which are suitable



This. All 3 of the icons used by GW metal chaplains are on the command squad sprue.


The power axe from the assault marine box would suffice as a base for it if you were to cut off the axe blade (Just the blade), and attach the icon at the top.


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