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Due to losing a "work in progress" figure case containing some half finished models, I needed some motivation to replace them. So I finally decided to stop lurking on here and actually sign myself up to the LPC.


Of the two Sanguinary priests I needed to replace, one uses parts from the command sprue and death company box while the other is the standard metal marine apothecary.


Now I dislike the old metal model, but I'm out of apothecary arms for now, so he'll do until I can build a replacement.




This one I prefer much more, and he matches the other Sanguinary Priest I have built.





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Very nice, the second one has a very heroic feel to him. And though the first is rather old, he has a look to him that suggests he's just stood up from extracting the Gene-Seed from a fallen battle brother. Or whatever you Blood Angels do.


Just noticed that the Black figure Isn't just a Astoroth model... It looks awesome!!!

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I've been a bit slack in posting the WIP shots, the mini's are completed but I'll put up the progress shots first




The red was done first using an airbrush coat of Mechrite red over a black undercoat, followed by another airbrush of 1:1 Mechrite and Blood red, Recesses were done with a watered down scorched/chaos black mix, then an edge highlight first of pure blood red then of blazing orange. Finally a wash of thinned baal red to bring everything together




I painted the drop pod in two halves, just for ease of handling.



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Vow complete.


The first of the two Sanguinary Priests.




The second priest, I still don't like the model, but it will do for now.




So that completes the set, and heres a picture of all three.




And finally, the completed Drop Pod. Apologies for the yellow light in the photo, it's making a mess of the red.



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It's amazing how big a difference 23 minutes can be...


I'm digging that oldschool metal apothecary. I'm sorry you don't like it though. The aquilla on his sword needs highlights. The one in the center has them, and the other's swords didn't seem to get as much attention.

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The power weapons are done using the 'eavy metal masterclass method for Space Wolves. That is, after a base of regal blue, hawk turquoise lines were added, followed by a glaze of hawk turquoise over the whole weapon. Succesive higlights are added using bleached bone and after each higlight, a glaze of the same mixture is applied to the whole model. Anyway this is the army as it stands





The HQ choice is the Sanguinor, from the white dwarf pictures he looked very 2 dimensional, but once built he is actually very dynamic in appearance




Death Company in a drop pod, I've enjoyed using this unit as a distraction while everyone else gets closer, drop 10 frothing loons into the heart of the enemy and let them do whatever they like.




Backbone of the force is the two assault squads






And finally, because the models are just so damned nice, the army is rounded out by a squad of Sanguinary Guard





It's now time for me to go back over all the little details I've managed to miss, add transfers and just some small tidying up to do, and then on to the next project.

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