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AssC Razorbacks WIP


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Well as soon as I had the new BA codex in my hands I knew I had to get some RB with AssC.

Not because it is the best or point-wise smartest choise but because it just would look the meanest and toughest!


So here we go. I used the new plastic sinc AssC from the Baal Pred sprue. Cut it here and there

and used the back part of the sinc heavy bolters from the RB sprue.


What do you guys think ? Size wise ok ? Ammo belts are from the heavy bolters too but I think they do alright...


To add some chapter specifics I added some of the Forgeworld bits on the side and on the top. But I dont know if I should

add any more bits from the DC and/or Sang Guard sprues. Maybe that would be overdoing it?




C + C much appreciated :cuss





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Those look really good and it's an interesting conversion. Personally, I think they're too big for a Razorback. I could definitely see using those on a Land Raider Redeemer instead of the ones that come with it as yours are much nicer and meaner looking.


Here's a pic of mine:




And there's a tutorial on my blog here: http://dedard.blogspot.com/2010/04/blood-a...ons-part-3.html


A love conversions like this and they look great. Keep it up brother.

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I think they look very good, at first glance I wondered where the conversion was until I read the text. I don't think they look too big but it all boils down to personal taste. As for added bling from the DC/SG bitz I'm not sure, depends on what bitz really. Good work :D
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@ Iron Kobra thanks

@ The Harrower I can see what you mean by a little big ... but then we are playing 40k :)

Yours looks awesome too. Btw If you would switch the turret hole so that it is turned

like with my two RBs you could gain about 1 inch 1 1/2 inch ;)

@ Ebsolom Thank you. As far as the bitz go Ill wait until there is some more color on it... maybe some wings or



@ SamaNagol / Gv0zD I got the two sinc AssC from a bitz supplier on Ebay. My Baals got AssC too...of course :blink:

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Yup...that is the way to do it, that is how I made assault cannons for my RB's. I bought the Baal Asscan bits off of ebay for like $4.00. What are your plans to tone down the red a bit, seems a bit bright at the moment.




Hm looks a little brighter in the picture than it really is.. but it will get some shading and blacklining. Ill try to take another picture tomorrow. Might show the red


a little better.

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@ The Harrower I can see what you mean by a little big ... but then we are playing 40k ;)

Yours looks awesome too. Btw If you would switch the turret hole so that it is turned

like with my two RBs you could gain about 1 inch 1 1/2 inch ;)


Sure, but I can't help thinking you are trying to compensate for something... :lol: Kidding aside, they do look great. As to the turret ring, I'll give up an inch for better aesthetics. If I get to a point where I need that inch, I'd just power slide the Razorback sideways. Works the same and I look better doing it. . :)

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  • 3 months later...

Long time coming ... buuuut here are some updates and a WIP ( 90 % ) of the squad.






and with the guys:



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Looking good bro, reminds me that I need to get my RB conversions done, need to order some bits.


EDIT: actually I have the asscans from my SR, do you think they would work or will they be too big?

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@1drop Well they will be even bigger than the ones I used. Mine are from the Baal Pred kit + the heavy bolter ammunition chains.

You should try to put them in the turret case of the Razorback and see how it looks. Maybe post a pic of it ?

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Yeah I'll check it out. I'm still undecided about my RB loadout though, I think I want to go 1 with AC and 2 with las/plas.
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