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A red highlight question


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I am sitting hear with me Dreadnought.


It has been primed black and then painted with Mechrite Red.

On the red i then washed it with Devlan Mud and after that had tried i worked a very very watered down mechrite red "wash" almost

over the areas where it was to dark.


I am now at the highlighting stage, i have not done this before at all, so this is my learning model so to speak.


But i did a close to 50/50 mix Blood red and Mechrite red and highlighted the red areas.

Would this be enough of a highlight? it is showing a small bit of orange almost, but it is not really standing out, its subtle yet showing.


But would you advice on highlighting with maybe pure blood red or some mix of blood red and blazing orange to make them really pop out?


I will try to provide a picture but i think i only got my phone at home. will come back for that

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For my red I basecoat with 50/50 Mechrite Red/Red Gore, 1st highlight is 50/50 Mechrite Red/Blood Red, then 50/50 Blood Red/Blazing Orange and then a thin extreme highlight with pure Vomit Brown. It's a little more 'defined' then stopping at the 50/50 Mechrite Red/Blood Red highlight, but that of course all depends on personal taste.

This is how the red looks with all the previous highlights applied:



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