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Idea for a chapter: Storm Crows


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In order to help me stay focused on my new Space Marine army I decided to create my own chapter. Below you will find some my basic ideas. I was wondering if their is anything wrong or impossible with what I have written down so far. I'm not sure if the name is already taken but I thought it sounded rather pleasing.


The thing I can not really decide at the moment is which Primarch my geneseed comes from. I wanted to go with Corax, but my chapter seems very similar to the Raven Guard in looks and combat doctrine. The Chapter is till lacking a defining trait, but I'm sure I can think of something soon. I realise the idea below isn't very fleshed out yet but if you could give me some pointers or comments it would greatly appreciated.


Chapter name: Storm Crows

Geneseed: Corax or Khan

Founding: 19th

Homeworld: Coronis

Region: Segmentum Obscurus


Purpose: patrol region of the Segmentum Obscurus, taking back planets / systems overrun by heretics when the Navy and Imperial Guard are overmatched.



> Chapter recovering from losses it suffered when it was lured into a trap by the Alpha Legion

> First and Third Company and part of the Storm Crows’ fleet decimated by the Alpha Legion, Alpha Legion had no real losses

> Chapter repainted armor from White to Black to mourn the dead and as a reminder of their failing

> Armor colors: Black armor, occasional lightning patern painted on armor, grey crow painted on left shoulderpad, blue right shoulderpad


Combat doctrine:


> Confuse enemy by disrupting communications and supply lines before engaging

> Heavy use of scouts

> Reliance on fast attack, little or no footsloggers

> Mechanized combat

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I'm sure that I've seen that name before somewhere




:lol: If only i could remember where.


But in all seriousness there is nothing stopping you from using it. I imagine I was not the first to use it an I knew I would not be the last. It's not like calling dibs accomplishes anything but receiving mockery on this most awesome of sites.


Only thing i can think of is to say it looks good all except the colour scheme. Black has been used by every man and his dog. And it's not always the universal colour for mourning. In ancient Egypt for instance white was the colour of death and black was the colour of life.

Erm... whoops need to do better research I guess.


Maybe I can cross out the word Storm and think of a different one. I decided to paint them black because I have been toying around with color schemes for a while now and the best looking one I have been able to produce has been a black marine. When I thought of the chapter changing their colors I had the story of Apollo punishing crows by turning them all from white to black in the back of my head.

Use whatever name you like, no one actually has ownership of a particular name.. If "Storm Crows" fits, use it, as I think SoddinNutter was just pointing out a coincidence.


Although, you may not want to use it - I wouldn't - because it takes that little speck of uniqueness away from the Chapter :)

Hi again,


I decided to keep the name for the time being, maybe permanently. I also wrote some more information about the chapter which I will present below. Comments, advice and harsh punnishment for fluff errors are apreciated.




The Storm Crows where created in order to patrol a region of the Segmentum Obscurus, and their primary purpose is taking back planets / systems that are overrun by heretics when the Navy and Imperial Guard are overmatched. They are also expected to safeguard their homeworld and its system which lie in the center of the region they patrol.


The chapter has suffered its biggest defeat to date in an ambush by the Alpha Legion. The Storm Crows received an urgent distress call from one of the star systems on the fringes of their patrolling area. First and Third company were sent to handle the threat. Shortly after the fleet arrived in the system the Storm Crows made planetfall on its primary planet. It was then that the Alpha Legion sprung its trap and a battle ensued where 1st Company suffered horrific losses and 3rd company was lost. The Alpha Legion suffered minor losses and managed to capture a Strike Cruiser in a boarding action.




After being defeated by the Alpha Legion the chapter reorganized. Previously the chapter relied on mass drop tactics where the enemy would be quickly overwhelmed by the combined forces of the marines. After the incident the chapter decided that marines would be deployed in lesser numbers and only after reconnaissance and lightning raids by the scouts.


Each company has its own scouts instead of having a dedicated 10th Scout Company. The chapter fleet is often split up in order to patrol a larger region of space. Since scouts play an integral role in the combat tactics of the chapter it is necessary to have a permanent scout unit attached to each Company.

Geneseed: Corax or Khan


I'd lean toward Khan over Corax. Corax has some serious long-term stability problems.


Purpose: patrol region of the Segmentum Obscurus, taking back planets / systems overrun by heretics when the Navy and Imperial Guard are overmatched.


Same as most chapters, then.


> Chapter repainted armor from White to Black to mourn the dead and as a reminder of their failing


What's their scheme look like, anyway?


Also, white is always cooler than black. At least in color schemes.


> Armor colors: Black armor, occasional lightning patern painted on armor, grey crow painted on left shoulderpad, blue right shoulderpad


Black armor with lightning is basically the Night Lords.


This sounds like a pain to paint.


* * *


Is there anything unique about the chapter's character? How have they dealt with losing to the Alpha Legion? If they've taken it seriously, why? If they haven't, why? What are they like outside of their tactics? Do they have unique philosophies, practices, or viewpoints? Are they dog people or cat people? That sort of thing.


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