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Angel of Death - Decent of Blood Angels

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Hi everone


With my Wolf Wing army near finish (some detail), it is now time for me to set sight onto my next project.


I am starting BA for a few reason


1: There a grudge/foe of my Iron Warriors, alway ruin there plans to turn a planet over to Chaos.

2: New Death Company & Sanguinary Guards are cool kits

3: Just, for us who have been into the hobby for a while (14 & a half year for me) there are some models or a way a army painted that has alway stood out to us, Blood Angels being one of those armies for me...... rememeber when Ultramarines Bolter use to be Red!!!!


So with this in mind, my BA force will be a bit like 2nd ed BA with the Black Trim shoulder pads for basic trooper. This help break up the ALL red that GW currently been useing, well since 3rd ed on there Blood Angel army. Just help break up the red & add some contrast (sp) to the army.


So when working on a new army, I alway try to get my two troops & HQ out of the way. This help in the long run, as I alway work from a army list, help save money & energy. Also help get a army on the table as soon as possible


So here some photos






WHAT!!!! IP finial paint yellow, a bright colour!!! is it the end of the world??? For those who do not know I am not all that keen when it come to painting bright colours. I really do not like it, it why my local GW manger joke about getting people to commission me to paint Imperial Fist.

I preffer nice dark colour that look more relistic, not new shiny toy solider use to be around


I'm happy with how the yellow turn out, mange to make it a bit darker, but not Mud Wash was use eather (WHAT!!!). I also got it done so the yellow paint style can be painted pretty fast which help me out even more.


The Blue on the base will be getting water effect. I orignaly had it as Green a bit like my Dark Eldar (for those who have seen my Dark Eldar log over on warseer or other fourm), but it did not look right & make the models look very...... not the relsitic look, but more catoony, which I do not want, another reason why I try to avoid useing bright colours as said darker make them more relistic.


WIP Death Company




I am going to use Robes to mark out my Death Company, again to bring some contrat & break up the Black Armour. Also give that sort of vampire vibe if that make sence since I can cover there face with the hoods. Also just with the whole Angels.

That & it was a old idea I had with one of my friends back in 2006 when I was thinking of doing a Legion of the Damned theme force, they point out about having the Dark Angels Robe models to make out my Sarg/squad leader in the units, they said it fitted in more. Other than that as said it was a few year back, just rememeber the idea being talk about.


Still got to green stuff things like the loin cloth & waiting on a few bits from a few friends who have Dark Angels armies.


Finial my other Assault Marine squad which will be painted this Wed




So plan is


Wed - Paint the new Assault marine unit, going to try get them undercaoted tomorrow

Sat moring - Pick up my brand new Storm Raven & BA Dreadnought I have on advance order when they first came up for order.

Sunday - Try finish my Death Company unit, if I can pull off the conversion I really want to get painting them as soon as possible


Also before I forget, the brand new White Dwarf brillaint for me. Lot of cool armies & also the article with Duncan & Nick from the hobby team on the Blood Angels battle force has given me a lot of idea for my own BA army.





First week of this project has almost past & with that, here some WIP photos of the Blood Angels.


First up is the Death Company. I got six out of the seven need for the army list built & started painting them last night while that my gaming club




Close up of one of the Death Company






I'm hope the loin cloth turn out alright as I'm not to skilled when it come to green stuffing/sculpting in general other than to fill in gaps & to add depth to the base.


For the robes I painted them doing Dheneb Stone, Badab Black wash, dry brush with Bleach Bone & then Skull white. Still got a long way off before the models are finish as can be seen.


If anyone got any tip to get a sort of red-ish/purple skin tone, would be cool. Just with the Death Company being over take by the Red Thrist?? Want to show this effecting them & also be a good spot colour on any Death Company with bare heads.

Overall I like the robe look on the Death Company.


I just varnish my first unit today, still got some detail to finish off but hope it show the overall image of the army/models when they complete






This is my second unit of Assault Marines that I painted while in my local GW




As seen still got a fair bit to do on all three units. Also tomorrow will see my Storm Raven & Dreadnought arrive, so will be aim on building these on Sunday, also try spend some time getting a Dreadnought converted up.



These are sweet, excellent paiting, loving your red and the black trim looks great. Still trying to work out how I feel about your death company, again amazing painting but not sure about the cloaks. Interesting take on them though.


You rock.

Jamie, were are the Sanguinary Guard?


My god.. I think I have them in the brain :P


Already have a army a year ago when the codex was release. Current being re-painted. Might be adding them onto here.


Only a few hour until the Storm Raven & Dreadnought(s) will be arrive



;) Now I'm going to have to buy a Black Templars upgrade kit with the Death company kit...


Very nice though, very nice indeed :lol:


Dark Angels veteran robes for the Death Company & same for the hooded helmets. Only Black Templars bits have been use on the Assault Marine squads for diffrent type of helmets.


Just got back home, storm raven & dreadnought here. But no energy to build them right now & being unwell not helping.





First up it been pretty chaotic here. Lot on the go & hobby wise I have the 40k double tournament next weekend with my friend/team mate. So BA update will be a little hit & miss over the next week & a bit, until the 40k doubles have been.


But for now here what I been working when I had time to get my own stuff done.


Assault Marines 2nd squad




I'm hope to get 30 mins tomorroww moring before I start doing some commission work I current got on the go. Try to get this Assault Marine unit finish.


Death Company







Still got bit of detail to finish up or tide up area of the armour. But pretty much near done


Furioso Dreadnought, useing the BA Dreadnought & Venrable Dreadnought. Just I like the Venrable kit because the pose you can get, also not to keen on the standard Dreadnought front from the BA kit. I think all future Dreadnought conversion are pretty much Venrable mix with normal dreadnought as seen in my Space Wolves force




Death Company Dreadnought, just standard kit as I like the Death company bits from it. Still working on the battle damgne as this is a monster of war, he ment to go through anything that the oppent can throw that him & still not care other than to slaughter all those that stand in his way






Wanting to add text, oath of moments, etc....


Finial the Storm Raven




I'm thinking of making this one a Death Company version, have it full of bullet holes, battle damnge to tie in with the Death Company unit. But this will not be painted until after the 40k doubles.


That it from now. I'm hope to build the last memeber of the Death Company later this week so I have somthing to paint while that my local GW, so paint him while I am also make a test model for a future project but that'll be shown in the next update. Then as said with the 40k double tournament, I am hope to get a small mail order place along with pick up a few Forge World item since I do not have to worry about waiting a few days, can just get the stuff there & then. The stuff I'll be getting will be to convert up my High Priest for the army.



Certainly a lot better than decent, how did you do those cool green eyes?


Edit: oops,it's "descent" not "decent" typo confused me


Yep it Descent, useing the BA specil rule as part of my heading.


As for the eyes, it Blue. Just green with the yellow make it painful on the eyes, Blue make it a lot better. I just use Regal Blue, Ultramarine Blue & then Ice Blue, then add a white dot to the conrer of the eyes to show the glass effect.


Green on the Blood icons or power weapon is Dark Angels Green, Snot Green & then scorpian green, followed by a Green Wash just to tint the Black if it for power weapons or the Dreadnought claws.


Going to try work on the Assault marines in a few mins time.



:D Now I'm going to have to buy a Black Templars upgrade kit with the Death company kit...


Very nice though, very nice indeed :)


Dark Angels veteran robes for the Death Company & same for the hooded helmets. Only Black Templars bits have been use on the Assault Marine squads for diffrent type of helmets.


Yes, but I doubt that I could use Green stuff with that sort of skill... What, you get how many tabards for £20?!?!... Actually, I think I'll try my hand at green-stuffing.


I really like the Dreads, Green Claws make a nice change. Do you get those Las-cannons in the Flying Toaster Storm Raven kit, or is it a conversion? :)

:D Now I'm going to have to buy a Black Templars upgrade kit with the Death company kit...


Very nice though, very nice indeed :)


Dark Angels veteran robes for the Death Company & same for the hooded helmets. Only Black Templars bits have been use on the Assault Marine squads for diffrent type of helmets.


Yes, but I doubt that I could use Green stuff with that sort of skill... What, you get how many tabards for £20?!?!... Actually, I think I'll try my hand at green-stuffing.


I really like the Dreads, Green Claws make a nice change. Do you get those Las-cannons in the Flying Toaster Storm Raven kit, or is it a conversion? :)


As said I can not sculpt that all ether. With the tabard I just use the plastic bit from the Blister pack, made sure water was in it, make sure the Green stuff went flat & cut to shape of the Marine. Then try to get it to go on. But beyound that I can not sculpt thing like the folds, etc.... I would have went with the once from the Ork Nobz range as they look cool but no bitz web site have any.


Lascannons come with the Stor Raven Kit, it pretty much has all the weapon chose with the kit.


Nothing new on the Blood Angels front, as said (I think?) very busy with commission, 40k double tournament this weekend in Warhammer World & trying to get Ultramarines Captain Sicarius painted for my local GW painting comp which is also on Sat, drop the model off in the store tomorrow.

Might post a topic on my painted Captain Sicarius if I get the time & once the model is finish.


But hopeful from next week I should be back on track with the Blood Angels getting my Melta Arm Marines in the assault squads above as well as the other Death Company Marine built. Like wise as said in Nottingham for the 40k double so going to pick up a few FW Item I need to convert my High Priest & other bits for my other armies.

Also aim to get the Storm Raven undercaoted & start working on that next week as well.



Never thought i'd see you working on BA B)


The dreads are my favourite, nice work.


Been agies since I talk to yourself ^_^ Yep I started BA, as said it been a gurgde army for my Iron Warriors back when you where going to attend Conflict Scotland 2005.

Alway like the idea of the Death Company & the use of Chaplains though out the chapter. Also I've alway enjoy the Bloodquest comic back in the days, GW use to do as part of the warhammer monthly comic set. Bloodquest comic also playing a big role in idea for my Iron Warriors.


Also add into that release of Space Hulk in 2009, the Sanguinary Guard models & I think I'm most like the only person to like the Storm Raven which is a very nice kit to build.


I think what shock most people that my local GW & gaming club is that I'm painting yellow helmet, as I never really go near bright colours like Yellow.



  • 3 weeks later...



Been buiess times. One min it the 40k double tournament down in Warhammer World Nottingham, next two week have just fly by & you can't even rememeber what happen during that time.


For those wounder how the 40k double tournament went for my Space Wolves & my team mate Dark Angels, I think this should answer it






I have a battle report kicking about on the fourms as well. Did not do so well as I never really play double games unless it Conflict Scotland & even then it only from round 1 to 3. But was a brillaint weekend, fought some epic battles. Rage a bit as my team mate broke some of my Space Wolves but he ment no harm, was down to being nervise, so any hobby time I have during then to now has been spent make new Space Wolves....... one of the models that suffer was one of the two Land Speeder which hit the ground. So a new one has been built, going to add some trophies/honour mark from the weekend.


But as to the Blood Angels. As said past two weeks seem to have fly by & I not really been near the army until yesterday. Any hobby time build those new Space Wolves, as the once that got damge where beyound repair :D


My Space Wolves will be attending the Throne of Skulls April & July event. Got a lot of new conversion done for April, adding lot of cool trophies, etc...


But here what I got so far.


High Priest






Still got to add some Grenades. But overall I wanted to use more of the Death Company set & like wise I have use the bare head from the Forge World Raven Guard model I bought during the 40k double tournament, since with it being Warhammer World & FW being near by. Also pick up a few other FW item like the Marine conversion kit, so see about converting the other High Priest with some Bionic goods.


Melta Gun Assault Marines




Yep finial got them built & out of the way. Again just need to add some ammo bags, grenades, etc.... then they should be ready for undercaoting later today


Also I just like the pose of this Melta Gun arm Assault Marine




Speak of finial get those last few models done, here the Last Death Company. I still need to green stuff the loin cloth




Other than that, I am hope to get started on one of my two Storm Raven on the painting front. Like wise if I can get some spare time, going to try & build my second Storm Raven.

Also hope to get some bits from friends so I can make my second High Priest.


Also next update, I should also be shown off some Object markers. I am thinking of useing Sanguiary Guards, make some cool diorama, have them helping wounded Blood Angels or somthing??



  • 3 weeks later...



Time sure been flying by. But I been working on/off on my Blood Angels force & I though I take a quick look that where I am with this force


Assault Squad 1



Assault Squad 2



The Melta arm assault marines should be finish of later today, just a few bits of detail


Death Company



I just got the last Death Company memeber made yesterday & will be painting him later today along with finish the above Melta arm Assault marines


Furioso Dreadnought







Death Company Dreadnought





Librarian & High Priest




Should also be finish the High Priest later today.


Death Company Storm Raven



I just started painting the Storm Raven yesterday. However I am struggle with idea to make it stand out, since the Storm Raven going to be a focuse model. Want somthing really cool in term of painting since it is a big model.

But for the time being I'll get the Storm Raven highlighted & get some battle damnge, give me some time to think of somthing cool to make the model stand out.


On that note, the second storm raven has been built. However I'll be spray gun that, since it will be in the normal red colours of the Blood Angels chapter. Also get both my Razorback which are also built, get them spray gun that the same time. But this will not be for some time, I am hopeing to start on Sunday.


Also a quick photo of the above all together




Also while I been working on/off on my Blood Angels. I'll also be working on my Space Wolves, with Throne of Skulls April in under three weeks I got lots to do. I've already currently been adding some new models due to new idea or because people have broken a few models.


Dreadnought Odin (Mk2)







As said there, this is the Mk2 of a Dreadnought I call Odin. This was more to add trophies as Wolves are like my IW in term it a army I really enjoy useing & up there as a favrout force, like my IW, are current being use in the tournament scene.

I like to add trophies to honour brillaint games I have had & it help add theme, also only with Space Wolves (possible another 5% Marine chapter) you can get away with trophies.


Nid head is base on my local GW manger Nids force as current I am the only person to defeat him.


Not only that, but I done a Mk2 version due to, as said I have a lot of brillaint games. Overall this has help to theme my force. You may notice that Odin has a lot of battle damnge. This show his abilty in games that no matter how much damnge he get, he still hold his ground. In a 3000pts game, he alone held 20 Blood Angels Assault Marines in close combat from turn 3 to turn 5, so four round of combat with two Power Fist.

Also you may notice a Bionic eye, not only to fruther add to him being called Odin.


While the other Dreadnought is Rothgar the Skald with Lascannon




Added more partchment, etc... since he the Skald of my Wolves, the story teller.


Models are like my Furioso - Venrable Dreadnought mix with normal Dreadnought (or Blood Angels in case of the Furioso) & the Blood talon left over from my BA dreadnoughts.


New Object marker of my Great Company banner







I just wanted the Wolf Guard to look more epic, a guardien of the banner. Also again wanted to add some trophies of my Wolves games. Viking rune, first one say "For Russ" the other one on the back of the banner say "get it around you jabroni".


Land Speeder





During the 40k double tournament, my team mate bump into my tray carry my Wolves. It was my Land Speeder which fallen onto the floors in Warhammer World. Resulted in the orignaly speeder become badly damnge, bits lost, etc... But he did go & buy me a replacment as he felt guilty after we just been told we where nominee for best armies that the 40k double tournament


So this is the brand new one. Again adding trophies & gear. Ork skull base on my Space Wolves first game with the current codex, slaughter the orks in three turns before the oppent give up & all I loss was one Grey Hunter, Dreadnought & Razorback.

Ammo bags, etc... my Speeder are the scout of my Mech force.


Some new Grey Hunter & Wolf Guard, again few models replace one that broke. Sadily some people can not understand "see with your eyes not with your hands" & pick up my models with out permission while I am gaming or painting. Sadily not everone is as careful as well :down:






So on the Blood Angels side. As said hope to get the two Melta Assault marine finish today along with the last Death Company model (not photo) & then High Priest as well. Also aim to get my Death Company Storm Raven finish this week, that'll be work on/off during this week when time permit.


Then hopeful get my second Storm Raven & two Razorback spray gun on the Sunday & finish them next week. Before I jump onto my new project on the 2nd of April :lol:




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