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Blood Angels Start-Up


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Hello everyone!


Long story short, the BA were my first taste of WH40k. Went to buy some mecha at a hobby store as a kid but little red things (BA termies) caught my eye and I have been hooked ever since. It took ten years to actually start on the minis themselves thanks to an island nation I had been living on that lacked everything GW.


So I bought the BA codex, Sanguinary Guard, and that direct-only Assault marine after their release and got a start on red.


This was my first attempt and it was HORROR: (17-05-2010)



I recently rectified this: (24-01-2011)



I feel pretty good about him and decided to try and paint more Blood Angels. This is where I could use some opinions.




This fella was an Imperial Fist sternguard but due to a less than desirable paint job he received a simple green bath and I decided to paint him red instead of yellow. So he got primed, painted red, and got a wash but I began to wonder about the red. I prefer darker colors, it seems to make sense on a battlefield and it is the grim darkness of the future. No place for happy cheery bright shades, there is only war, not a rave. My concern is that this shade of red is too dark and may be confused with Angels Vermilion or that it looks brown. *I know there is no highlighting done...I am terrible at it.


Do any BA veterans think this is a good red for such an honored Legion/Chapter?


This is a San Guard I have been working on as well:


Thought I'd throw him in as he is BA related and to see if anyone had any critique to toss in.


Hope to get some good notes so I can finish up these marines and base them.


Thanks for taking a look at my humble beginnings and any form of critics, ideas, suggestions, etc are more than welcomed!

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Thanks everyone for the helpful comments. It must be tiresome to see a lot of "New to BA" threads.


@Grizzly: One day I am going to get one of those fancy flying machines myself haha.


for gold try a slivery metalic coat before you put the gold on. i find that really helps... and then a mitherial silver highliht somewhere(look at my sig for how it looks)
The advice I got for gold models is to paint Tin bitz first, with shinning gold over top. worked well on the 1 test I've done so far.

I started this San Guard with tin bitz. My gold mix seems messed up to me. I never thought of starting with silver, I am going to have to take a closer look at your work Brother Nathan. I had thought about little bits of drybrushing of silver over the gold however, but don't know if that will have a good effect. I hope I can make him more presentable instead of having to go and paint strip him.


I like the darker red, of course the shade looks a lot like my own army.

Looking at your info there, at least I know I can paint a reasonably good Angels Vermilion. I just hope my BA get mixed up as them for darker colors. I am hoping that with BA markings that would distinguish them. The all black aquila on the chest and black winged blood drop should do the trick. I will however try painting some a tad lighter.


Thanks once again for the feedback everyone!


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