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Flesh Tearers


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I have been a board lurker for quite some time and I thought it time that I announce my presence. For some background my first Army was a Blood Angel company (11 years ago). I have done several power armor armies, Imperial Fists, Blood Ravens, Blood Angels.


I am currently deployed to IRAQ and I decided to start another army out here in my free time instead of video games. You can only work out so much, and with all the blood angel love I decided to do a 2nd founding. I have been working on my first squad I and I was curious what is the best box to buy to get a good amount of iconography to spruce up my army. FT's dont have alot (just ordered 50 FT Shoulder pads) and how would you use the BA iconography on them.


I see lots of wings on Seth, so I am thinking that would work. Also what is the most preferred shading and highlighting of the FT's. On my Blood Ravens I went Scab red, red gore, and then washed blood red, with a little blaze orange.


My first attempt (crappy camera sorry)

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It's always nice to see someone who has been in the hobby for a long time. Welcome to the B&C

Anyway, as for iconograghy, you could just use the pads, and then for extra stuff like squad markings you could just do coloured blood drops (like normal BA), or specific squad markings, whatever.

For painting, i once did a dark red using Scab red, watered down wash of Badab Black, and then a highlight of Blood Red (possibly BR mixed with SR). this makes a very nice dark red, imo, that looks great on the table.

By the way, do you plan to use this in games, or is this just a fun and fluffy way to pass the time?

Hope this helps.

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I've been enjoying 3 layers of Red gore over flat black primer, highlighted with Mechite red, or BLood red, washed with Badab Black. Getting our colors and highlights isn't that hard. Giving it the Flesh Tearer touch of weathering, scratching, "USE" is where FT models REALLY stand out. We aren't prissy blue or red poster-boys for the Astartes, We are the meat and raw viciousness potential of the Emperor's genetic tests made manifest. We are the Tearers of FLesh. We are Terror Incarnate upon the Greenskins.

Capturing that look, not many will even care what mix or shade you used to highlight.


Nox Noctis Semino


Why is the FT slogan "Night to plant"? Night by night give rise to? Or breed? Semino was a weird choice......you can see on the Forgeworld Brass



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