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Khorne Berzerkers in AL-pattern?

Kitchen Knife

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Hello there.


I'm in the middle of building a small Alpha-Legion warband (approx. 1200 pts). First I started with the idea to field a squad of choosen, two tactical and a havoc squad.


Right now I'm thinking to cancel one tactical and take a squad of friendly neighborhood zerkers.


I know, that zerkers are not really fluffy regarding the combat doctrines of the AL. But looking at the current codex, only infiltrating choosen would be :)

Plus, I like the blood-covered freaks :cuss


This is my idea for AL-themed zerkers.



One shoulder pad (the blue one) will have the AL-symbol, while the red one will get a nice khorne rune.


Here is a pic of the tactical marines for comparison (I couldn't find the proper colors in the painter)




What do you think about this idea and color pattern? Is it acceptable to paint zerkers in an absolutely differnt pattern, or is this idea, even for the fickle chaos gods, too heretical.

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You can paint 'Zerkers however you want, and make them look like you want: while they do have a specific model from GW, if you have an idea in mind, and as long as they are equipped as stated in the Codex, they can be what you want them to be. If you want some Alpha Legionnaires who embraced the Blood God in ways where a Mark of Khorne simply would not suffice, why not?


Of course, make sure your opponent knows that they are Berzerkers, and all should be good.

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Maybe those that are heavily mutated within the AL, are given the chance to go out in glorious battle, and those that do not, well they get combat injections just before the battle starts, which turns them into rabid man-beasts. These mutant marines then follow all the rules of bezerkers?
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