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Looking for some Tactical Advise.


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Greetings Brothers.


Next weekend I embark on my first tourney. It's a doubles tourney with 2000 pts per side, 1000 pts per player

It's a doubles tourney and fortunatly I am teamed up with one of the Veteran players at my local gaming store (LGS) .

He is running a IG list, 4 Chimera's with melta and plas vets, and 2 Manticores (?) err they have 4 missles on their backs... :)


We are taking kind of a hammer and anvil approach. He can sit back in his armor and pew pew the nasty things. Where I can either Deepstrike and cause problems, or sit back and counter punch when someone gets ballsy enough to get close to our lines.


I'm still working on my list to be honest and thats not really the point of this post, but if you are feeling helpful my list thread is HERE!.

So far I am torn between a super elite Sanginor based list and a few varitations of deathstar honor guard, but again thats not what this post is about.




I know we will be facing a few "deathstars". My LGS loves them. With TH/SS termies (via Deathwing), WolfStars, Bike Stars and Vulcan Deathstars just to name a few. I also expect to deal with some Orky goodies and some Chaos but they don't concern me like getting bashed into a pulp by hammers do.


How can I counter these types of things ?


My initial thoughts are to force lots of saves. Try and hit them on two sides at once with 20 marines furiously charging and rerolling hits and seeing what is left behind. I realize that the plas/melta vets of IG SHOULD be able to thin the ranks a good bit, yet my experience is low.


So brothers what advise can you give me ?




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There is definitely alot of possibility for him to thin things before you hit.


You're thinking of Manticores with 4 missiles not Medusas but its ok because both are AMAZING~


You need to give him a buffer more then anything I suspect he should be able to gun most things into pulp with limited help. And it comes down to warding off any units from getting too close or assault his units.


Your basic premise of just pounding someone down with 20 assault marines is definitely a solid one. Think about taking a devastator squad or a couple of cheap preds to help back up his shooting. And other survivable units you can use to push things away from his lines or push into other people's line.



basically your goals should be something like this:

1) Keep him shooting

2) Kill anything that gets close

3) Go in to kill other things that can shoot both of you.

4) everything else.

Kurb, down here we play a lot of doubles tourney. I've found a few things to be helpful, or at the very least a good thing to think about before going into a comp like this.



With IG as your partner you need to compliment his army in one of two ways.


Shooty Counter - OR


All Out Assault.



I'll run you by the theory.




BA have a lot of mobile shooty, unlike a lot of guard which usually arent as mobile.

They also have strength in their infantry as noted.


Running hard counter unit like a jumpy assault squad is good- but lacks a decent shooty role, and as a result fails to compliment this type 100% well.

Alternatively a tactical squads with lascannon in rhinos are really helpful.

A priest is almost a necessity to give you FNP for more resilience.


In this set up i'd strongly, strongly suggest either a termy assault squad (or even tactical terms!), or a Furioso dread (not libby :) ) A talon dread can be kept secret and safe quite nicely with all the guard armour about and it will destroy most deathstar units (storm shields aside), or a Death Company ie: a very strong counter unit.


For this type of list id recommend:


Tac squads

Baals - potentially even the flamer version

Las Preds

Bikers (attack bikes)

and a Furioso/Term/DC.

As an HQ, id recommend a standard Libby with Rage and Shield (or fear) - would shield work for your guard partner?





For this you're working on in your face tactics. Distraction and diversion and taking the hits, while your partner lays down the hurt.


Units like assault squads, RAS in rhinos, attack bikes, baals for support and if possible a drop pod unit of your choice.

Mephy also works as a great HQ for this type of list. Even a unit like scouts can be made to work in lists like this where they can take midfield roles, tie up the enemy shooting(camo cloaks) or create a diversion.




My thoughts on those two!!


As to your proposed list - id lose the libby dread :( Rock a furioso!

id recommend a libby for his hood to try to counter lash spam and jaws etc. meph is a beast so might be a good thought. hidden behind a guard squad he becomes a lot tougher. assaul squads are also always good. add a priest somewhere and the become a ight pain. a vindicator could also be quite handy for insta killing nobs etc... multi mela attack bikes might be good to take a death stars ride from under them and leaving them in the open. i would just be wary of things like abbadon who really dont like ta die...
For this you're working on in your face tactics. Distraction and diversion and taking the hits, while your partner lays down the hurt.


Units like assault squads, RAS in rhinos, attack bikes, baals for support and if possible a drop pod unit of your choice.

Mephy also works as a great HQ for this type of list. Even a unit like scouts can be made to work in lists like this where they can take midfield roles, tie up the enemy shooting(camo cloaks) or create a diversion.


I think this is what I am going to do.

Now to figurate exactly what I am going to us to do it :)

Hi Kurb


I play lots of games versus other deathstar armies - Wolfstar, Swarmlord/Prime/Tyrant Guard, nobs, etc. I think the best approach is to fight fire with fire when it comes to beating other Deathstars. An unchecked Deathstar can wreck armies quickly. My philosophy to is to build a deathstar that is highly mobile, has high initiative and can dish out lots of punishment in close combat. If your meta has lots of deathstar armies and you have the best deathstar then you have the right tool. DoA plus IG can be a very deadly combination - pie plates of doom plus our best assault units. The basic assault squad can be transformed into a monster - the Sanguinor gives his divine blessing to a sergeant and he becomes a hero (+1W, +1A, +1I and +1WS) that cannot be targeted into close combat since he is still a squad character not an independent character. Attach a Priest and Chaplain and suddenly you have the potential for a very potent unit if you take the right options. To me this is the best to go for a 1000 point list - you're getting the most out of you've got on hand. I say relax and give it a shot. Don't put any pressure on yourself to win - go into looking to have a good time and at the end of the day you'll probably be pleased with the results. Try to get some practice in ahead of time so you'll have the basic mechanics fleshed out. With IG as an ally you will have the luxury of being able to screen your units behind all those chimeras (assuming your partner will field a mechanized list). Personally I think you are going to do very well if you go with your instinct.



Thanks again guys. I really do appreciate the thoughts. I will do a batrep thread when it is all over.



My partner is running: (forgive miss-spellings).


CCS Chimera :Plasma

Chimera :Vets : Meltas

Chimera :Vets: Plasma

Chimera :Vets: Meltas


2 Manticores.


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