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Help, I Can't Paint Blood Angels!


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I'm trying to paint my Blood Angels, i've tried a lot of different things. Using White basecoat, i've tried just going straight red, red then inking, a darker red into blood red etc. BEcasue of this, the tactical squad looks a mess, but i'm running out of test models before i get to the Assault Squads...


Then i found a tutorial which seemed rather easy.



Spray white, Red Gore > Ink > Blood Red


I get as far as the inking, after which the model looks great!! (I tried going Blood Red first, then inking, but it just looks patchy and dirty/messy) But when i try to apply the fickle, magical Blood Red, it all goes bad. It dries very blotchy, even after several coats, seems too runny, no matter how little water i try to add (or not) And never gives very good coverage. Not to mention the times where you get a blob of paint, try to remove it, then it leaves a nice outline where the bubble was. I have a similar problem with metallic colours, however the darker coloursl ike Black and even the Red Gore go on nice in one coat, and smoothly.


I'm tempted to just find whichever Tamiya Spray is closest to Blood Red and spraying them that and detailing, but i can't afford to mess about with the spray if it goes wrong.


Thanks, if anyone can help!

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For my own Blood Angels, I paint mine as follow


Black undercoat

Mechrite Red

Red Gore

Blood Red

Devlan Mud

Blazing Orange highlight

Gryphonne Sepia


Possible another Devlan Mud wash after words depend how the model look.


You can see some of my BA by here




Also you should check out this blog which is really nice for paint BA








It dries very blotchy, even after several coats, seems too runny, no matter how little water i try to add (or not)


Have you shaken the paint pot?? Some time might also be due to not build up the colour. This is why I'll use the Foundation Paints being the Mechrite red, then build up useing the Red Gore, then one or two coat of Blood red before putting the Devlan Mud wash on top.


Not to mention the times where you get a blob of paint, try to remove it, then it leaves a nice outline where the bubble was.


I'd keep a wet paper towl or wet brush to try spread the paint about, should get rid of the bubble. I would try get rid of it while the paint has just been on, but if it with a paper towl, I'd just dab it so it dose not take of any paints/wash. If any problem I'd go to your local GW/gaming store.


Hope this helps out




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