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Can someone explain Mephiston's potency to me?


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So ive been browsing the BA codex and i've been thinking about using it for my marines (A possible total of 5 Chaplains?! Yes please Skull-faced-badassery.) and i noticed something pretty weird.




Mephiston, to be precise.



Why is he the same strength and toughness as a Hive Tyrant, and has more wounds?



I know that a Space Marine is bigger than a normal man, but for size comparision purposes.


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It is likely something to do with how he overcame his little "ailment" on Armageddon...


But I doubt we'll ever be able to do anything other than speculate. Perhaps, as previously suggested, he is closer to his Primarch than any of his other brothers? *Shrugs*

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Wounds are a measure of how much you can shrug off and keep going - not your phyiscal size.


Strength..I don't know. Maybe he's what you'd call a "little primarch."


Others may speculate that he's simply achieved super saiyan 3.

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Right. Kinda strange.



Another thing which i noticed, and was pretty funny considering that the Librarian entry is on the page next to Mephistons.




''Nor is there complete trust even within the ranks of the Librarians themselves, for they must keep watch over their fellows, so that should one fall to the whispered madness of Chaos or the Black Rage he can be slain, swiftly and mercifully, before he wreaks untold harm on the Chapter that he once loyally served.''



And theeeennn....



''Mephiston was once Brother Calistarius, a Librarian... ...during the Second War for Armageddon, the curse of Sanguinius stole upon him. Inducted into the Death Company...''



Shouldn't he have been killed straight away?

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Magicman, Calgar, its time I let you in on a little secret: The fluff in the new Blood Angels codex is poorly thought out garbage. You are far better reading the 3rd edition Blood Angels codex and just using our new codex for the rules, because the fluff in the new codex is terrible. Its full of plot holes and attempts to distract you with flashy effects like a Michael Bay film. Somewhere between reading about the Super Saiyan Sanguinor and travelling undertaker Astorath I realized how horrible it was and decided to basically ignore it.


For your sake and the sake of our chapter I suggest you just ignore it.

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Perhaps everyone falling to the rage should be flailed within an inch of life, placed within a reinforced sarcophagus for a few weeks and then questioned by remote. Repeat until sane or dead. Worked for Mephiston.


"Oh, it's their first words that have always peaked my curiosity."


"After their internment, and their vox clicks on, they sometimes say something. It's an important sentence."


"'WHERE ARE MY WINGS!' Classic."

"My lord."

"Or how about this one? Totally incomprehensible; 'We're coming to get you Barbara!'

"Brother Cedrius surmised the subject had unlocked genetic memories of his host DNA, invoking an ancestral someone from the 21st century, by the manner of speech if you can believe it, who turned around and possessed him. He was proven useless to us and after harvesting him, we destroyed him. He was however posthumously credited with the first Baal pizza recipe and the drinking cap."

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There are degrees of falling to the Black Rage - if he was picked up at an early stage, he may have asked to be inducted into the DC, despite not feeling its full effects yet, in order that he might fight and die with honour before it overcame him and he had to be executed by his brethren...
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Stat inflation added with Matt Ward? Which was, oddly enough, justified in the rulebook inself that Mephiston was turning into 'something else' -- but whether it was something daemonic or a manifestation of the true potential of Sanguinius' geneseed is up for interpretation.
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Stat inflation added with Matt Ward? Which was, oddly enough, justified in the rulebook inself that Mephiston was turning into 'something else' -- but whether it was something daemonic or a manifestation of the true potential of Sanguinius' geneseed is up for interpretation.



Actually it snot stats inflation. 2nd Ed Codex Angels of Blood had Meph at the same stat baseline as a Vampire Lord. Now if we considr how hard a Vampire Lord is against the run-of-the-mill characters found in WHFB, you can see the inspiration. I'd rather say that he's stayed the same, everything else has become less uber. S6 and T6 in a high letahlity battlefield still isn't THAT great, after all how many high S weapons are there in 40K? I can think of at least a dozen weapons that can shoot Meph and a few units which, albeit expensively, deal with Meph. Fortunately they also deal with other MEQ uber units as well so can be easily justified vs a Blood angels force

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S6 and T6 in a high letahlity battlefield still isn't THAT great, after all how many high S weapons are there in 40K?




Same Strength/Toughness as a Hive Tyrant, Trygon, Tyrannofex.



With his Pyschic sword thingy, he's stronger than a Carnifex, has more wounds and is just as tough.



Hrmmm makes sense.

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Aye, he is also a lving embodiment of Snagunius, one of teh few if not only Blood ANgels to have come out of the other side of the Black Rage as more than a howling beast. Remember what Cluten turns inot in Blood Quest? That's what happens to most BA if they survive the DC. That looks S5/T5 at least to me. I wouldn't compare his S6/T6 to that of a Carnifex. T, W may be measures of how tough a model is - if we consider then that Meph is essentially a Vampire in the traditional model, his S6/T6 are probably about right.
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