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Alt. Helmets


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I am tired of painting the same helmets and i want something different for my honor guard and vanguard vets......and some other models as well.


So i am looking for something like this:



Anyone know of a online retailer that sells helmets like these, not necessarily these helmets!


Sorry if this is something that has been beaten to death but my search fu is weak tonight.....

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i know a few boxes where you can get a few of those, but I am afraid I don't know where they bought in bulk. Bits sites maybe?

Anyway, here are a few boxes that include that/similar helmets:

Command Squad kit

venerable Dreadnought (You get 2-3 different heads, which all look cool)

Black Templars Upgrade kit

Dark Angels veterans kit (pretty sure anyway)

Hope this helps

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There's a tutorial on here somewhere that shows how to cut the "beakie" helmets into those. The tutorial isn't really needed, you just cut the beak off and cut/file/sand it into the right shape, but the tutorial helped me. Depending on your dedication, you can then take a small drill and drill the cross pattern into it.


The beakie helmets aren't exactly cheap, but they're much more affordable than the crusader helmets. For both of them, try bartertown.com.

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