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Blood Drinkers and the flaw


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the 'dex says that the blood drinkers have obtained an unprecedented level of control over the flaw by embracing their natural blood lust, so time for some idle speculation as to why that would be.


now let us enter the world of 40k science and biology.


honestly even with the way the 40k world works, i'm not sure why drinking blood would help control the flaw...maybe since the urges to drink blood aren't suppressed as much it helps them to keep their minds clear and focussed on denying the rage, where as other chapters that try not to drink blood as often have that lust gnawing at their mind much more forcefully making it harder for them to focus on suppressing the rage...


any way just my thoughts.

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The novel Space Marine by Ian Watson features a Blood Drinkers battle-brother (Captain? I forget his name/rank) who was captured by traitors and crippled. The Imperial Fists return the Blood Drinker to his Chapter at the conclusion of the action. When the Blood Drinker first meets the Imperial Fists he indicates that the Blood Drinkers only drink the blood of their battle-brothers. It's pretty vague and leaves a lot of things unsaid.


In the passage I mentioned, the Imperial Fists offer the Blood Drinkers Captain their own blood for sustenance. He refuses them, indicating that he would never drink the blood of someone that was not his battle-brother. It should be noted that the Blood Drinker Captain had been imprisoned for some time upon the world, and crippled so that he could no longer fight back. Despite that, he remained in control of his faculties and was not a bloodthirsty lunatic.


Assuming that fluff still applies, it would imply that the Blood Drinkers practice some form of drinking the blood of their own battle-brothers. The frequency of blood drinking is anyone's guess, though it would appear that whatever the frequency, it doesn't create a side effect where the Blood Drinker needs to drink blood too often in order to retain control of himself.


If I were to hazard a guess, I would say that the control the Blood Drinkers have isn't solely a byproduct of drinking their own blood, however. I would guess that it's more like a 12-step program where the Chapter embraces its flaw, satisfies it to some degree, but also relies heavily upon self-discipline. Also, there's a chance that after sufficient time, the sharing of blood is such that any battle-brother's blood might stem the urge to drink blood for awhile - including one's own. When coupled with meditation, litanies, etc., a battle-brother of the Chapter might sustain himself for some time while retaining control, so the Blood Drinkers Captain described in Space Marine might have gotten by simply by biting his tongue and consuming a few drops of his own blood, stemming the madness.

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If you're always lusting for something, it's on your mind. Distracting you.

If you indulge that lust, it doesn't bother you. You can have it any time you want.


What's the problem?



Sounds very "slaanesh-ish" to me lol.

Probably 'cuz I used the word 'Lust' :)

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The novel Space Marine by Ian Watson features a Blood Drinkers battle-brother (Captain? I forget his name/rank) who was captured by traitors and crippled. The Imperial Fists return the Blood Drinker to his Chapter at the conclusion of the action. When the Blood Drinker first meets the Imperial Fists he indicates that the Blood Drinkers only drink the blood of their battle-brothers. It's pretty vague and leaves a lot of things unsaid.


In the passage I mentioned, the Imperial Fists offer the Blood Drinkers Captain their own blood for sustenance. He refuses them, indicating that he would never drink the blood of someone that was not his battle-brother. It should be noted that the Blood Drinker Captain had been imprisoned for some time upon the world, and crippled so that he could no longer fight back. Despite that, he remained in control of his faculties and was not a bloodthirsty lunatic.


Assuming that fluff still applies, it would imply that the Blood Drinkers practice some form of drinking the blood of their own battle-brothers. The frequency of blood drinking is anyone's guess, though it would appear that whatever the frequency, it doesn't create a side effect where the Blood Drinker needs to drink blood too often in order to retain control of himself.


If I were to hazard a guess, I would say that the control the Blood Drinkers have isn't solely a byproduct of drinking their own blood, however. I would guess that it's more like a 12-step program where the Chapter embraces its flaw, satisfies it to some degree, but also relies heavily upon self-discipline. Also, there's a chance that after sufficient time, the sharing of blood is such that any battle-brother's blood might stem the urge to drink blood for awhile - including one's own. When coupled with meditation, litanies, etc., a battle-brother of the Chapter might sustain himself for some time while retaining control, so the Blood Drinkers Captain described in Space Marine might have gotten by simply by biting his tongue and consuming a few drops of his own blood, stemming the madness.

don't all marines refer to each other as battle-brother regardless of chapter?

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Whether they do or not is inconsequential (and I'm not going to debate that point because it doesn't add value to this discussion). The intended usage/intent in Space Marine was crystal clear - he would not drink the blood of a Space Marine that wasn't a battle-brother of the Blood Drinkers Chapter.
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Completely off topic but.. *cough* Blood Drinker Lieutenant *cough*


Yes, it's an old book. Right from the first days of the universe. I would argue, while it's still a classic piece of 40k literature, that we can no longer take it as canon. I creating my own Blood Wardens (see my sig), I've largely ignored the control and blood drinking only of brothers. I realize some may not appreciate this, but I feel that "Space Marine" is just too out of date to use as a canon source anymore.



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the 'dex says that the blood drinkers have obtained an unprecedented level of control over the flaw by embracing their unnatural lust for blood, so time for some idle speculation as to why that would be.


now let us enter the world of 40k science and biology.


honestly even with the way the 40k world works, i'm not sure why drinking blood would help control the flaw...maybe since the urges to drink blood aren't suppressed as much it helps them to keep their minds clear and focussed on denying the rage, where as other chapters that try not to drink blood as often have that lust gnawing at their mind much more forcefully making it harder for them to focus on suppressing the rage...


any way just my thoughts.


hehe... fixed it for you.


Maybe there's a slight variance in their geneseed that associated drinking blood with instinctive human-baseline satiation via lactation. Perhaps this difference and improvement of psychological well-being augmented by not feeling guilt for drinking or desiring blood is enough to buffer against the fated black rage. I wonder if taking their bottle away would motivate a tantrum? *chuckle* It'd certainly allow for those stories of populations being drained to be believed.

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i am quite glad, i have a blood drinker themed army, although i cant quite understand why the blood drinkers would be better of due to their obsession of feasting of their victims, it seems sagnius embodies the principles of a loyalist khorne, able to protect and serve the emperor with a total blood lust addiction without subcoming to khorne.


P.s does anyone have any idea how to field their dreadnought chapter master?


im having trouble formatting and creating rules.

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