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Painting Lightning Claws

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Ok, I was wondering if you all had any nice tips on painting lightning claws. I'd like them to be powered (ie: not just plain metal) but either blue lightning or some epic magma could look equally awesome.


My only problem is, the claws are quite small... check out this bad boy.



He looks sick, but needs some nice claws in my opinion to top him off. Oh, and if it makes a difference, he's being painted a dark green (for any super colour-nerds who can give me the epic complimentary-super-contrasting-wow colour for the claws that would go with green power armour.)


Oh, and sorry to any art-scholars I may have offended. Don't worry, you're not nerds really. :P

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I painted all my chaos lightening claws the magma/lava style. Paint the claws black. Then take scab red and paint lines and squiggles on the claws, make them fairly thick. Then take blood red and paint inside the lines, leaving a bit of the scab red on the outside. Then take orange and paint a thinner line inside the blood red. Then yellow. Then finally, take white and paint a very thin line on some of the more thick lines left. That gives you a nice glowing magma look. Give it a try!


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