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DoA and Twin Ravens

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Hey lads, just wanted to know what ye're thoughts are on taking 2 Ravens with a Pure DoA army. I took a DoA to my first Tourney last weekend and did Ok. While there i saw how Corby did with his ravens and it looked like the way to go. Only problem is that he took a mech list with ravens so he had Armour Saturation.


My problem is that DoA is my favourite Build but i would like to throw in some ravens and Dreads for some hard-hitting CC power.


Do ye think twin ravens are viable for a DoA army? Also the points I play at are 1750

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well first we would have to assume that doa lists are viable for tournament play.



I got 41/100 points in the tourney with 2 wins and 3 Losses. Those losses were not down to the list bit to the squishy person behind it controlling it. I made a ;) load of mistakes in it, between the deployment and target priority mistakes.



It is.


But, if you looking at the probability thinking that one day your DoA force will drop in bit-by-bit making them unpredictable, thus non-competitive due to their unreliance on reliability you are correct. However, if that’s the outlook on the situation then BA Mech must be the only true competitive build in our dex, until it faces off against IG. IG vs. X-Mech going first is almost always going to win. So then, what’s competitive if I have to rely on the probability of going first every time against IG or defensive SW’s with max long fangs?


Nothings perfect, but DoA come the closest in my opinion all while countering the mainstream meta and looking cool doing it at the same time.


…And a bag of chips! =P



I would question the number of ravens. Why two and not three or just one? It’s my opinion that two or more ravens in a non-mech list hurts a DoA list. Reason, to make the most of a Raven both cargo bays need to be used, which can drain the elite slots (i.e. Priests) and rack up points very fast! Another thing, DoA is a troop list and anything else is just adds support to it. So with all of this, I find just one Raven the best number.


As for the cargo bays, I use Mephiston and a F-Dread w/ Fists + Grapple along with augmenting the Raven with anti-armor ordinance. It’s a pretty mean load out which I have nick named “Hammer.” =P


Another load out I use takes 12 DC w/ Bolters and a F-Dread w/ Talons augmenting the Raven with anti-infantry ordinance. Again, a mean load out but its only slotted against infantry leaving my decked out RAS free to focus on vehicles.

I think I will go for the single raven loaded with lemartes and his buds with the dread of course. I will probably try termies/mephy/HG as well and see which would be the best for my style of play.


@Sama, I'm not going to go the mech route yet, but 2 ravens and a raider was one of the options I came up with should I decide to go mech

Try that at 1750:



-Jump pack


--Blood Lance



Honour Guard

-Jump Packs

-Thunder Hammer

-4 Meltaguns



Furioso Dreadnought

-Blood Talons

-Extra Armour

-Heavy Flamer



Sanguinary Priest

-Jump Pack

-Power Weapon

Sanguinary Priest

-Jump Pack

-Power Weapon



7 x Death Company

-Thunder Hammer

-Power Weapon

-Lemartes 150



10 Assault Marines

-Thunder Hammer




10 Assault Marines

-Thunder Hammer




StormRaven Gunship

-Extra Armour

-Hurricane Bolters



As an edit:


Librarian and Honour Guard come down as one squad to get tanks. They get a 5++ save vs shooting along with a 3+ and 4+FnP so hopefully they wont all die in one turn.

RAS with a Priest each come down. I was considering putting combi meltas on the priests too.

DC and Furioso go in the Raven. I went for Furioso over DC dread because the AV13 makes it very difficult to kill and with WS 6 and St6 with re-rolls it will be stacking up lots of wounds vs infantry units

StormRaven gets the Hurricane Bolters for free Anti-Infantry shots every turn as Defensive Weapons.





Librarian - Rage/Blood Lance - 100 pts


Honor Guard - JP's, 4x Melta - 205 pts




5x Terminators - 3x TH/SS, 2x LC - 215 pts

1x Sang priest - 50 pts

Furioso Dreadnaught - BF, Fragcannon, melta - 125 pts




10x AM - 2x melta, PF - 235 pts

10x AM - 2x melta, PF - 235 pts

7x AM- 1x flamer, PW - 173 pts




Landspeeder - MM, HF - 70 pts

Landspeeder - MM, HF - 70 pts

Landspeeder - MM, HF - 70 pts




Stormraven - TLLC, TLMM - 200 pts


Total: 1747


Thats my DOA/Raven list @ 1750. The termis have staying power and kick the ass out of whatever they touch. I have a total of 13 melta guns, 1 lascannon, 5 template weapons (all flamers), and 39 bodies. I don't have AS much armor as most lists, but the 5 pieces work well.


The beauty of this style of list is you can STILL reserve everything and come in wherever you want via deepstrike or a 24" turbo. Typically, if I get second, I all in reserves. Turbo in the speeders/raven. DS the melta marines. Flamer marines DS near an obj and hold it. The HG go balls out supporting my AM's with their priest and tons of melta.


DOA/Raven lists can be hard hitting, versatile, and the best part: they do well going first or second.

I understand that the concept of using Stormraven might sound atypical to running a pure DoA list. DoA armies are designed around jump infantry. You have a highly mobile army that negates other armies built upon the premise of fighting mech. There are different philosophies how you should deploy a DoA army. I like to deep strike my army because it removes the limitations of deployment - you can bring on the bulk of your army where you want it to be on the battlefield. To me the DoA army is something new and exciting. I think our new codex is well designed and balanced... You can extend this to the application of the Stormraven and it can fill a vital role in any DoA army. If you want to field an entire army that is highly mobile then the Stormraven can provide very effective long range fire power which is missing in a 'pure' DoA army. The Stormraven can also provide heavy anti troop fire power as well - there are many options for how you select your weapons.


For me one Stormraven is enough. I have used two with some success including a pure Death Company army. Now that the official model has been released I'm sure we will see lots of great ways to use them. The best way to learn is to put them on the table and play some games. What I have found so far is that DoA armies tend to small in number - there is no fat in these lists if you want to design a competitive army. I like to get as much mileage out of the Stormraven as possible so I use mine to both tank hunt and transport troops including dreadnaughts. If you play it right the Stormraven is tough for the opponent to take down plus it can dish out a lot of punishment.






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