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The Black Razor.


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Good day everyone.

As the title says I'll post my finished units here for your consideration. So to start things off, here are my four HQ characters.




From left to right they are Former Chaplain Voroll Tarkin (Counts as Capt. Cato Sicarius), Master of the Forge Gregor Hauld (with Conversion Beamer), Chapter Master Jorgen Tagg and Senior Captain Hakin Shrike (Counts as Capt. Kayvann Shrike)


As I finish the other units in my army, I'll post them up as well. Enjoy.

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Thank you for the suggestion incarnus, I did not think of that. But I have an idea for it already and I can work the power fist into it as well.


I'm glad people like the halo helmet. How I did it was cut away the face portion of a regular marine helmet very carefully with a new #11 x-acto blade.


Here is a regular marine face:



What I cut away is the area bordered by the eye lenses and the bottom of the face grill. I carefully cut down until I had a recessed area that looked like the visor from the Master Chief. It's the part inside the red lines on the marine below:http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n212/Donnewtype/Space%20Marines/CuttingtheHelmet.jpg


I used a very smal amount of styrene solvent to smooth out the scrape marks, and after paint I ended up with this:



I actually tried doing a 40K version of the Master Chief. I'll find the pictures and post them as soon as I can.

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As per Brother incarnus's sugestion, I added what will count as a relic blade to my Chapter Master. Now I found some pictures of my first try at my Chapter Master and Chief Librarian Otreus Xander. So here they are for comparison.


The New Tagg:





With the old version:


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Thank you for the compliments Gentelmen. :rolleyes:

As for a DIY artical on how to do the Halo Helmets, I will see what I can do Brother Solid Zaku. On the subject of Halo, I found my Master Chief Space Marine conversion. Here are the pictures:








In regards to my conversions, I don't know if I would call it common sense that drives it. I have always looked at the game more from the modelling aspect than any hard adhearance to game cannon. I think its more a creative fight between the gothic degenerative science and xenophobic religious background of the Imperium, the Admech and the Marines vs. a desire to take all the robes, incense, candles and prayers and throw it all into the incinerator. I don't need prayers, incense, and incantations to turn on a light switch. And by the Emperors new shoes, would it kill the Imperium to use some glow sticks? Maybe its more along the lines of being able to separate your technology from your faith and still be a good loyal citizen of the Imperium. Church and State separate.


Anyway I am glad that helmet conversion is well received. I'll see ablout that DIY piece.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good day everyone.


Been busy with work, family and home but have managed to finish the Tactical Squads for my LPC Vow.

Here are Squad Unam:



And Squad Duo:



The Vanguard Squad and the Devistator Squad are in work as well. Hopefully get them up soon.

All for now.

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Urban Camo! I like them, but I really think they look a bit unfinished. I would suggest picking out a few details on each marine, such as greandes, painting them boltgun metal, and giving them a wash or two of badab black. They won't be shiny, they'll be a dark, almost matte silver, but it will make the marines look better.


But damn those are some nice glowing eyes.


edit: I'm guessing you're going for a "stealth" look on these guys?

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I've often wondered if ANYONE would do a "Halo" conversion, and here it was. Now that we've seen it...somebody's going to go out and build a UNSC strike force of Spartans, ODST, and Marines.



Yeah, I have seen somewhere else on the Interwebs a IG conversion of Sgt. Johnson.

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