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Since this is the BA forum I have a question for you.


Would it be okay to run pre heresy World Eaters as B.A's? I am cashing in some x-mas and bday presents and a sweet sale on ebay to pick up a bunch of FW stuff, and I was wanting to do some Pre Heresy stuff, thought the World Eaters would fit well within the BA codex.


What do you guys think?

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Dont need permission so much as my local meta is full of loyalist marines, like Wing, Wolves, 2 pedro lists, 1 blood angels mephi list, vulkan list, and a bunch of deldar and nids, and one lone ork player, and I would like to pull out the World Eaters to stir it up a bit.


I like to have some fluff to backup what I play which is another reason for the decision.


A few other questions as well, aside from FW, where would I get some nasty chain axes? and What are the names of some World Eaters (outside of Khârn) that I could use in my list. The guy who died on Istvaan would be kinda cool to mock up and paint!~


Thanks again.

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Or use Codex: Black Templars. No psychic powers, great close combat capabilities, fanatical battle-brothers blah-blah-blah... :)




The guy who died on Isstvan III was Varren. Other WE name I can rememer is Skraal from Battle for the Abyss

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Ghreer, Legion Master of the War Hounds, killed by Angron

Kunnar, 1st Company Champion, killed by Angron

Shinnargen, Captain of the 2nd Company, killed by Angron

Brother-Captain Varren, part of Isstvan III.

Brother-Captain Ehrlen, commanded the loyalist World Eaters strike force at the Battle of Isstvan III

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I love the responses, and man Angron at least did his own house cleaning!


I thought about BT's but I thought so long as I stayed away from Libby's that the BA dex fit a little better, but that was just my 2p's.


Did the WE's have any specific Company markings or was it pretty standard stuff?

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i think its safe to assume they had normal squad/company markings. i dont have the IA article on hand ( its in a box with every other WD made :( ) but looking at others like BA that dont use codex markings now they used codex markings pre heresy......even though the codex wasnt writen by that point :) ....figure that one out :(
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I actually think BT fit WE better than BA do (unless you want to go full DC army I suppose).


The things you need to not use to stay pre-heresy WE are:

- Librarians

- Sang Priests (not sure if WE had their own kind of 'battle lust increasing zealots' though)

- Baal Predators (Blood Angels only pattern)

- Storm Raven

- The Fast rule on every of their rhino chasis vehicles (This is a recent development that came from the BA Techmarines being able to improve and reproduce the Baal Predator's engines)


So.. fully honestly.. the rules just don't really fit the World Eaters as much I believe. Unless, of course, you are willing to go all DC army.. (with a counts-as Astorath as HQ), then I'd say: just go for it!

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I think BA is better for pre-heresy tbh.


The WE hadn't gone full pyscho yet, they had the implants sure but I think it was a gradual descent which the red thirst rule simulates nicely. Also I think, going from Khârn's portrayal, that the WE where actualy relatively disciplined before goin into battle so would suit the BA's more codex nature as opposed to the BTs.

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I gotta agree here, I think that the IA article portrays a very disciplined martial force, slowly succumbing to bloodlust.


You can make your bikers into jetbikers with B+C's own conversion thread (which is brilliant!!) use priests (if you want to ) as the medical brethren in charge of psycho-surgery (not quite apothecaries) and base the rest of the IA #(?) the seige of vraaks i believe.


"Even before their fall to Chaos the World Eaters were known as a bloodthirsty Legion, and becoming the chosen Legion of Khorne did little to change this. In battle they disregard mortal peril to sate their bloodlust in close combat, often displaying a berserker rage that makes them invulnerable to wounds that would kill even a Space Marine." - Lexicanum article.


Heres some good resources


Lexicanum - World Eaters


The Great Crusade UK - great resource for preheresy info all round.




Theres plenty more online as WE are a very popular idea, also make sure you search the forums here, ther tonnes of great stuff PreHeresy!!!

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I liked the idea of BT's a little bit but two things bothered me.


1. Neophytes within squads. That doesn't really do it for me in regards to WE.


2. The whole 'zealous crusader' thing. I was thinking of doing a pre-heresy Word Bearers force, which with their reliance on chaplains seems to be a more ideal fit to a BT codex than BA.



I was also thinking that using Sang Priests as the apothecaries and medical 'crazies' that did the implants would be a pretty easy fit.


Allowed Units:




Tycho (both versions)


Lemartes (not as a chaplain but as a 'berzerker' leader)



Honor Guard

Furioso (Just non librarian???)


Tech Marines (did they have them, I would assume they must)

Sang Priests




DC Dread ( I would assume the WE Dreads went just as crazy, just don't know if WE survived to be put into them)

Assault Squad



Drop Pod

Stormraven (count as 'thunderhawk')

Land raider (stick to just the regular or would crusaders be ok, I'm sure during the heresy there were different modifications, just not sure which ones)


Vanguard Vets

Land speeders (??)

Bikes (As Jet bikes?)

Attack Bikes (??)




Vindi (?)

Whirlwind (I see this as unlikely, and I have never used one anyways but just to be a completionist)


What do you guys think, the stuff I have here would be a large enough list to chose from to make a reasonably competitive army while still being thematic. The (??) stuff is what I am not sure of or could use some help with!


Thanks again, oh and looking at FW stuff today :D.

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Mepho (unless I can find a 'berzerk' librarian concept w/in the WE) is a librarian, and that takes a ton of time, subtlety, and discipline that I am not sure the WE had.


Also after Nikaea I am not sure they would use them. I thought the WE were part of the group along with Mortarion and Russ that didn't like the Librarians.

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for fluff questions you might be better in the chaos section or the preherasy area. id have no problems if you advoid the stuff that wasnt available preherasy and stuck to tryine to use preherasy stuff, otherwise it aint preherasy... also if i were you i would try to make the army so that i could try to use different codexes depending on the situation and wargear etc. ie if you are doing lagely assault marines ba dex is fine, but if you are doing fot sloggers making them able to count as templars/wolves/ ba might be a better altenative. ould also allow you to play as the loyal world eaters, turning world eaters, and chaos ones at hte seige as you wish.

wouldnt it be cool to have a preherasy force clean and varnished and to have a wee pistol with red sprey so as they kill as they go on they become redder. and in a turney they start with calm rules but as they go n and get redder you use harder units to represent them ending up using pure khorn chaos dex list...sould have less and less models as you go on too, and if it wipes off... but it wont happen.... :D

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As I recall it Angron hated psykers just as bad as Russ and Mortarion, so I'd stay away from librarians.


A DC army would be perfect for WE. But you know something that would also be perfect for a WE army? Chaos space marines, they already have Khorne Berzerkers. Just don't use the chaos models, use assault marines and it's WE. :D

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true and you still get things like auto cannons. though rus was an idiot. didnt trust them yet still had them... i dont understand the stupidity of that dammed fool...its like hating cars and still owinging more cars than top gear shows...
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Good god I love top gear. I have BBC America as an addon to my Television package just to get it. 85+ episodes on my dvr :/.


I have a wip coming up for just a standard WE marine. Should be up tonight if all goes according to plan!

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3 very early WIP's of a test model.

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