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Valkyrie, Stormraven, Voidraven


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So, more and more races are having fliers added to their codexes. And we have rumors of an upcoming flyer-centric expansion.


So, what do we get? Hell Talon? No thanks.


Chaos Stormraven? Might be nice. A possibility, since they wouldn't have to sculpt an all-new model, just throw in an upgrade (i.e: spiky bits) sprue.


Or will we get something new and heretofore unseen? Or will we get the darkest and most blackest gift of all: nothing?

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Storm Raven wouldn't make sense for Legions because it's not a pre heresy development. It would only make sense for renegades if the SR becomes available to all loyalists. Unless you meant something along the same lines. Maybe a mini Storm Bird if I am thinking of the right craft.


Yeah, Chaos has had some pretty 'meh' fliers so far. It would be nice if we got something that wasn't a flying polygon or something equally boring.

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I think a Hellblade would be awesome...


Make it a fast attack because our fast attack sucks... allow them to be taken in squadrons... (1-3/1-5?)


You now have a BS3 landspeeder with two twin-linked auto-cannons... maybe give it scout/outflank


I guess the price will be the big factor but something between 70-100pts wouldn't be bad depending on what it is given.





As a 1kson player I would also be happy with Doomwings or Firelords (although as this must be a super-heavy... I doubnt it for now :lol:)

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I agree- the hellblade would be an excellent FA choice in the next book if they continue this trend. I certainly threw them into the book in my project, and Im suprised it hasnt come up before.
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I always imagined that other than dreadclaws, they'd use something akin to daemonic-possessed machines. like a beastship


given their raiding nature, and faction wars between each other in the Eye, the Legions would have to come up with some creative machines ti deal with that hell in order to survive. I don't believe chaos is as stagnant with it's technology as the imperium is. They have all the freedom of creativity, what they lack in materials and manpower they can make up for with daemonic infestation and warp magic.


A space-worthy defiler, crewed by possessed that plow through void towards an imperial ship. Clutching the hull with powerful, jagged claws it begins to chew through the armor with melta charges, before literally disgorging its occupants of marauding space marines or beastmen from its belly. Then disengaging they crawl over the ship tearing off weapon mounts or burrowing into the vessel to wreak further havoc.

In a planetary invasion they drop from low-orbiting carriers by the hundreds, sheathed in thick ceramite-lined hides they shrug off both the defensive fire and the heat of reentry before landing hard among their enemy, blowing apart fortification with back-mounted ordinance and swatting tanks aside to make room for theri passengers.


...or something

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It can be a Tzeentch-y floating daffodil for all I care as long as it has a transport capacity and an assault ramp.


Trade some slaves to the dark eldars in exchange of plans to build raiders. That would be the perfect chaos vehicle.

But based on the current designs (hellblade/helltalon) transport capacity is not what we should expect :/

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So, more and more races are having fliers added to their codexes. And we have rumors of an upcoming flyer-centric expansion.


So, what do we get? Hell Talon? No thanks.


Chaos Stormraven? Might be nice. A possibility, since they wouldn't have to sculpt an all-new model, just throw in an upgrade (i.e: spiky bits) sprue.


Or will we get something new and heretofore unseen? Or will we get the darkest and most blackest gift of all: nothing?


Probably a push bike with some wings for the marine to put on his arms and flap with

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It can be a Tzeentch-y floating daffodil for all I care as long as it has a transport capacity and an assault ramp.


Trade some slaves to the dark eldars in exchange of plans to build raiders. That would be the perfect chaos vehicle.

But based on the current designs (hellblade/helltalon) transport capacity is not what we should expect :/


Expect, no. Demand, yes. We don't need a dedicated fighter or a dedicated bomber in a basic 40K game, that's what Apocalypse is for. For 40K, the mobility problem is something that needs addressing, because it's not even remotely right that SM Chapters have seven transport vehicles (Rhino, Razorback, Land Raider {three types!}, Land Speeder Storm, Cestus, Drop Pod, & Stormraven, three of which are Assault vehicles) while we have two (Rhino, Land Raider). Either give us access to Drop Pods if a Dreadclaw seems too "powerful" for basic 40K, give us Dreadclaws, or give us something totally new and never before seen with Assault capability and preferably some large guns. I don't think that's too much to ask given the trend. :P

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What was the name of the Heresy era fliers mentioned in the Horus Heresy books? I seem to remember a Storm-something. Was that a Stormbird? The other of course was the Thunderhawk.


But as Forgeworld already has Hell Talons and Hellblades it wouldn't take too far a stretch of the imagination to see them being Chaos fliers if we got any.

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What was the name of the Heresy era fliers mentioned in the Horus Heresy books? I seem to remember a Storm-something. Was that a Stormbird? The other of course was the Thunderhawk.


But as Forgeworld already has Hell Talons and Hellblades it wouldn't take too far a stretch of the imagination to see them being Chaos fliers if we got any.


Stormbirds, and they're bigger than Thunderhawks so I seriously doubt we'll be seeing them. :)

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The Hellblade and Helltalon are a fighter and bomber respectively... I cant see that theyd be seriously considered.


Why the DE Have a fighter and a bomber and the rules for a Hellblade as a fast skimmer would basically make it a land speeder with auto-cannons so it wouldn't break the game. I wouldn't expect the Helltalon... or the harbinger :( but the hellblade could work as a fast attack choice.

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The Hellblade and Helltalon are a fighter and bomber respectively... I cant see that theyd be seriously considered.


Why the DE Have a fighter and a bomber and the rules for a Hellblade as a fast skimmer would basically make it a land speeder with auto-cannons so it wouldn't break the game. I wouldn't expect the Helltalon... or the harbinger :P but the hellblade could work as a fast attack choice.


"It's good for the goose.." does not an argument make, sirrah.


In my opinion flyers have no place in "regular" 40k, skimmers and the like yes but never a flyer.. It doesn't seem balanced.

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The Hellblade and Helltalon are a fighter and bomber respectively... I cant see that theyd be seriously considered.


Why the DE Have a fighter and a bomber and the rules for a Hellblade as a fast skimmer would basically make it a land speeder with auto-cannons so it wouldn't break the game. I wouldn't expect the Helltalon... or the harbinger ;) but the hellblade could work as a fast attack choice.


"It's good for the goose.." does not an argument make, sirrah.


In my opinion flyers have no place in "regular" 40k, skimmers and the like yes but never a flyer.. It doesn't seem balanced.


and it would be made a skimmer for normal use and so no balance issue would exist... at least not because it is a 'flyer' Your arguement seemed to be that because they are fighters/bombers they are not suitable for normal 40K... I just showed an example where the design team seem to disagree with that idea... fowl of any kind are not relevant.

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The Hellblade and Helltalon are a fighter and bomber respectively... I cant see that theyd be seriously considered.


Why the DE Have a fighter and a bomber and the rules for a Hellblade as a fast skimmer would basically make it a land speeder with auto-cannons so it wouldn't break the game. I wouldn't expect the Helltalon... or the harbinger ;) but the hellblade could work as a fast attack choice.


"It's good for the goose.." does not an argument make, sirrah.


In my opinion flyers have no place in "regular" 40k, skimmers and the like yes but never a flyer.. It doesn't seem balanced.


and it would be made a skimmer for normal use and so no balance issue would exist... at least not because it is a 'flyer' Your arguement seemed to be that because they are fighters/bombers they are not suitable for normal 40K... I just showed an example where the design team seem to disagree with that idea... fowl of any kind are not relevant.


I didn't realise I had to have opinions that coincide with others? Not for the scale of warfare that a regular game should pertain to.

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Or will we get the darkest and most blackest gift of all: nothing?

heh, nice "Metalocalypse" reference...


but yeah, I just ask opponent's permission to use the stormraven... and it's true, it's better looking in person, the photo's do it no justice.


they really should give us a flyer and more transport options, I mean we're supposed to have pretty much the same equipment that loyalists have & some other stuff

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It can be a Tzeentch-y floating daffodil for all I care as long as it has a transport capacity and an assault ramp.


Trade some slaves to the dark eldars in exchange of plans to build raiders. That would be the perfect chaos vehicle.

But based on the current designs (hellblade/helltalon) transport capacity is not what we should expect :/


Expect, no. Demand, yes. We don't need a dedicated fighter or a dedicated bomber in a basic 40K game, that's what Apocalypse is for. For 40K, the mobility problem is something that needs addressing, because it's not even remotely right that SM Chapters have seven transport vehicles (Rhino, Razorback, Land Raider {three types!}, Land Speeder Storm, Cestus, Drop Pod, & Stormraven, three of which are Assault vehicles) while we have two (Rhino, Land Raider). Either give us access to Drop Pods if a Dreadclaw seems too "powerful" for basic 40K, give us Dreadclaws, or give us something totally new and never before seen with Assault capability and preferably some large guns. I don't think that's too much to ask given the trend. ^_^

Mobility.... problem.....


Your rhinos are the same as anyone elses 'cept the blood angels- and everyones got that issue these days.


Salvaged landraiders I could see... but really, chaos isnt any slower that anyone else these days.

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It can be a Tzeentch-y floating daffodil for all I care as long as it has a transport capacity and an assault ramp.


Trade some slaves to the dark eldars in exchange of plans to build raiders. That would be the perfect chaos vehicle.

But based on the current designs (hellblade/helltalon) transport capacity is not what we should expect :/


Expect, no. Demand, yes. We don't need a dedicated fighter or a dedicated bomber in a basic 40K game, that's what Apocalypse is for. For 40K, the mobility problem is something that needs addressing, because it's not even remotely right that SM Chapters have seven transport vehicles (Rhino, Razorback, Land Raider {three types!}, Land Speeder Storm, Cestus, Drop Pod, & Stormraven, three of which are Assault vehicles) while we have two (Rhino, Land Raider). Either give us access to Drop Pods if a Dreadclaw seems too "powerful" for basic 40K, give us Dreadclaws, or give us something totally new and never before seen with Assault capability and preferably some large guns. I don't think that's too much to ask given the trend. :(

Mobility.... problem.....


Your rhinos are the same as anyone elses 'cept the blood angels- and everyones got that issue these days.


Salvaged landraiders I could see... but really, chaos isnt any slower that anyone else these days.

loyalist marines are at least a bit faster, given that they all have drop pods and can be dropped into the middle of your opponents army on turn one... then yes chaos could be considered slow at that point.


Then theres the valkerie/vendetta... fast skimmer, possible to end up within charge range in turn one/two... why you would do that with guard I'll never know, but it's possible... then yes chaos is slow.


And then there's the Dark Eldar... they regularly get turn one assaults... and so do Orks. then yes chaos is slow.


Basically we slog along with necrons. So all in all, chaos could be considered slow. An army that does best within 24"-close combat, is actually one of the slower armies.


just my two cents, not trying to be a D-bag or anything

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