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Valkyrie, Stormraven, Voidraven


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If you wanted nice things you shouldn't have run off to your Aunties and Uncles the Chaos Gods should you?

Naughty children get coal, and extremely naughty children who butcher entire worlds and turn their back on the imperium get NOTHING o.O


Hmm..think I'll call my new Flyer 'Ner ner' O.o

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If you wanted nice things you shouldn't have run off to your Aunties and Uncles the Chaos Gods should you?

Naughty children get coal, and extremely naughty children who butcher entire worlds and turn their back on the imperium get NOTHING o.O


Hmm..think I'll call my new Flyer 'Ner ner' O.o


Oh, look, baby's first troll. :D


Considering virtually every notable SM battle tactic was pioneered by the Traitor Legions during the Heresy, and that multiple vehicle types are being mass-produced in the Eye regularly, that claim is pretty tired and worn out, much like Blood Angels thinking they're good enough to deserve their own Codex.


How's that digging in the dirt for lost STC working out for you? :)

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Pretty good, seeing as we have the Stormraven o.O


Anyhoo, I collect Chaos Marines also, but I had always intended on just allying with a fallen BA or..something, and chaosing it up anyway.


To be honest I'm still hoping the Stormbird will appear, it's been in practically every HH book I've read, far as I can tell it should be just the same as the Land Raider is to the Land Raider Crusader, so hold out hope! We may yet all get the Stormbird! Although most liklely only for apoc...

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Pretty good, seeing as we have the Stormraven o.O


Anyhoo, I collect Chaos Marines also, but I had always intended on just allying with a fallen BA or..something, and chaosing it up anyway.


To be honest I'm still hoping the Stormbird will appear, it's been in practically every HH book I've read, far as I can tell it should be just the same as the Land Raider is to the Land Raider Crusader, so hold out hope! We may yet all get the Stormbird! Although most liklely only for apoc...


Stormbird would be some hotness, definitely agree, I'm just leery of the size issue. Manta is so big I've never even seen one fielded in an Apoc game, and very few Thunderhawks ever seem to take the field. I got to actually hold a constructed Stormraven yesterday and it's not quite as large as a Valkyrie for wingspan and breadth, so it's not obnoxiously huge when it comes to occupying table space. My theory is that whatever we get won't be much larger than that. :)

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instead of ridiculously big, pointwise and financially expensive uber-flyers with paper armor, few heavy weapons and transport capacity, I want lots of deep striking units with cheap special weapons, combined with the cheapest spread of teleport homers in the game...oh wait...


okay, either that or some bad ass daemonized cannon of doom...with legs and crab claws and...oh wait...

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instead of ridiculously big, pointwise and financially expensive uber-flyers with paper armor, few heavy weapons and transport capacity,


Stormraven is only partially that. It's an HS choice that costs about $65, runs about 200 points, has respectable AV at 12 and can move for the Cover save, comes with t/l multimelta, t/l lascannons, and hurricane bolters, and can carry troops that can assault immediately after disembarkation, and as stated earlier is physically smaller than a Valkyrie (it's just fatter in the fuselage). There are worse delivery vehicles for offloading pain into someone's face.


Oh, and I forgot to mention it can carry a Dreadnought.

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It should be basically exactly the same. With a change in transport cpacity and armament.


The Stormbird is bigger than a Thunderhawk :D



You know I always just assumed, is it in Battlefleet gothic or something, or just in a book i've not read. O.o

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It should be basically exactly the same. With a change in transport cpacity and armament.


The Stormbird is bigger than a Thunderhawk :D



You know I always just assumed, is it in Battlefleet gothic or something, or just in a book i've not read. O.o


The Stormbird features in the HH novels and is the staple of the Legions at the beginning of the Great Crusade, but as the scope of the Crusade is revealed the Legions need a more easily replaceable transport and so the Thunderhawk is born is counterpoint to the artifice of the Stormbird.

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Or will we get the darkest and most blackest gift of all: nothing?
hahaha best metalocolypse quote ever. and fliers arn't exactly the best thing ever. they are just something people will pour their points into instead of something meaningful... plus you guys have obliterators... which I'm not sure of but arn't they just about a cure all for you problems?
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But in Mechanicum and Fulgrim both are mentioned simaltanously, is it ever actually said it is larger or the same size?


Pg 139 of Horus Rising, the iterator giving the tour of the Vengeful Spirit's flight deck states that the Warhawk VI "Stormbird" was being phased out slowly in favor of the ". . .smaller, standard construct Thunderhawk pattern. . ."

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I think all modern armies will get a skimmer, even the orks have one. Landspeeders or better still attack bikes with their drive up multi-melting and heavy flaming have always been pretty damn nice, don't get me started on how awesome Harlequin jetbikes were back in the day. The rhino is looking pretty long in the tooth, I'd rather have predators or chimeras for the most part.


I can't remember the rumors but the Inquisition army may still have Chimera options and I believe they get the Storm Raven to go with the Landraider and some sort of walker...


Some sort of jet bikey or attack fighter will happen. Some of us who played all Nurgle for a decade are just happy to have guns that shoot over 24 inches for a while. Though that charm has warn off in the face of all the escalation or at least doo dading of the newer codices. The Dark Eldar list has 20+ new guns, things that weren't even in rogue trader times, so not just the return of the Conversion Beamer and whatever that crystal pistol was called that Marines and Eldar could get back in the day, I think Eldar might have it again now anyway... Marines used to be able to have Shuriken Catapults too. ;-)

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If they wanted to make chaos cooler and more fluffy they could give them the 'looted' vehicle option. Say one per army, so you could have a Chaos Storm Raven or a Chaos Leman Russ or whatever, just had to suitably convert it and own the relevant Imperial Codex. They could also play up the 10,000 years old angle and basically make the veterans the new Chaos Space Marines Troop entry, so that you could have really chaotic looking squads, even throw in rules for Chaos Spacemarines with Shuriken Catapults or Grenade Launchers or whatever. Those weapons are in the basic rule book, though some of the newer codices have changed their stats, but it wouldn't cost any money to GW and would encourage Chaos players to buy other kits to cannibalize. They could even do something like they did for the Black Templars and make a chaos upgrade sprew which would just bits and odd weapons.


If they limited it like they do a lot of the other codices, such as every fifth marine can be armed with one of the following, every tenth with one of the following etc. etc. That would set them apart from the loyalist and play up the veteran and piratical nature of the Chaos Space Marines, sure the Iron Warriors or whoever has forgeworlds could still be all bolters all the time, but those looking for something new could try to make some wonder squad or just give their models a unique look giving them Tau weapons or whatever...


If there were sensible limits and the point cost was kept high-ish Chaos would be cooler but not overpowering. Guns that shoot 30 inches, sign me up.

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If they wanted to make chaos cooler and more fluffy they could give them the 'looted' vehicle option.


I must say that although that is one option, I would prefer if they didn't go down that road and instead of doing copy/paste on the Imperium stuff went with more Daemon engines. I really like the Stormraven, it's a good looking model and I think there could be some really nice Chaos conversions on it, but I just prefer having the two factions separated a bit more than they are.

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But in Mechanicum and Fulgrim both are mentioned simaltanously, is it ever actually said it is larger or the same size?


Pg 139 of Horus Rising, the iterator giving the tour of the Vengeful Spirit's flight deck states that the Warhawk VI "Stormbird" was being phased out slowly in favor of the ". . .smaller, standard construct Thunderhawk pattern. . ."


Goodbye Stormbird dreams!!!

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Maybe, Chaos will get some nice pre-heresy jet bikes. Take that you Dork Angels! :P



According to the fluff, I can't really think of any other "non-apoc" pre-heresy and heresy units (Stormbird is way to big), GW could introduce. So we might get some demonic possessed unit. Personally I don't know, if a demon engine will make me happy. I would prefer, either more options of LR and pred, jet bikes and/or landspeeders. ;)

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Problem being Chaos is that you can't really get away with giving them anything *new* per say mechanical wise, it would have to be some sort of demon engine or a modification. I persoanlly don't get why we can't have open topped rhino's and suchforth.
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60-70 pts . fast skimer 2 autocannons AV11 ..... oh yeah . But we will never get something like that.


Yeah, because the price seems a little cheap. Loyalists get AV10 and two heavy bolters for 60pts and nothing is twinlinked. What you're asking for is a Rifleman dread on a fast skimmer platform. Your price for that should be arround 125pts give or take. Plus the 20pts for demonic possession.

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Loyalists get AV10 and two heavy bolters for 60pts and nothing is twinlinked

am not talking about twin linked + we dont get specials to buff our units and those would be 1 per slot . So unlike sm wouldnt be able to run 6 or 9 skimers . max would be 3.


you think oblits would cost 75 pts too if you could take one per hvy support slot ?

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Problem being Chaos is that you can't really get away with giving them anything *new* per say mechanical wise, it would have to be some sort of demon engine or a modification. I persoanlly don't get why we can't have open topped rhino's and suchforth.


Why not? Retconning the fluff is what GW does all the time

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