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Dornian Heresy Thousand Sons

Evil Homer

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Anyone have any thoughts on modeling Dornian Heresy Thousand Sons? I guess you could GS out the eye lenses, or alternately cover them in a bandage type blindfold. Any other thoughts? I want to use MK IV breast plates with standard leg selection, ala FW Red Scorpions, swapping in the normal Thousand Sons Heads and possibly some of the other T-Sons bits.


I was thinking khopesh-polearms with bolters attached for weapons.


Any else have any ideas?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Those are most of the things I would have suggested. :P You could GS on some scarabs etc. I really love the Dornian Heresy and am currently contemplating making a blood angels force.


Good luck with the converting. Please post pics of your 1k sons when you are done,




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