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Death Company Captain Help


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I'm starting a new blood angels army and i intend to take a 'mini army' of death company within it using astorath in order to take several units.


My main question is this; I've painted up a death company captain/commander but i can't seem to find rules anywhere for a generic death company captain. surely the mightiest of the chapter don't get weaker when succumbing to the black rage. what stats should he have?



Another question is how appropriate is latin for mottos etc in the blood angels. I know GW take some names and words (incorrectly) from latin and i'd like to use it as i am majoring in it at UNI.

My Commander has "Ad Mortuum Nostra Egorum Salus" on his cape which means we go to death and our salvation


Any thoughts? oh and what do we think of lava basing, especially with red armour?



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How your model looks isn't really that important rules wise. Does he have a Jump Pack? If so he will make a beautiful counts as Lemartes. Does he have a power weapon and a combi melta? Then he would make a great counts as Tycho. If he is just armed with a Power Weapon and pistol, then he will just be a very beautiful Death Company model.


If you want fluff background for him being 'just' a normal DC marine, then his BS and WS and A stats are reduced because the decades of refined training he has are washed away with the Black Rage overcoming his personality entirely. His wounds stat? That can be explained by his altered physiology going out of control as a raging chemical imbalance burns away the very cells in his body as the seething rage causes his superhuman metabolism to cannibalize his own body.


Personally, inspired by a poster on this very forum, I converted up my own 'Fallen Captain' model who I use either as Lemartes or as just a normal DC trooper with Jump Pack if Lemartes doesn't make it into my list.



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Also there really isnt a deth co captin, as when you fall to the dc you prettymuch loose your rank, bar lemartes(meph lost his but got it back) notice death co tycho doset have captain rules(not that captain rules are that great) he just become a bezerker. an alternative if to take commad squad with your captain and just play thm as if they have rage(and are therefore dc) sothe captain gets the additional stats bonuse from being dc. or just counts as your captain being a chaplin of one kind or another..
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