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The road to damnation


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I've been considering starting a chaos army for a while now, but first I have to work out a few details.


I need a warband or legion to belong to. I'm considering Black Legion, but not sure I want to be Black Legion. I'm also thinking of doing my own warband. I see my group having loyalty to none but themselves and willing to work with just about anyone who could serve their interests. I see myself as an undivided player at this time.


Paint scheme. Very important. I want to have lots of fun painting these guys. Black Legion colors look good if I go that route, but I will have to add my own zing to it somehow. I'm tired of painting red so I would like to keep red to a minimum.


I want a hardcore shooty base. Very shooty. I see myself doing this army as kind of modular and rotating in and out different cult units as I feel like playing. I'm probably going to run a lord and 2 units of CSM as my base.


So seduce me chaos players. Spill forth your heresy that I might drink from its corruption.

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Undivided but not red? Might I recommend running an Alpha Legion cell? Lord as an HQ, 2 or more basic CSM squads as the backbone with Icons of Chaos Glory, 2 squads of Infiltrating or Outflanking Chosen packing meltas and flamers, maybe some autocannon Havocs or flamer Havocs in a Rhino. Plenty to work with as long as you don't go for obnoxious, and not a bit of red paint needed for much of anything.
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Oh look, another lost pup from the Emperor has come down to the dark side, hmm? Welcome *brother* welcome...


So you want shooty, eh? You want an army that looks flashy - is undivided - self-serving - and is known for delivering the BARRAGE O' DEATH!?!


My friend, you want the IRON WARRIORS!

Flashy? Oh hell yes! Look at that heavy metal scheme with brass, steel, and (who could forget) Iron! For non-metalic additions they also have matt black and the ever-so-popular hazard stripes! They can be dirty, oily, rusty, or shiney! They look great with battle damage and trophies! If you love painting and want an army that STANDS OUT and people can INSTANTLY IDENTIFY, then you want IRON WARRIORS!


Their fluff revolves around gunning the crap outta things and breaking open fortresses deemed unbreakable! Rememeber the Iron Cage? IRON WARRIORS! Storm or Iron? IRON WARRIORS! Cold blooded, ruthless, paranoid, and utterly evil? IRON WARRIORS!


They like lords, guys with guns, tanks with guns, and guns with guns (namely Obliterators).


If you want a force that drips with theme like engine grease frpm a battle tank that has seen four days of constant fighting - if you want a force that is ripe for conversion like the chasis of a 60's muscle car you scored from the junk yard - if you want a force that can have so much of your 'zing' put into them that you'll think you stuck a fork in an electrical socket - if you want a force that is as noticable on the table top as your foot kicking a stranger's ass -



... and they aren't red :P

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Plus, having access to all that technology that they recover, steal and re-service, you can run Iron Warriors as C:SM! Win Win!


Wait that's not a good thing is it? *runs* :P

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Oh look, another lost pup from the Emperor has come down to the dark side, hmm? Welcome *brother* welcome...


So you want shooty, eh? You want an army that looks flashy - is undivided - self-serving - and is known for delivering the BARRAGE O' DEATH!?!


My friend, you want the IRON WARRIORS!

Flashy? Oh hell yes! Look at that heavy metal scheme with brass, steel, and (who could forget) Iron! For non-metalic additions they also have matt black and the ever-so-popular hazard stripes! They can be dirty, oily, rusty, or shiney! They look great with battle damage and trophies! If you love painting and want an army that STANDS OUT and people can INSTANTLY IDENTIFY, then you want IRON WARRIORS!


Their fluff revolves around gunning the crap outta things and breaking open fortresses deemed unbreakable! Rememeber the Iron Cage? IRON WARRIORS! Storm or Iron? IRON WARRIORS! Cold blooded, ruthless, paranoid, and utterly evil? IRON WARRIORS!


They like lords, guys with guns, tanks with guns, and guns with guns (namely Obliterators).


If you want a force that drips with theme like engine grease frpm a battle tank that has seen four days of constant fighting - if you want a force that is ripe for conversion like the chasis of a 60's muscle car you scored from the junk yard - if you want a force that can have so much of your 'zing' put into them that you'll think you stuck a fork in an electrical socket - if you want a force that is as noticable on the table top as your foot kicking a stranger's ass -



... and they aren't red :P


My fellow Vancouverite makes a strong argument for Iron warriors, I'll say I recommend them too, but she's already made all the points so I'll move on to other orpshuns.


The drawback with our revered Iron warriors is that they're a bit easy to paint, this can be countered by pulling out on the stops, basing, weathering, hazard-striping etc., but other legions to consider would be: Alpha legion and Night lords.


The both of them are pretty sweet in terms of the paint scheme, not too challenging, and have cool iconography. Also, who doesn't like lightning or Hydras? Another thing about Alpha Legion is that you can choose to paint them like Ultramarines, and mock them easily by carrying a upside down book that you flip around, and claim that deviating from the instruction manual's is a criminal offence and refuse to change your interpretation of it.

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I find painting Alpha Legion to be a breath of fresh air and a most enjoyable change from Templars and Fists, and the AL fluff is awesome. The mindless berzerker spiky daemon aspect of chaos marines never really appealed. Khestra's suggestion of a marine based army with lord and chosen is excellent; it's fluffy, and autocannon havocs are brilliant.


If you have some spare models why not paint up a few, one each in the colors of each traitor legion and see which you find most enjoyable? When you're done it would make a nice display.

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The Lady makes a strong argument for Iron Warriors, but I've already got enough hazard stripes on my Blood Angels I think. I've always liked the Night Lords. Alpha Legion are kind of meh.


Paint scheme is what worries me the most. Even if I do Black Legion I don't really want to paint them in solid Black Legion colors. I would have to include some sort of modification to identify those chaos marines as following my Lord. Either a spaulder or gauntlet painted a certain color maybe. Maybe the helmet even. I would have to find a scheme for my marines that is: fun to paint, pleasing to the eye, EEEEeeviillllll, and doesn't look like my marines have been rolling in mud all day regardless of how happy that makes Nurgle.

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With mine, I'm intending to mix up different legions, to represent all these various renegades that have formed under one banner... including chaos warbands and legions too. That's the fun of Chaos I've seen, is you can do what you want!
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Spill forth your heresy that I might drink from its corruption.


Ooo, I love that, mind if I steal it for my story?


On topic, while I have been painting up a small Iron Warriors force myself, Lady_Canoness has already put forth a very convincing argument. Instead, I'll tell you why you should be painting your toy soldiers as the Night Lords.


First, your force gains of the most killer reputations in the entire universe. Everyone and everything, and I mean everything, is scared witless of you. And it is a reputation well deserved. The marines under your command should be able to get where they want when they want without anyone knowing. And if the enemy do know, then you've already killed some of them. Win-win situation, yes?


Another reason is the Primarch that the fighting Marines under your command are descended from. Konrad Curze was without a doubt the most psycho and messed up Primarch there was. He knew exactly what would come to him when the Emperor found him. He knew what he wanted, what was right, and what he had to do to make that right a reality. He had courage that the other Primarchs didn't, even before the Heresy. Curze terrified his entire planet into submission. Talk about awesome. That is most fitting fluff of some of the bloodthirsty and controlled butchers in the galaxy.


The nature of the Night Lords themselves is very dark, the surviving veterans of the Heresy criminals and selfish to a Marine. They know exactly who they are and where their allegiance lies. They summon Daemons - but only to serve them. They invoke the powers of the Gods - but for their gain only. They will fight alonside other traitors - but only when it is in the Night Lords' interests.


The only other way I can think to convince you is to tell you to read Soul Hunter. A D-B is an amazing writer.


On the other hand, making your own fluff is both very rewarding and liberating. You can do whatever you want with your heretics, be it a renegade Chapter or a splinter warband of one of the Big Nine. For example, a Sergeant who was humiliated in his parent Chapter strikes out against them, unleashing the fearsome powers of the Dark Gods on those who mocked him, destroying the entire Chapter. He could then go on to ply the stars in a stolen ship, gradually gaining followers through force of arms/charisma/deceptions/whatever. That's a fairly broad template, but hey, that's only one idea. There's thousands that you could use. And I'd like to see more people exercising their creativity. There's nowhere near enough Index Traitoris or stories about Chaos! If you want to see a really well done example, look at Lady_Canoness' story the Fallen Saint, in the Inquisition forum. Or check out the Legio Solemnitas in the Librarium.

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Might I make a case for DIY?


Every step of the way, you dictate who they are, what they've done in the past, the way they did it. The path that lies ahead of them. What they look like, what their aims are, their idiosyncrasies. Everything. Of course, how far you're willing to go is entirely up to you. Is your Warband, a splinter group from a Legion? If so, why did they remove themselves? If they are a more recent Chapter, how did they fall? Hard times? A radical within takes one chance too many, or deliberately leads them to darkness?


With a DIY, you can call all of the shots and make them truly yours. :(

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Oh look, another lost pup from the Emperor has come down to the dark side, hmm? Welcome *brother* welcome...


So you want shooty, eh? You want an army that looks flashy - is undivided - self-serving - and is known for delivering the BARRAGE O' DEATH!?!


My friend, you want the IRON WARRIORS!

Flashy? Oh hell yes! Look at that heavy metal scheme with brass, steel, and (who could forget) Iron! For non-metalic additions they also have matt black and the ever-so-popular hazard stripes! They can be dirty, oily, rusty, or shiney! They look great with battle damage and trophies! If you love painting and want an army that STANDS OUT and people can INSTANTLY IDENTIFY, then you want IRON WARRIORS!


Their fluff revolves around gunning the crap outta things and breaking open fortresses deemed unbreakable! Rememeber the Iron Cage? IRON WARRIORS! Storm or Iron? IRON WARRIORS! Cold blooded, ruthless, paranoid, and utterly evil? IRON WARRIORS!


They like lords, guys with guns, tanks with guns, and guns with guns (namely Obliterators).


If you want a force that drips with theme like engine grease frpm a battle tank that has seen four days of constant fighting - if you want a force that is ripe for conversion like the chasis of a 60's muscle car you scored from the junk yard - if you want a force that can have so much of your 'zing' put into them that you'll think you stuck a fork in an electrical socket - if you want a force that is as noticable on the table top as your foot kicking a stranger's ass -



... and they aren't red ;)




ahahaha, you're awesome. guns with guns cracked me up. perfect description of the iron warriors :P

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Thanks Pigeons - you're awesome too ;)


Too bad you're not into the Iron Warriors Moses. I play Black Legion - but that is mainly because when I get the urge to make chaos units that are completely whack (which I often do) they fit right in under the (all comers) banner of the Legion.

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I do like the idea of a legion of loyal marines chanting my name before heading out to slaughter and pillage.

And this is where I introduce to you a DIY Black Legion force.


Since you seem to be slightly fixated on Black Legion ,and agreeable with DIYs, I'm here to tell you can achieve both - simply create your own warband, say the work with the Black Legion often because they pay well. That way, if you ever feel the need to paint Black LEgion, you can paint it, along with any other color you might be interested in, as they are all your allies. Of course the core of your force will be those marine who shout "Moses! We are your Astartes! Make Abbaddon let us go..." Oops, wrong Moses :lol:

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