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Iron Warriors Chosen


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Well, reviving my Iron Warriors army, i decided that i would not buy anything until i have painted every other CSM miniature i have, whihc entails a Rhino and a Predator. But iw as in the creative mind, so i decided to turn a small squad of Black Tempalr i had into Chaos Chosen. Now i know that Black Templar would probably NEVER turn to the Xenos, since they are one of the holiest chapters, so to make it more believable, i decided to make it that Iron Warriors would salvage Black templar armor from battles and use it for themselves, keeping (or rather trying) to keep the purity seals and chapter insignias in tact to taunt their foes. I also decided this was a good idea because one of the articles in one of the Codex CSm said that the Chaos marines had older versions of armor from when they broke off in the Horus Heresy, so i decided that any IW that could salvage and put to use newer Space Marine armor would be elevated to Chosen.


So anyway, here is my Aspiring Champion for a 5 man squad of Chosen (the staff is only for aesthetic reasons only, and is just counted as a power weapon.):





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Haha thanks.

Yeah, I was trying to go for a more of a walking/bringing one foot forward effect, as in dramatic slow walking while killing any enemy in his path. I think I just have to make his body/legs more upright, which I'm going to do tomorrow morning. But other than that, I should have a second chaos chosen done by tomorrow, just need to finish gold trim and black inlays.

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