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Chaos Space Marine


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My camera did not want to pick up any of that subtle OSL until I took the photo from below. I aimed to keep the OSL toned down a bit and didn't want it to look as though the CSM was inside a volcano, but rather standing next to a lava flow. As for his custom-bolter...I don't know what to tell you. At first, when I pieced it together I liked it, but after painting it, I'm somewhat indifferent to it. I like the bayonette and the extended barrel, but think the barrel itself, is too thin. Ideally, it was supposed to look like either an odd suppressor or vents to ease some of the recoil.
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@ravenguard2010: Thanks!! I tend to paint in darker tones and colors than standard GW paint schemes. I agree with you that bright colors do make it look too festive, especially for chaos. The last mini I did was a Plague Marine and, again, I went with a darker palette. You can see him here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...e+plague+marine

Thanks again!

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