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Renegade Chapter: Bloody Tears

Eripio Etrius Ereptor

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Okay...gonna be honest, no idea what the flying flip I'm doing here, so I'll just get it all out on the table.


My Chapter in progress is so far known as the Bloody Tears. With the counsel of a friend I have decided on Sanguinius' geneseed as the base, which ties into my battle strategy and general feel for the Chapter as well.


The Bloody Tears are, so far in my mind, going to be guerilla fighters similar to the 'Inglorious Basterds' idea. They drop behind enemy lines or on an enemy planet, tear 'em up, set up some explosions, and stay mobile. I will likely be avoiding tanks and the like for the time being in keeping with the theme, so tact squads, assault squads, and devestators galore. Not sure if this has ever been successfully attempted before, or attempted at all, but it's where I'm starting.


Color scheme is horendously unoriginal, I know. My Chapter will be solid black with a single red tear on the right shoulder, as is accustomed to the Space Marine ranks to show their colors/marks. Aside from that, nada. This will likely improve/complicate itself as I get better at design, painting and the like.


Homeworld so far is a planet I've used before and am familiar with, and I've easily converted it to 40k use. The planet is called Riharia, and can be classified as a fuedal Death World. It's covered in huge jungles, vast deserts, open tundras, and temperal seas. If it lives, if it breathes, if it has a need to gain nourishment, it will try to kill someone in a seriously gruesome way. Life on Riharia is down to a few hundred tribes, wandering the planet and the massive network of tunnels below the surface on engineering masterpieces called 'Skimboards'. These boards, left by an earlier civilization that eventually destroyed itself, are made to quickly maneuver the tunnels, and so exploration of the underworld is tied into many Riharian rites and ceremonies.

Despite the Empire of Man and their power, no Riharian is truly worshipful of the Emperor. All of them believe that life happens, not because of a greater being, not because of a few gods in a place resembling hell, but because their spirits, their life forces were strong enough to come to physical form, and from then on etc. Before the Imperium came, Riharians warred against each other, though the reasons were lost to the endless chapters of time. Some shamans say that the tribes descended from warring countries of the past, other that it was Riharian nature to fight. No true Riharian has ever thought of these words, so no one really knows or particularly cares about the past.

The arrival of the Imperium changed little about Riharian culture, even after the Bloody Tears officially set up shop and began recruiting. It is now a severe honor to be part of the Bloody Tears, and every Riharian child fights harder and more fiercely than the most vicious of warriors twice their age to gain recognition. Only these boarderline feral child warriors are chosen to be Tears.


More on the Homeworld once I have a more set Chapter, like say a better established theme and history.


Other from that, I only have the war cry, 'Death Before Despair', 'All or Nothing'(Latin translation welcomed for both of those, if anyone can find it in their hearts to assist), and 'Semper Agilis' are common, though no two are said in the same company. The Marines of the Bloody Tears find a 'path' and stick to it. Whether it be refusing to believe defeat, swearing to die or get it all, or simply applying the Chapter's most sacred of creeds, no company ever strays from its chosen cry.




Well, then, I hope this doesn't get my guts ripped out or my soul purged for Slanesh. That would seriously suck. Anyway, I need pointers as to how to continue, and I will happily accept any critisism this early in the game.


Thank you for your time in helping the Bloody Tears evolve.


P.S. I know, the latin of my name is horrific. Upon actually seeing what more than one translator depicted it to be, I performed a very painful face-palm. If there is any way to correct his, or to change the name, the information is well welcomed.

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The best i could come up with for "death before Despair" is "Mortem ante desperat" which roughly means death before the despairs.

For "All or nothing" there is "omnes aut nihil" which is exactly "all or nothing".


How does the Thirst/Rage affect their guerilla tactics? Does it sometimes go wrong?


The spacemarines do not worship the emperor as a god but more as the Bee's knees, but how do the Riharians beliefs affect the chapter?


I'm not really seeing much of anything that shouts "renegade" yet, that may be something to work on.

Thank you very much for the translations, they will be very helpful.


The reason that my Chapter is yet to appear as a renegade is because I haven't exactly written the big exocommunication (I think that's the term) into the history yet. I'm actually still trying to learn more so the history will be more acurate. So far, I think it will involve either losing an Explorator for the Adaptus Mechanicus in some manner, which will happen anyway to explain the tech that the Tears have at their disposal, or learning of something in the middle of a battle and switching tactics against orders to a more aggressive strategy in hopes of keeping an artifact or high priority person from capture.


I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but this is litterally everything I have about the Bloody Tears thus far. Until I learn a little bit more about how to present a chapter, and more about the parent chapter, I don't see what else I can put down.


EDIT:: Moment of idiocy, I forgot to answer the other questions. *Facepalm*


The Black Rage will be something of a 'last stand' deal for the Tears. They can access it more easily than the standard Blood Angel, but in having such access they run a much higher risk of succuming to it earlier. The Red Thirst will...I'm not sure. Involving the Black Rage's increased risk in the entire Chapter, the thirst will more likely be slightened. Also, yes, the Rage will filter into their tactics a bit. It will make most of the Chapter more aggressive, more willing to send men down a barrel in hopes of stealing the bullet, so to speak. This will be one of the factors that sets the Tears appart from others: they're crazy, even in a 40k standard.


I'm aware that Space Marines don't worship the Emperor, but some planets do, and almost all of them damn near hold a prayer service in his honor every day or so. The point I wanted to make is that Riharians don't bow to the Imperium like other worlds. This, yes, is modled after Catachan.


Alrighty, I believe that covered everything. Thanks again.

Thank you very much for the translations, they will be very helpful.

No problem


The reason that my Chapter is yet to appear as a renegade is because I haven't exactly written the big exocommunication (I think that's the term) into the history yet. I'm actually still trying to learn more so the history will be more acurate.

Good idea, i would say.


So far, I think it will involve either losing an Explorator for the Adaptus Mechanicus in some manner, which will happen anyway to explain the tech that the Tears have at their disposal, or learning of something in the middle of a battle and switching tactics against orders to a more aggressive strategy in hopes of keeping an artifact or high priority person from capture.

I don't think either of these would have a chapter branded as renegade, maybe stealing some AdMech explorators, and i don't think the switching tactics thing would work because each chapter may have different tactics, or stick to the Codex, but the chapter decides the tactics so at most a few companies would get excommed for this.


I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but this is litterally everything I have about the Bloody Tears thus far. Until I learn a little bit more about how to present a chapter, and more about the parent chapter, I don't see what else I can put down.

Well, good luck anyway, it's shaping up quite nice.

I promised I would critique what you posted, so here it is.


With the counsel of an amazingly awesome person


Fixed it for you :D .


(I'm indeed the friend in question.)



can be classified as a feudal Death World.


Typo fixed.




It's covered in huge jungles, vast deserts, open tundras, and temperal seas.


Varied terrain? That's different.




Life on Riharia is down to a few hundred tribes, wandering the planet and the massive network of tunnels below the surface on engineering masterpieces called 'Skimboards'. These boards, left by an earlier civilization that eventually destroyed itself, are made to quickly maneuver the tunnels, and so exploration of the underworld is tied into many Riharian rites and ceremonies.


A Feudal World means it has a tech level roughly equal to the Medieval Era. "Skimboards", just based on the name, don't seem like they'd fit there.


Before the Imperium came, Riharians warred against each other, though the reasons were lost to the endless chapters of time.


Does it really matter why?



Well, then, I hope this doesn't get my guts ripped out or my soul purged for Slaanesh



This is the Liber. You're lucky if ripping of guts is the least that happens.

Thanks buddy. The Skimboards are an old part of Riharia that was there from the beginning, so I'm a bit regretful to let them go. Still, it can be done if absolutely need be. I thought the fact that they were 'found' and part of an old civilization would give that stable ground to stand on.


And you are such a grammer nazi. Just wanted to be clear on that.


So, my good friend, how exactly would I continue? I mean, what do I work out next?

Combat Doctrine, gotcha. Thanks amigo.


Also, I mean anything but to be rude, however I was talking to Argo. He got me into this hobby and is helping me...allegedly.


So...Combat Doctrine...that defines how my Chapter takes on a foe and what all their strategies are, right?

I gotcha, hence my "Not your good friend, buddy" bit, i don't mean to be rude either, it's kinda hard to tell with text isn't it?


And to answer your question yeah, everything from codex adherance to favourite tactic to favoured enemy I suppose

Alright, I've got the Combat Doctrine mostly thought out.


The Bloody Tears do not own tanks. They always work in small squads, normally with companies only communicating so the members don't shoot each other. The Tears are deployed always against a heavily superior foe, with regular loads of ammunition and only an extra rocket operator per squad. They only use special weapons, I.E. plasma guns, flamers, heavy bolters, when they can steal them from an enemy. It is this tactic that gives them their style, and has also led to massive distrust among the Ecclesiarchy, Adaptus Mechanicus, and even the Emperor himself. Because of their need for stealth, the Tears talk only rarely, should they see signs of other Tears in the area that aren't of their company, and only speak to those outside the Chapter in overly formal, almost grudging tones.

Retreating unless ordered is death. Even the most cowardly Tears would stand calm before their sergeant for execution after running from a battle. Though Tears do fall back to lure enemies into traps, no one runs from the battle. As far as tactics go, they hit, they run, then come back hard and happy to pound the enemy. Normally, most Bloody Tears laugh histarically in the face of death, combat, or the heretic and his gods. It has been taken to account that a Tear captain, while still loyal to the Imperium, stood before a sorcerer of Tzeentch with a bloodies smile, and laughed as the heretic tortured and killed him. The same heretic sorcerer commented moments after the captain's death that he'd only seen such insanity in the face of pain and death in the eyes of the most dedicated followers of Slanesh. Last words, barely out of the mouth before another Tear ripped his head off with a power fist.

Basically, the Bloody Tears hit hard and fast, destroy everything they can, steal the rest, then repeat with the gear they just obtained. Whether it be a Chaos power weapon, a banner of the Eldar gods, or the skewered heads of ten Imperial Guardsmen on a spear taken from an Ork Waaaagh! banner, the Tears all see them as weapons to be used. Naturally, this doesn't sit well with the other Imperium troops and people, so they don't make it obviously public where most of their gear comes from.

The Bloody Tears also got their name from a special condition, which makes them bleed out of their tear ducts when nearing the embrace of the Black Rage. Thus, when in heavy combat and obviously not going to survive, it is said that they cry 'tears of bloody joy'. Those that survive anyway are given a chance to regain control of themselves. Those that don't are faced against their nearest teammate in single combat, and always slain. Tears live on the brink of insanity, and embrace it almost as a joke to keep themselves from completely falling to it. Put simply, they're crazy, but they make it look organized when they kill things.




Looking back on that, I seem to ramble a bit. Damn my overactive mind...ah, well. I can refine it later. Comments or soul-stealing critisism?




EDIT: Generating Random...(Can't see the rest and a bit crunched for time) thanks again for the translation. I think I will use that :rolleyes:

And you are such a grammer nazi. Just wanted to be clear on that.


You seriously have no idea. :rolleyes:



The Skimboards are an old part of Riharia that was there from the beginning, so I'm a bit regretful to let them go. Still, it can be done if absolutely need be. I thought the fact that they were 'found' and part of an old civilization would give that stable ground to stand on.


You could work them in if you raised the tech level of Riharia a bit. I just personally can't see someone armed with a sword and wooden shield and clad in chainmail on a hoverboard.





So, my good friend, how exactly would I continue? I mean, what do I work out next?


Your combat doctrine is sort of rambling., but I have the basic idea. Maybe do Organisation next?

Ah, Organization I have ready and prepped. The Doctrine will be refined soon, and the Organization will be put in with the better version.


Also, Argo, my friend, the Riharians are not clad in chainmail and wooden shields, though you got the swords right. Riharians don't believe in heavy armor. It goes against their base insticts to survive AND the battlecry of the Chapter based on their planet: Semper Agilis, Always Agile. I will be finding a way to make the Skimboards limited to the tunnel system under RIharia's surface, maybe to have them only work on rails or something that were placed by the first civilization. They won't be used in combat, that would be massively psychotic, even by 40k standards.


So yeah...I might need to change the tech level anyway. Feral fits closer to it, because there are just a few tribes wandering around, but I need them to at least have tempered metal and folding steel ability for my first encounter idea. Still subject to change, but meh.


Thanks for the help.

Also, Argo, my friend, the Riharians are not clad in chainmail and wooden shields, though you got the swords right. Riharians don't believe in heavy armor. It goes against their base insticts to survive AND the battlecry of the Chapter based on their planet: Semper Agilis, Always Agile. I will be finding a way to make the Skimboards limited to the tunnel system under RIharia's surface, maybe to have them only work on rails or something


Kinda like maglev trains?


And also, the Latin of the name doesn't sound too bad... "lacrima sanguinis" means "A tear of blood"

Yeah, that sounds about right, though the 'rails' would probably be some form of magnetic signal set via ping generators throughout the tunnels. Still, excellent comparison.


Also, I'm almost finished with Chapter organization, though I'm a little stumped as to how many soldiers are in each squad. SOMEONE forgot to bring the rulebook *Glares at Argo and polishes Blood Reaver* so I don't know the numbers. Am I right in assuming that every tactical, assault, and devestator squad has ten? If so, does the same apply for Veteran squads?

Okay, so I got a general organization idea done.


The Companies will all have one Veteran squad. Six of the seven companies are combat specialists in some way, whether it be tactics or gear that set them apart. I already know that two will be mainly Devestator and Terminator concentrated Companies, and two will be regular troops trained specifically to innovate on the fly/"Nice gun. It's mine now" types. The last two are a question, so they'll probably involve armor and will likely be more generalized. Company Seven are for Scouts and newbies.

The way I mean to use the Seventh Company is simple: they are the one thing that connects the other companies. Company Seven scouts the forward area, or an area of importants, and then either sends runners or signals to the other companies to tell them what's up. They play a crucial role, to be honest, and there are always one or two sniping in the background when another company attacks something. Think of them as the unnofficial communications web that tells everyone whats up, what's gonna hurt, and how many allies to call in for a big fight.

I've reached a quandry of sorts. I need a way to make sure my Chapter is renegade, even in the eyes of the most brutal critic (Because some things I'm perfectionish about) but I don't know exactly how to do that. I can see the history of the Lacrima Sanguinis coming together after pouring over the Blood Angels codex but this part is still a little thorn in my proverbial paw. Any ideas as to how this would come about?


Also, if the 'solution' in any way involves beating the hell out of Ultramarines, I'm all for it. Childish prejudice I know, but I gotta have an enemy, right?


The ideas I've been bouncing around involve some sort of fight with the Ultramarines, maybe a clash as to how the Bloody Tears work (Nowhere NEAR the codex ruling) or perhaps some claim of heracy due to their nonconventional use of enemy weapons when possible. Hell, maybe there's a problem with kill stealing or bloodlust (The Red Thirst has been all but nullified by sheer force of will in this chapter, but the Black Rage is common enough to be normal. I don't claim my guys can control it, just that they can turn it on and off, hence the lack of a Death Company). On that note, maybe they clash with the executioner of the Death Company somehow.


I've got no idea where this mad plan is going, but I'm working hard at it and it's confusing me :ph34r: Any thoughts?

Alright, I got the history going. Two Chapters, one the Bloody Tears, one the other Chapter I plan to create, the Void Roamers, at the beginning the Crimson Nomads, will be of the same founding and somehow end up in the same sector/system/whatever's close enough together to be believable. Anyway the chapters 'grow up' together and end up close allies, though the Nomads are basically red Ultramarines and the Tears pretty much a geurilla army that whips royal ass with small numbers.


They take it easy, or are forced to, early in the chapters' lives. On their first assignment to fight Chaos, both chapters are deployed together, for they are known to compliment each other perfectly in the best of conditions. What was once a rivalry turned into friendship, it seems. However, both are lost to the warp. I'm working on it from there, but how is it so far?

  • 3 weeks later...

Had a thought recently.


It involves my recently created chapter master and a particular goddess of chaos created from a burst of luck so massive it indeed merrited the creation of a chaos entity. This goddess would have something of Slaanesh traits and an independent view of other chaos gods.


This literally just occured to me, so I ask the great forum peoples...how screwed up is this idea so far?

Retreating unless ordered is death. Even the most cowardly Tears would stand calm before their sergeant for execution after running from a battle. Though Tears do fall back to lure enemies into traps, no one runs from the battle. As far as tactics go, they hit, they run, then come back hard and happy to pound the enemy.


Giggity. I'm sorry, I can make sexual references out of anything.


Normally, most Bloody Tears laugh histarically in the face of death, combat, or the heretic and his gods. It has been taken to account that a Tear captain, while still loyal to the Imperium, stood before a sorcerer of Tzeentch with a bloodies smile, and laughed as the heretic tortured and killed him. The same heretic sorcerer commented moments after the captain's death that he'd only seen such insanity in the face of pain and death in the eyes of the most dedicated followers of Slaanesh. Last words, barely out of the mouth before another Tear ripped his head off with a power fist.


This section is full of win.


I suggest that you submit an alternate, less serious version, of this chapter to the 1d4chan wiki and call them the "Crazy Marines". It would fit nicely there. Trust me. ^_^


Had a thought recently.


It involves my recently created chapter master and a particular goddess of chaos created from a burst of luck so massive it indeed merrited the creation of a chaos entity. This goddess would have something of Slaanesh traits and an independent view of other chaos gods.


This literally just occured to me, so I ask the great forum peoples...how screwed up is this idea so far?


As long as it does not conflict with any past fluff its fine. Coming up with an origin for a 6th (5th being Malal) chaos god will be hard. Mainly in the terms of how it came to be as a result of an event or events that occured in the Materium; i.e. Khorne was created as a result of the large amount of fighting among men on earth during medieval times, Nurgle was a result of the black plague epidemic in Europe, and I think Tzeentch came to be during the Rennaisance or Industrial age, Slaanesh was a result of most of the Eldar basically engaging in wide scale orgies and S&M. And Slaanesh's birth was the most significant since when s/he was born his/her birth scream basically resulted in an instant semi-genocide of the Edlar and made them an endangered species.

Actually this goddess would be born in a temporary rift between the Immaterium and the Materium. Like, say, the jump of a warp drive just entering our friendly neighborhood hellhole full of heretics and false gods. I was thinking that the Tears were chased from the Immaterium BY one of the gods or one of their more powerful subordinates (Shut up, Argo, it's spelled wrong and we both know it. Frickin grammar nazi) and the jump to safety was so sudden and so insanely LUCKY that a chaos goddess (Of miniscule power, mind you, nothing like the actual Slaanesh) was formed aboard the ship/ships that did it. Hell, maybe we could call it a massive burst of sudden belief, refusal to submit, sheer bloody defiance or some other such emotion from the entirety of the Bloody Tears.


I'm up for ideas, so please fire away at what I have thought up so far.


Oh, right, I kinda did a blasphamy XD Chapter Master Kyro has a force weapon called Oathkeeper, a Daemon weapon called Oblivion, and a quickdraw Angelis bolter that attaches to whichever arm he's not using upon sheathing the weapon in that arm. Also, his blood brother, Michal, is on the way too, and I like where he's going as well. Oorah for Techmarines with shuriken cannons.


Speaking of which, how overkill is it to add a Requip rule to my army?


Requip: The sergeant, Captain, Librarian or other somesuch powerful person either sheaths or drops their weapon and scoops up a fallen enemy's, then proceeds to mow down/slice down his foes with the weapon. Assuming it's possible (And I have no idea how it could not be, as frickin GODs and GODDESSES are screwing with the superpowered soldiers in the forty first millenium along with the zombie robots and psychotic painmongers not to mention the SENTIENT ALGEA we call the green things with more dakka than anything else that exists) I'm writing in Michal as a serious nerd/badass with tech, so much so that he's cracked the use of just about any tech, Eldar included.


I know I'm crossing a few lines here, but my chapter is me, so to speak, and I'd sure as hell grab a Shuriken Catapult if my bolter went empty. Let me know.

Actually this goddess would be born in a temporary rift between the Immaterium and the Materium. Like, say, the jump of a warp drive just entering our friendly neighborhood hellhole full of heretics and false gods. I was thinking that the Tears were chased from the Immaterium BY one of the gods or one of their more powerful subordinates (Shut up, Argo, it's spelled wrong and we both know it. Frickin grammar nazi) and the jump to safety was so sudden and so insanely LUCKY that a chaos goddess (Of miniscule power, mind you, nothing like the actual Slaanesh) was formed aboard the ship/ships that did it. Hell, maybe we could call it a massive burst of sudden belief, refusal to submit, sheer bloody defiance or some other such emotion from the entirety of the Bloody Tears.


I'm up for ideas, so please fire away at what I have thought up so far.


Oh, right, I kinda did a blasphamy XD Chapter Master Kyro has a force weapon called Oathkeeper, a Daemon weapon called Oblivion, and a quickdraw Angelis bolter that attaches to whichever arm he's not using upon sheathing the weapon in that arm. Also, his blood brother, Michal, is on the way too, and I like where he's going as well. Oorah for Techmarines with shuriken cannons.


Speaking of which, how overkill is it to add a Requip rule to my army?


Requip: The sergeant, Captain, Librarian or other somesuch powerful person either sheaths or drops their weapon and scoops up a fallen enemy's, then proceeds to mow down/slice down his foes with the weapon. Assuming it's possible (And I have no idea how it could not be, as frickin GODs and GODDESSES are screwing with the superpowered soldiers in the forty first millenium along with the zombie robots and psychotic painmongers not to mention the SENTIENT ALGEA we call the green things with more dakka than anything else that exists) I'm writing in Michal as a serious nerd/badass with tech, so much so that he's cracked the use of just about any tech, Eldar included.


I know I'm crossing a few lines here, but my chapter is me, so to speak, and I'd sure as hell grab a Shuriken Catapult if my bolter went empty. Let me know.


At least he hasn't invented a Shuriken Catapult Shuriken Catapult. Just a FYE, Chaos gods are formed by emotions, not by a warp jump. But if you could characterize her well around the emotions of Stubbornness or something along those lines. Maybe she could have grown in power after her initial creation and could eventually reach the same level of power that the other chaos gods possess.


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