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Grey Knight Rumors Thread


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I once had a Necron Warrior squad charge my full Grey Knight squad and wipe em out... unexpected. Oo;


The problem mostly with the GK's is that a lot of their stuff just didn't work. Like shrouding etc. Last Apoc game was hilarious. White Scars versus Iron Warriors on one end of the table pretty much. 2 competitive forces duking it out and on the other end, me and my brother facing of. Grey Knights vs Necrons. The cripples suckerpunching each other LOL.

A shame as both the GK (and Inquisition elements) and Necrons are both quite unique and inspiring fluff and visual-wise. Just as the Dark Eldar are. Hopefully the Necrons will get an update soon. Followed by basic Eldar, Tau and Black Templars/Dark Angels.

The other thing I'm worried about is that now that we're going to actually have a bit of power behind us (and I've actually mentioned this in other threads), that we'll become the new flavour of the month.

I kind of hope we do become the next big thing. Not because I want to see scores of GK/=][= players but because it'll lead to better support from GW. So I'm ok with the bandwagoners, they're gonna jump on regardless so the rest of us might as well reap a couple benefits out of it.


just my $0.02

I'm not sure the Teleport Homer works with the Summoning, and unless it changed in the final version, the Librarian cannot take a Locator Beacon. And the Deep Strike scatter prevention wargear in the recent codexes require that the model was on the board at the start of the turn, so even if you could take it/it does work, you probably can't prevent scatter until turn 2.


The teleport homer will work with the Summoning, as the Summoning uses deep strike rules. Same as a Stormraven taking a locator beacon and units deep striking out of it when it makes a turbo boost move. They don't scatter if they are within 6" of it.


A teleport homer isn't a locator beacon; they don't work with everything that uses the Deep Strike rule. The Summoning may work with one, depending on wording, but probably not.


Given that the only unit in the game capable of Deepstriking without teleportation is the Stormraven, lacking in locator beacons isn't that big a deal. If the summoning doesn't work as "teleportation" in that sense, I just won't use Summoning that much.


Did you really mean only unit in the game, or did you mean to say, the only unit in the Grey Knights list? Big difference there, as there are tons of units in the game that can Deep Strike without teleportation. Within the Grey Knights codex, in addition to the Stormraven, and any units that are friendly targets of The Summoning, you also have every Grey Knights Strike Squad. The GKSS has Deep Strike in the special rules portion of the unit entry in the Army List, but it does not mention there, or in the unit entry in the Bestiary section, that this Deep Strike is due to teleportation. One would assume that it is, but it isn't actually stated as such. This is especially noteworthy GKSS units get Deep Strike regardless of whether they have upgraded to take personal teleporters.


Therefore, unless a special note is made somewhere in the final version of the codex, we would require Locator Beacons to enable these guys to Deep Strike safely, but only have access to Teleport Homers. My hope, obviously, is that this issue was identified and fixed long ago.




My bad, I meant the codex.


As for the Deepstriking without teleporting thing, given the fact that it was the GKs whole schtick, I find it kind of funny if GKSS deepstrike by some means other than teleportation. Obviously Matt Ward thinks they deepstrike by jumping out the strike cruisers airlocks, entering and surviving the descent into a planets atmosphere in power armor alone, crashing into the surface like some grey meteorite, dig themselves out of the ground, and then kick ass. that would also explain why, despite how awesome they are, most have one wound at the start of the battle, its just the journey to the surface taking its toll. Cuz that makes so much more sense then, say, teleporting. Sounds like his fluff really.



Anyway, I'm interested in the possibility of an all terminator footslogging army, just for kicks and see how it really does. DS them in, blaze away, assault when ready.


Actually, I was wondering if Blind grenades might allow terminators to sweeping advance. Its an HQ only upgrade, so it wouldn't be that broken. Say the HQ tosses out some kind of flash-bang, which disorients the enemy, preventing them from running from the bulky terminator armor automatically. It would be nice, rather than letting them break and run.

I'm in the no bandwagoners club too.


As a radical inquisition player with no inducted units I liked being different, now with henchman looking undercosted I am worried Inquisition armies will be common place. Still with Daemonhosts still being so random, maybe that path will still be the one less trodden.

There's no IC that alters the FoC for Purgation squads. :)


Edit cuz I suck at typing.


True, but you can take 4 special weapons for a 10 man squad of purifiers. Incidentally, a 10 man squad of purifiers with psycannon costs the same as a 10 man squad of purgators with psycannon. The powers and rules change, but if all your interested in guns, its not bad.

There's no IC that alters the FoC for Purgation squads. :(


Edit cuz I suck at typing.


True, but you can take 4 special weapons for a 10 man squad of purifiers. Incidentally, a 10 man squad of purifiers with psycannon costs the same as a 10 man squad of purgators with psycannon. The powers and rules change, but if all your interested in guns, its not bad.


Plus Purifier squads have base 2 attacks vs base 1 for Purgation. However, Astral aim is REALLY cool though :blush:

True, and one of the things I've been mulling over.


But, if points are an issue, you can get those 4 Psycannons on only 5 guys with the Purgation squad. No need to buy the full 10.


On the other hand, with 10 Purifiers, you can make the unit Scoring (without Crowe), then Combat Squad it to have 5 of them ride off for CC goodness.


On the other hand again, those remianing 5 Psycannon Purifiers won't have Astral Aim, so you couldn't hide them beding a building and still shoot. Unlike the Purgation Squad.


End of the day though, for around the same price, you can get a shooty Dreadknight. And if the stats of both the Heavy Psycannon and Gatling Psiliencer are good enough, it'll be able to outperform, outlive and out CC (should it be assaulted) either choice.

Being for or against bandwagoners is like being for or against the sun rising.


For the record I am pro-sun rising.


I don't equate bandwagoners with GW love because bandwagoners will just jump to whatever the next golly codex that drops is regardless of what said codex is.

People shouldn't worry that much about bandwagoning!


They'll be gone in a month!


Here's how its going to go down:


Guy A: Hey I just got my new GKs codex!!!


Guy B: cool, I'm going to do that too!


Guy A: wait...something's wrong! They don't have melta! And the still DIE?


Guy B: Oh... I hate them now!!


Guy A: Yeah, lets go back to Fenris!

I don't equate bandwagoners with GW love because bandwagoners will just jump to whatever the next golly codex that drops is regardless of what said codex is.


Not all the bandwagoners jump to the next army because of the golly rules...


I have been playing and buying minis since 1993, so 20 years of Hobby soon.


Im a compulsive bandwagoner and I jump to the next army wich minis, fluff and general vision I liked in the past.


I have purchased a big Dark Eldar Army and I will do the same with Grey Knights.


I always liked their fluff and style, and when GW release so good new minis, I cant stop buying them...now shoot me all of you.. :rolleyes:

I don't equate bandwagoners with GW love because bandwagoners will just jump to whatever the next golly codex that drops is regardless of what said codex is.


Not all the bandwagoners jump to the next army because of the golly rules...


I have been playing and buying minis since 1993, so 20 years of Hobby soon.


Im a compulsive bandwagoner and I jump to the next army wich minis, fluff and general vision I liked in the past.


I have purchased a big Dark Eldar Army and I will do the same with Grey Knights.


I always liked their fluff and style, and when GW release so good new minis, I cant stop buying them...now shoot me all of you.. :rolleyes:


I wouldn't quite say you are who most people hate. :lol:


I think the anger is directed at Wolf/BAs/IG who ONLY play for the killer rules and ONLY power game. Personally, I couldn't care less about why someone plays an army (they have their own reasons)!


If you want to play because you like the models, the fluff, and the rules, then why wouldn't you play that army?


I don't think anyone's going to flame you ;D

-marches from under The Rock- parden me brethren but what is this "leaked PDF" everyone is so hyped up about?


It's a scan of a photocopy of a mayor part of the rules. Most of the current rumours come from that document. Most likely it's from an old layout proof, as most of the page numbers and images are still missing. Some rules probably have changed in the meanwhile, but it does give a good idea of the direction the new codex is heading.


And as GW's legal team is adamant about sites removing any link to it, while they ignored the 'leaked Blood Angel codex', that caused such a stur but turned out to be nothing but a fanmade codex. That gives the leak at least some credit as being official, even if it is probably outdated.

I see. Well I'd rather wait till I hold the codex in my hands reather than rely on this leaked thing. Rumours and leaks are like a good vodka...always nice but beware those last dregs that ruin the taste.

Until then my Angels of Shadow require attention. I will return to the Inquisition come April with my currently-shelved Knights.

The PDF is still a pretty good read though, rule wise it sounds amazingly elite...but then theres the new fluff for the special charecters...my god I hope it changes, especially Kalgor Draigo's it made me go ;) more than the BA and Necron truce
Truce with the DE? Wasn't that just a joke because I can't remember reading it. Well at least DE are more open to some reasoning, even if it'll devolve into a back-stabbing afterwards. Up until the BA codex it many of us wouldn't even have thought that Necrons would be open to truces at all.


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