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Grey Knight Rumors Thread


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I know i've said this multiple times, but I just remembered a few things that I would like to see changed in the final Dex:


Justicars: I would like to see them more customizable with options for Artificer Armor, Refractor fields, etc. I think it would enhance the elite feel of the army if we had that capability.


Dreads: I would like to see more psychic dreads! They are supposed to house previous grand masters! They should know more than 1 psychic power!! :angry: I would like it if dreads could be upgraded to a level 2 psyker and buy up to two additional psychic powers. That is really how they should be done!


just some thoughts...I hope they already thought of

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I know i've said this multiple times, but I just remembered a few things that I would like to see changed in the final Dex:


Justicars: I would like to see them more customizable with options for Artificer Armor, Refractor fields, etc. I think it would enhance the elite feel of the army if we had that capability.


Dreads: I would like to see more psychic dreads! They are supposed to house previous grand masters! They should know more than 1 psychic power!! :angry: I would like it if dreads could be upgraded to a level 2 psyker and buy up to two additional psychic powers. That is really how they should be done!


just some thoughts...I hope they already thought of


I'd like to see all Dreads (ours and regular Marine Dreads), get some better stats. Even your most basic Dread is supposed to be at least a champion (Vet Sergeant or Wolf Guard, etc.), with some being old Captains, Wolf Lords, or Grand Masters. I don't think the WS, BS, and Attacks on current ones, including venerable ones, do them justice.



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I know i've said this multiple times, but I just remembered a few things that I would like to see changed in the final Dex:


Justicars: I would like to see them more customizable with options for Artificer Armor, Refractor fields, etc. I think it would enhance the elite feel of the army if we had that capability.


Dreads: I would like to see more psychic dreads! They are supposed to house previous grand masters! They should know more than 1 psychic power!! ;) I would like it if dreads could be upgraded to a level 2 psyker and buy up to two additional psychic powers. That is really how they should be done!


just some thoughts...I hope they already thought of


I'd like to see all Dreads (ours and regular Marine Dreads), get some better stats. Even your most basic Dread is supposed to be at least a champion (Vet Sergeant or Wolf Guard, etc.), with some being old Captains, Wolf Lords, or Grand Masters. I don't think the WS, BS, and Attacks on current ones, including venerable ones, do them justice.




Maybe this is the time to start ;)

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On the other hand, isn't the dreadnought a big, cumbersome clumsy robot piloted by a half-shredded dude who's asleep for decades at a time?


All fluff apart, I must say that they're underused because of game mechanics (except maybe the slightly more resistant ironclad) which is sad...



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If the rumors form BoK are true then at least the Justicar should be able to take a Warding Staff and while not artificer armor it will add a little bit of uniqueness to him. I would too would like to see the Justicar be able to take some other unique gear, kinda cheap options that would have an effect on how you might run the squad. I would ideally want something like the reinforced aegis that the Dreads have. Even something as simple as a Powerfist just to change things up a bit.
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If the rumors form BoK are true then at least the Justicar should be able to take a Warding Staff and while not artificer armor it will add a little bit of uniqueness to him. I would too would like to see the Justicar be able to take some other unique gear, kinda cheap options that would have an effect on how you might run the squad. I would ideally want something like the reinforced aegis that the Dreads have. Even something as simple as a Powerfist just to change things up a bit.


yeah, but I don't want to give him a warding stave. It doesn't feel right...


I hope that there are going to be more options in the real dex

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It's a layout proof (and a pretty advanced one at that) so i'm guessing this is the final version of the rules. they even have most of the (see page xx) already filled in.


Maybe. It's pretty easy to just have a template do all of the basic layout for you.

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It's a layout proof (and a pretty advanced one at that) so i'm guessing this is the final version of the rules. they even have most of the (see page xx) already filled in.


Maybe. It's pretty easy to just have a template do all of the basic layout for you.


I'm a professional graphic designer, and after I tore apart the PDF to look at it up close it looks like a professional job to me (btw there are actually some pictures where you think blank spaces are, if you turn the contrast waaay up. There is also flavor art at the top of each page that you can't see in the original PDF. Also, the page number flow is different if you look at the page numbers - it starts with the henchmen and assassins)


I am in no way convinced that the leak is fan fiction. GW didn't give a rat's ass about the fake Blood Angels codex, but the amount of legal frenzy that GW's gone through makes it obvious this is legit.


The advanced stage of the layout process also makes it obvious that it's a final copy of the rules (not th elayout), not just a rules playtest. GW wouldn't pay someone to make such a well-made layout for a playtest.



i believe that all nemesis weapons (including the nemesis dreadclaws) will count as force weapons, since while at first this seems way overpowered (golly TEN FORCE WEAPONS IN ONE SQUAD!!) it's very well balanced out by Brotherhood of Psykers rule - a squad can only do one psychic test per turn, so it's either the squad's psychic power (usually hammerhand, astral aim or whatever) or forgo it and go for the single force weapon attack.


I'm also believing that the nemesis warding stave will indeed grant a 2+ invul save as rumored, but since it's so widely available for only 25 points each, it will come with some drawback such as:


* the wielder always fights at initiative 1

* the stave does not ignore armor saves

* the stave does not count as a weapon in close combat (a la storm/combat shields)

* the save does not allow the wielder (or possibly nearby friendly models) to make psychic tests, thus nullifying the force weapon kill ability

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It's a layout proof (and a pretty advanced one at that) so i'm guessing this is the final version of the rules. they even have most of the (see page xx) already filled in.


Maybe. It's pretty easy to just have a template do all of the basic layout for you.


I'm a graphic designer, and I tore apart the PDF to look at it up close (there are actually some pictures where you think blank spaces are, if you turn the contrast waaay up). It looks like a professional job to me.


I work in the gaming industry.

This is definitely a pre-release version of the codex. If this is just playtest rules, there wouldn't be supported fluff. This would be the final stages of the beta if I was releasing a game... so expect very little to change (save a few points here and there) for the final release.

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Although for the most part we know what we expect to be released, it just occurred to me that this is one of the only releases where the whole book could be covered in the initial wave. From earlier rumours, it was said 3 plastic releases and up to 6 metal blisters. If that's true then we could expect the following:


Plastic boxes:


1. Power armour Grey Knights - box of 5 in same style/price as BA death company. 5 of each - storm bolter arms, NF sword arms, NF halberd arms, teleporters. 1-2 of each - incinerators, psilencers, psycannons, hammers, falcion pairs. Maybe a few head variants and bits of wargear with parts to make the justicar stand out.


2. Terminator armour - pretty much the same as above, just at the terminator (likely now £30) price point and with the addition of the book banners for Paladins and the brotherhood banner.


3. Dreadknight - with all options seen in the leaked pics. Trygon price?


Metal Blisters:


1. Draigo

2. Mordrak

3. Crowe

4. Jokaero weaponsmith

5. Terminator Apothecary

6. Inquisitor Valeria


Now this is all assuming the current inquisition models are sufficient in the most part and that models such as Stern and the terminator librarian won't be getting redone. Also, it assumes that between the plastics/metals you'll be able to make a generic grand master/brother captain or brotherhood champ. I think it's very feasible and would make for a great splash release. I know I personally held off gettting a dark eldar army because only half the dex was available at that point, so for me having all the models available means I'll invest more into the army from the outset. Thoughts?

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I think 5-man boxes for PAGK sucks really hard.


Yep, but I think with the amount of weapon options there'll be and GWs recent releases/price changes it's inevitable. Hope I'm wrong though.


On a different note, I know some people are upset about the Dreadknight, both in appearance and fluff terms, but I think it's a great addition to the GK arsenal. My opinion on appearance is the same as with the Stormraven - it might not be the most aesthetically pleasing model, but it looks functional and capable of going toe-to-toe with MCs, leading on to my opinion on fluff. Dreadnoughts have never been great Vs MCs. They (usually) have lower initiative and WS, and due to the high toughness of the MCs (no instant death) and their lack of attacks, will almost always lose Vs MCs. Considering GKs regularly go up against them and the fact their long range firepower is a bit more restricted than other marine armies, an MC bashing unit seems ideally suited and fitting for the army. And seeing as it comes with only 2 nemesis doomfists (which I can only assume to be S7 if not on a dreadnought, due to the presence of the hammerhand power) for 20 pts more in points than a CSM daemon prince, it's not as undercosted as people say. (WS/BS/A/I better on DP, W/Ld same, S/T/Sv better on a DK) Upgrading it with 2 ranged weapons and jump jets (pimped-wings) take it up to the same cost as Draigo, more than a land raider! Hardly overpowered I think.

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What about GW's pricing would convince you that it'll just be 5 PAGK to a box? If anything I would be surprised to not see them in a box of 10.


The fact that the last major SM release had 2 5-man plastic sets in (namely death company and sanguard) and they both had the same amount of plastic in that one would expect the PAGK set to have. The minimum I would EXPECT to be in a PAGK set would be as follows:


5 legs

5 torsos

10-20 shoulder pads (maybe variants for the purifiers)

6+ heads

5 backpacks

5 personal teleporters (attach to the backpack as seen in leaked pic)

5 storm bolter arms

5 power sword arms

2 (but possibly up to 5) halberds

2 (but possibly up to 5) hammers

1 (but possibly up to 5) pairs of falchions

1 (or 2) psycannons (both arms present)

1 (or 2) psilencers (both arms present)

1 (or 2) incinerators (both arms present)

Various upgrade parts for the justicar and other ornamental parts for the knights


This quantity is far more reminiscent of the levels seen in the death company set than that of the wolf pack set. When you compare the death company set to the wolf pack, they more or less have the same proportion of stuff except the DC have the 5 jumppacks adding the extra cost. I hope I'm wrong as I wanted to pick up at least 10, but this is the most likely conclusion I could reach.


The Dreads in the pdf. have all Nemesis Doomfists, which can be exchanged for rocket launcher or autocanon, so I would guess that they are Powerfists on the Dreadknight too.


There was some debate on this over at warseer before the thread got closed down. (typical) General consensus was that the doomfist wargear entry will probably reflect that it's S10 on dreads but actual strength on the dreadknight. Otherwise, it would be a very powerful MC for the purpose of armour pen / wounding big nasties and would make the fact it is a psyker with hammerhand completely redundant. Of course it's all speculative but it would make sense.

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To be fair, the Death Company and Sanguinary Guard units had a bare minimum of 30pts per model whereas Grey Knights are looking to be 20pts for the Strike Squads (assuming costs stay about the same), which is similar to the Wolf Pack (15-18pts depending on how you field them) and Khorne Berserkers, both of which contain bits for 10-12 models for ~$35. In addition to GW's history of taking units which were usually 5 metal models to a box and making them 10 plastic models to a box (White Lions/Phoenix Guard for Fantasy as an example) leads me to think it'll be 10 dudes for ~$40.
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The Dreads in the pdf. have all Nemesis Doomfists, which can be exchanged for rocket launcher or autocanon, so I would guess that they are Powerfists on the Dreadknight too.


There was some debate on this over at warseer before the thread got closed down. (typical) General consensus was that the doomfist wargear entry will probably reflect that it's S10 on dreads but actual strength on the dreadknight. Otherwise, it would be a very powerful MC for the purpose of armour pen / wounding big nasties and would make the fact it is a psyker with hammerhand completely redundant. Of course it's all speculative but it would make sense.


But if they are that different why name it the same, and for example aren't Chainfists the same on a Dread and on a Terminator, including the Ini of 1. The Hammerhand power could just be for the other Nemesis weapons.

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Ok i just searched through for daemonhost stuff-looking interesting. Now for anybody who has seen the dex are these guys going in retinues or seperate units? And are we going to be able to attach them to standard marine chapters as before?


And I hope I'm not reading into this from previous posts but they have not started turning up in GreyKnight armies have they??? Please tell me my mind has been currupted by the 5 choas god Bacchus.

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Daemonhosts are /meh. Down powered form thier current incarnation (but with massively reduced costs) and can be taken in a warband of up to 12. And with Grey Knights.


They really just look like a flavour unit now, outclassed by the DCA, Jokaero Weaponsmiths, Crusaders, Servitors (3, 10 point MM servitors...) and Warriors.


And are we going to be able to attach them to standard marine chapters as before?


Nope, no allies.

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Daemonhosts are /meh. Down powered form thier current incarnation (but with massively reduced costs) and can be taken in a warband of up to 12. And with Grey Knights.


They really just look like a flavour unit now, outclassed by the DCA, Jokaero Weaponsmiths, Crusaders, Servitors (3, 10 point MM servitors...) and Warriors.


And are we going to be able to attach them to standard marine chapters as before?


Nope, no allies.


Personally, I intend to keep using the Allies rules(not the Inducted ones, too complex with all involved 'dexes being different); they're the only way I can use GKs the way my jaded old soul would like - as elite single units attached to other Imperial forces in the most dire situations. I don't see anyone I play against objecting.


Also, all the fluff in the book is a warp-spawned lie and will be studiously ignored. Grandmasters don't consort with Xenos in MY Grey Knights :tu:

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Also, all the fluff in the book is a warp-spawned lie and will be studiously ignored. Grandmasters don't consort with Xenos in MY Grey Knights :tu:


What, not even with Harelquins? They're pretty close to the inqusition as is.


Also, it wouldn't suprise me if the Doomfist was S10 and the Hammerhand on the Dreadknight was for the Nemesis Greatsword.

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Simple until this book is in my hands I think Tzeentch is involved. Consorting with xenos (harlequins extreme old fluff kinda yes( what am I saying kill them!) and Daemon hosts running around with chapter 666. :tu: !!!

Looking around the discusions here and just on Dakka OMG serious under pricing seems to be happening.

Fluff curruption that leads me believe Matt Ward is infact the secret love child of majority share holder in GW.

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To be fair, the Death Company and Sanguinary Guard units had a bare minimum of 30pts per model whereas Grey Knights are looking to be 20pts for the Strike Squads (assuming costs stay about the same), which is similar to the Wolf Pack (15-18pts depending on how you field them) and Khorne Berserkers, both of which contain bits for 10-12 models for ~$35. In addition to GW's history of taking units which were usually 5 metal models to a box and making them 10 plastic models to a box (White Lions/Phoenix Guard for Fantasy as an example) leads me to think it'll be 10 dudes for ~$40.


Actually, DC are the same cost as the rumoured strike squads and both are troops choices. They were the core of the BA release (serving to upgrade other sets to BA-style) and yet it was still priced at £20 for 5 models. Looking at the wolf pack sprues, although they have more heads than the DC, it's the JPs that make the difference mass-wise. More importantly, the pack was produced 6 months before the blood angels models and formed the core of the release. In order for the SW/DC sets to represent the entirety of the SW/BA range, they need to be combined with other sets, such as devastators and assault squads. The GK set needs to represent both purgation squads, purifiers, strike squads and teleporting strike squads on its own, including enough parts to make all of them feasible (making me think that there will be at least one of every special weapon per 5-men) build-wise. Having not seen what purifiers look like yet, they may even all need unique torsos, shoulder pads, helmets etc.. That's a lot of items to fit into one set.


Recent history, especially the new battleforce prices for nids, BAs, guard, shows us that GW are upping their prices with new releases where they can. The exception to this being dark Eldar who being an entire re-release got a subsidy to help them sell. (whether this will apply to GKs or not who knows?) With regard to making 5 model sets into 10 model sets, by that logic the terminators (also forming the core of the army) would too be upgraded to a 10-man box, which will defintely not be happening. Other examples of releases such as the ravenors and killa kans have seen little in the way of price difference from changing from metal to plastic also. Although I would love a 10-man box for less pennies, I doubt it will happen for reasons stated and thus am saving with that in mind.


But if they are that different why name it the same, and for example aren't Chainfists the same on a Dread and on a Terminator, including the Ini of 1. The Hammerhand power could just be for the other Nemesis weapons.


It's true that the hammerhand could be used for the other nemesis weapons I admit. But a S10 I4 2D6 pen weapon on a 4 attack MC just sounds painful. And would 2 nemesis doomfists (if they're listed simply as DCCWs) grant a bonus one attack for charging on an MC? The idea of a weapon being shared between both a walker and an MC creates some ambiguity as to how it operates, so until we get a wargear entry for it I won't rule out the possiblity that it could work differently depending on which unit it is mounted. On another note, the I1 for chainfists on Ironclads never did sit well with me - why on earth Ward didn't just call it a dreadnought chainfist and say it was a DCCW that rolled 2d6 pen I don't know.

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