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Grey Knight Rumors Thread


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You know... I have my doubts about the lack of pistol SBs...


Think about it. Normal termies cost the same as GK termies, but they come equipped with S8 power weapons and storm bolters. The storm bolters cancel each other out, but there is a large gap in killing potential between them. Even factoring in a nemesis daemon hammer and Hammer Hand, there is still a gap. The extra attack provided by this could potentially make up for the Strength gap and the lack of storm shields. An extra attack for the termies makes sense.


Of course i am speaking as someone who wanted my GKSSs to wipe out ten man marine units in a single bound! <_< (and they should based on fluff!)


Remember that basic GK termies will have a 4++, S5, I4, the Aegis, and can hold objectives. If anything the Marine terminators are being shorted. TH/SS Termies are brutally undercosted and shouldn't enter the equation.

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Hmmm... well the loss of SB's counting as pistols, isn't so hard when you start crunching the numbers.

Pitted against another MEQ, we loose 0,03 kills per model when defending compared to the old knight, but gain 0,30 kills on the charge.


Actually, you will find, that a full squad of GKSS on the charge, who has fired their bolters before charging and Hammerhand goes off, will on average take down EXACTLY 10 meqs.... coinsidence?? I don't think so! ... oh yes, and that is at a 20% cost reduction, compared to previously... now use those 5 points saved to boost their ini to 5, and those 10 meqs won't even get a chance to swing back.


Now add all the additional boosting from support units (libbys etc) that this unit offers, It does not look all too shavy.

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From what I've seen from Katie Drake, psybolt ammo adds +1 to STR. No mention about ignoring invuls so don't know how this equates with the psyflame.


I would prefer +1 str. actually, it is more widely applicable!


The +1 STR for the psybolt is really cool. I think that's why it is a 20 pt upgrade for the LRC. Can you imagine 12 twin-linked S5 shots from the hurricane bolters?!? Woo hoo!


The down side is, I used to be able to fire all weapons after moving 6" (since HB were defensive weapons). With psybolt ammo, I guess we won't be able to.

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Why would they give it to us and EVERY OTHER marine chapter with access to the Cruader, and then take it away? Did we just FORGET how to pull the trigger when we stop moving?


Unless they ret-con the entire lot of it, I highly doubt they're going to completely s***-can the one thing that made that vehicle worthwhile, and unilaterally force players to simply field Stormraven's in its stead.

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Power of the machine spirit?


That should do it right?


Yes it would. The only difference is, after moving 6", you'll just have to choose which 2 weapons you're going to fire (assuming you have psybolt ammo and your HB's are S5). With normal HB's, I can move a LRC 6", fire both MM and AC, and still fire the HB's because they're considered defensive weapons ;)

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Heh, I had a suspicion that's how it would turn out...


But I bet the new plastic PAGK mini's come with Swords by default. ;)


I also noticed in the leak that Dreadnoughts couldn't upgrade their Storm Bolters to Incinerators, so I hope that got fixed.


Vehicles can purchase Psyflame ammunition. Which I'm assuming will make Flamers ignore Invulnerable Saves (much like I assume Psybolt's will make Bolt guns and Psycannons ignore Invulnerable saves), so that's probably wht the don't get Incinerators. And why the LRR has normal 'Flamestorm' cannons, and not the FW super Incinerator Flamestorms.


But, the Dreadnought in the leak didn't have access to an upgrade to Heavy Flamer either, so they don't even have a weapon to shoot their Psyflame ammunition from!



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But, the Dreadnought in the leak didn't have access to an upgrade to Heavy Flamer either, so they don't even have a weapon to shoot their Psyflame ammunition from!




Besides the twin-linked heavy flamer you can replace your multi-melta with you mean? ;)

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But, the Dreadnought in the leak didn't have access to an upgrade to Heavy Flamer either, so they don't even have a weapon to shoot their Psyflame ammunition from!




Besides the twin-linked heavy flamer you can replace your multi-melta with you mean? :P


Yes, besides that. Every other Dreadnought in the Imperium can upgrade their DCCW built in Storm Bolters to a Heavy Flamer. In our current codex, Grey Knights Dreadnoughts could upgrade their Storm Bolter to an Incenerator. In the leaked codex, neither option was available. I would upgrade the Storm Bolter in a heartbeat, but there is no way I'd put a twin-linked Heavy Flamer on as the primary weapon over a Multi-Melta, Assault Cannon, or TL Lascannon. As I said in the very first post on this issue, I sure hope someone noticed this and fixed it (especially since both of my Forgeworld Dreads have Incinerators).


Edit: On a positive note, 20 points to upgrade 10 Storm Bolters in a unit to S5 is a pretty great deal, even if we don't get storm Bolters as Pistols, which was too good to be true at 20 points per Strike Squad member.



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Remember that basic GK termies will have a 4++, S5, I4, the Aegis, and can hold objectives. If anything the Marine terminators are being shorted. TH/SS Termies are brutally undercosted and shouldn't enter the equation.


I don't know where this 4++ rumour comes from, but it's been proven time and time again, that termies and paladins come with the normal terminator armour saves, which is 2+/5++. I also don't know how you come to the fact that they come with S5. Yes you can boost it to S5 with a psycic power, but that doesn't mean they come with it base.

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Remember that basic GK termies will have a 4++, S5, I4, the Aegis, and can hold objectives. If anything the Marine terminators are being shorted. TH/SS Termies are brutally undercosted and shouldn't enter the equation.


I don't know where this 4++ rumour comes from, but it's been proven time and time again, that termies and paladins come with the normal terminator armour saves, which is 2+/5++.


They come with Nemesis Force Swords base, which means they'll have 4++ in close combat and 5++ otherwise, as a standard, and yes, the Strength 5 is via a psychic power. Raverrn's point stands: you are getting a lot for your 40 point investment in a GKT.



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Remember that basic GK termies will have a 4++, S5, I4, the Aegis, and can hold objectives. If anything the Marine terminators are being shorted. TH/SS Termies are brutally undercosted and shouldn't enter the equation.


I don't know where this 4++ rumour comes from, but it's been proven time and time again, that termies and paladins come with the normal terminator armour saves, which is 2+/5++. I also don't know how you come to the fact that they come with S5. Yes you can boost it to S5 with a psycic power, but that doesn't mean they come with it base.


Nemesis Force Swords improve the invulnerable save of the model by 1 in cc. So a GKT with a sword has a 4++ in CC. All GK non vehicle units have Hammerhand, which in a SMT vs GKT showdown, SM terminators dont have any psi cancellation, so, given their Ld, theres a 5 out of 6 chance that the GKT will get +1s, with a tiny chance the Justicars head explodes.

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Remember that basic GK termies will have a 4++, S5, I4, the Aegis, and can hold objectives.


4++? Where?


This is incorrect and a very old rumour that people are clinging too in some vain hope that everyone that has said they will get normal 5++ is wrong.

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