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Grey Knight Rumors Thread


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Remember that basic GK termies will have a 4++, S5, I4, the Aegis, and can hold objectives.


4++? Where?


This is incorrect and a very old rumour that people are clinging too in some vain hope that everyone that has said they will get normal 5++ is wrong.


My point exactly.


Which is why I find it hysterical that people are yelling cheese when they see rabbits.

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You guys should look at the bright side of this...


SB not counting as pistols, GKT with normal 5++, an so on are all good reasons for people not jumping on the bandwagon.


Finally GK players will be (as always) a minority group. <_<

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I am curious about the different "psychic levels" of each profile. Particularly the difference between the "Pysker Level 1" of the Paladins vs. the "Psker Mastery 1" of the Termies. Obviously it seems the Paladins are supposed to have the better profile, being in Elites, but why then tack on the same special rules as a regular GKPA squad? *Sigh* I guess I'll just have to wait till the codex comes out... :P

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I'm still kinda confused about this whole + to invulnerable save ONLY in close combat thing. I'm not saying that the people who have put this rumor out there are wrong but it just seems kinda dumb. In an odd way it makes me think that our Terminators and Paladins will be a little underwhelming. Getting them into CC safely is going to be the number one goal of every GK player and that puts a little kink in how we play our armies. Why really even take Terminators or Paladins when you can take the much less expensive but far more dangerous Purifier Squad for 15 to 30 points less on your initial investment and then a point cheaper for additional models. They won't have quite the staying power but you can take 2 for less than the price of one un-upgraded Paladin. The Cleansing Flame is just boss too. GKSS also get Warp Quake which adds an interesting bit of utility with area denial to deep striking opponents. If you are wondering just how potent this power is, pull out your BRB and go over the Deep Strike Mishap Table again. This is what your opponent will have to roll on if he drops within 12 inches of the squad with this power up. Two GKSS squads can shut down 48 inches of table from things like Drop Pods or DoA. Terminators just don't have this much utility sadly enough, I wish they had WQ as standard but I guess you can't have everything.


If you really want to take Terminators then I suggest taking Mordrak and his super powered ghost boys. Dirt cheap Terminators with all of the same options as standard Termies and they get Stealth USR and they get a 1st Turn deep strike that doesn't scatter AND they can be slightly replenished! They also act as a retinue for Mordack effectively giving the unit, at maximum strength, 14 total wounds with at lest one for sure 4++ save. With the last FAQ Morty gets Stealth too if he attaches himself to this unit. They have their drawbacks but outside of not being able to be given anything from The Grand Strategy they are few and far between.

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What I loves about Mordrak, is that ANY unit he joins, deep strikes with no scatter.


Except the current rumours/leaked codex state he's not an Independant Character, so the only unit he can join are his Ghost Knights because of the Ghostly Bodyguard rule. The only thing you could to is join another IC to his squad so that the IC can benefit from Mordrak's deep strike.

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What I loves about Mordrak, is that ANY unit he joins, deep strikes with no scatter.


Except the current rumours/leaked codex state he's not an Independant Character, so the only unit he can join are his Ghost Knights because of the Ghostly Bodyguard rule. The only thing you could to is join another IC to his squad so that the IC can benefit from Mordrak's deep strike.


Exactly. Take him and a couple Ghost Knights and a Librarian with Warp Rift.


You could even put a teleport homer/beacon on teh Librarian and then use the summoning to pull another unit in to with in 6" and since it uses the deep strikes, rules, they won't scatter due to the home on the lib.


Thats 2 units, in your opponents back lines on the first turn.


Oh how much fun does that sound :(

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Exactly. Take him and a couple Ghost Knights and a Librarian with Warp Rift.


You could even put a teleport homer/beacon on teh Librarian and then use the summoning to pull another unit in to with in 6" and since it uses the deep strikes, rules, they won't scatter due to the home on the lib.


Thats 2 units, in your opponents back lines on the first turn.


Oh how much fun does that sound :wub:


I'm not sure the Teleport Homer works with the Summoning, and unless it changed in the final version, the Librarian cannot take a Locator Beacon. And the Deep Strike scatter prevention wargear in the recent codexes require that the model was on the board at the start of the turn, so even if you could take it/it does work, you probably can't prevent scatter until turn 2.

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I'm not sure the Teleport Homer works with the Summoning, and unless it changed in the final version, the Librarian cannot take a Locator Beacon. And the Deep Strike scatter prevention wargear in the recent codexes require that the model was on the board at the start of the turn, so even if you could take it/it does work, you probably can't prevent scatter until turn 2.


The teleport homer will work with the Summoning, as the Summoning uses deep strike rules. Same as a Stormraven taking a locator beacon and units deep striking out of it when it makes a turbo boost move. They don't scatter if they are within 6" of it.


As for it being on the board at the beginning of the turn, you may be right, it will depend on the wording in the wargear section of the codex.

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The teleport homer will work with the Summoning, as the Summoning uses deep strike rules. Same as a Stormraven taking a locator beacon and units deep striking out of it when it makes a turbo boost move. They don't scatter if they are within 6" of it.


The Teleport Homer, at least in other codexes, doesn't work for everything that uses the Deep Strike rules though, it only works for teleporting (they even specifically mention teleporting Terminators). So the question would be if the Summoning counts as a teleporting? Seeing as the similar Gate of Infinity doesn't work with Teleport Homers (afaik), I doubt the Summoning does though.


The Locator Beacon does indeed work for every type of Deep Strike, but as I said, in the current rumours, the Librarian can't take it.

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You guys should look at the bright side of this...


SB not counting as pistols, GKT with normal 5++, an so on are all good reasons for people not jumping on the bandwagon.


Finally GK players will be (as always) a minority group. :wub:

That's not a bright side. Okay, I'll be glad if GW finds out that Matt Ward kills profits, but as a would-be Sisters player the best thing that could happen would be for my army to oust the Space Marines as the best-selling army in the game, because that would mean more updates and more kits for me.

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That was answered like 3/4 post above yours. >:blush:


Without trying to wish-list too much; staves would also be much more viable if as an expensive upgrade they were available to any GK as a 4++ (3++ in assault, cheaper for GKTs/Pallies). It would avoid a lot of moaning over this 2++ situation for one, yet solve the loss of SS.

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I'm not sure the Teleport Homer works with the Summoning, and unless it changed in the final version, the Librarian cannot take a Locator Beacon. And the Deep Strike scatter prevention wargear in the recent codexes require that the model was on the board at the start of the turn, so even if you could take it/it does work, you probably can't prevent scatter until turn 2.


The teleport homer will work with the Summoning, as the Summoning uses deep strike rules. Same as a Stormraven taking a locator beacon and units deep striking out of it when it makes a turbo boost move. They don't scatter if they are within 6" of it.


A teleport homer isn't a locator beacon; they don't work with everything that uses the Deep Strike rule. The Summoning may work with one, depending on wording, but probably not.

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Is it that bad? Basically, those locator beacons would only be used for The Summoning, no? Anything else that can deepstrike?


Also, it seems the DK's psycannon is rumored at a ridiculous St8 Ap3 Heavy6!



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Is it that bad? Basically, those locator beacons would only be used for The Summoning, no? Anything else that can deepstrike?


Also, it seems the DK's psycannon is rumored at a ridiculous St8 Ap3 Heavy6!







I disbelieve it merely because your thread-post number is #666.


Daemons are playing tricksy and getting our hopes up.

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If you got that one from Heresy, he said he got the rumour from Warseer, but I haven't seen anyone mention the stats for the Heavy Psycannon on there, so I wonder if it's true. Someone else already asked the same thing.


And yes, I visit way to many 40k forums... :no:

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More likely S7 than S8 knowing such luck - it's what most of the rumourmongers have been saying so far. The only way I could see S8 happening perhaps is if psycannons become compatible with psyk-out like bolters. After all incinerators are getting their own ammo so it doesn't seem too out-there...
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I'm not sure the Teleport Homer works with the Summoning, and unless it changed in the final version, the Librarian cannot take a Locator Beacon. And the Deep Strike scatter prevention wargear in the recent codexes require that the model was on the board at the start of the turn, so even if you could take it/it does work, you probably can't prevent scatter until turn 2.


The teleport homer will work with the Summoning, as the Summoning uses deep strike rules. Same as a Stormraven taking a locator beacon and units deep striking out of it when it makes a turbo boost move. They don't scatter if they are within 6" of it.


A teleport homer isn't a locator beacon; they don't work with everything that uses the Deep Strike rule. The Summoning may work with one, depending on wording, but probably not.


Given that the only unit in the game capable of Deepstriking without teleportation is the Stormraven, lacking in locator beacons isn't that big a deal. If the summoning doesn't work as "teleportation" in that sense, I just won't use Summoning that much.

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I'm still kinda confused about this whole + to invulnerable save ONLY in close combat thing. I'm not saying that the people who have put this rumor out there are wrong but it just seems kinda dumb. In an odd way it makes me think that our Terminators and Paladins will be a little underwhelming. Getting them into CC safely is going to be the number one goal of every GK player and that puts a little kink in how we play our armies. Why really even take Terminators or Paladins when you can take the much less expensive but far more dangerous Purifier Squad for 15 to 30 points less on your initial investment and then a point cheaper for additional models. They won't have quite the staying power but you can take 2 for less than the price of one un-upgraded Paladin. The Cleansing Flame is just boss too. GKSS also get Warp Quake which adds an interesting bit of utility with area denial to deep striking opponents. If you are wondering just how potent this power is, pull out your BRB and go over the Deep Strike Mishap Table again. This is what your opponent will have to roll on if he drops within 12 inches of the squad with this power up. Two GKSS squads can shut down 48 inches of table from things like Drop Pods or DoA. Terminators just don't have this much utility sadly enough, I wish they had WQ as standard but I guess you can't have everything.


I agree. Not that I have any real data to support this, but I think it odd that the 'only in close combat' virus has struck our inv. saves...


Most other termies have access to Storm Shields. We are supposed to be the most well equipped and lethal of space marine chapters. Yet we must sacrifice protection for killing power when no other termie has to?


In addition, I think they have done a pretty good job of keeping the Grey Knights as the should be, a balanced force capable of pwning the opponent in both ranged and close combat. That is why I am skeptical about the 'only in close combat' clause. This is because this would unnaturally shift our combat focus to close combat, when we should be making equal use of both.


Given our lack of higher strength weapons, storm shields, and our prowess in ranged combat, it seems unfitting and illogical to have to force players to throw their terminators

into close combat as soon as possible. I would be fine if the stave counted as a storm shield, as long as it gave us that save in ranged and close combat. We already lack the extra killing power of normal termies. Why should we lack the protection that every other marine chapter gives their terminators? (especially considering the paladins! They should have an increased inv. save without having to give up extra strength and initiative bonuses! Unless of course, every paladin counts as a psyker and they can cast 5 hammer hands a turn... which they won't and can't, and even then they should have extra protection.)


In addition, we need those invulnerable saves to counter perils of the warp! We are going to be taking psychic tests almost every turn! If we suffer perils, the HOLY Grey Knights should have a better chance of surviving than 4/36!


In conclusion, in order for this army to work the way it should and to work most effectively, these invulnerable saves are needed, not only in close combat, but in all phases and in all places. :P

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I'm going to provide you with an answer, Justcar, as to just why it is we seem to be getting hosed when it comes to 'only in close-combat'ness versus so many of the other chapters of marines out there.





In summary, we are not Ultramarines.





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Still no excuse,


Really, though I just hope that it is fixed somehow, because we really DO need those ++s!


I can still make it work without them, any good general can.


I simply regret the tactical bottlenecking that occurs as a result of this!

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Oh no, I completely understand. While it sucks (really, really hard) that we're getting the can in the invuln. saves department, we obviously have plenty of ways to work around that, if one is tactically minded enough.


The above comment was more targetted at The Ward's overwhelming, mildly sickening, slightly disturbing love for the Ultramarines. It just seems that everyone who isn't them ends up getting shafted in some way or another (ours being some seriously twonky wargear).


But, the whole of the list isn't out yet, so we're just speculating at best. Doesn't mean I can't sit here and be cross about it until clarity on the subject hits me like a cinderblock to the junk.

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Oh no, I completely understand. While it sucks (really, really hard) that we're getting the can in the invuln. saves department, we obviously have plenty of ways to work around that, if one is tactically minded enough.


The above comment was more targetted at The Ward's overwhelming, mildly sickening, slightly disturbing love for the Ultramarines. It just seems that everyone who isn't them ends up getting shafted in some way or another (ours being some seriously twonky wargear).


But, the whole of the list isn't out yet, so we're just speculating at best. Doesn't mean I can't sit here and be cross about it until clarity on the subject hits me like a cinderblock to the junk.




The thing is, I like Ultramarines! I don't really have a problem with Ward, because the codices have to get approved by others (Though Kelly is my favorite by far!)

I actually don't think Ultras are any more over powered than SWs or BAs. THEY DIDN'T GET THE SHAFT!


That being said, I have always loved the Grey Knights and haven't started an army yet BECAUSE I was waiting on this release!


If this rumor comes to pass, we'll just have to work around it!


But think about it like this ;) Matt Ward is writing the codex. For good or ill, we have an equal chance for some OP Cheese coming our way! Hopefully he was imagining the Grey Knights in blue armour when he was writing it!

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