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Grey Knight Rumors Thread


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Here's my addition to the rumor thread:

I have a very reliable source telling me that PAGK will be in 5-man boxes like BA's DC and SG.


Sad news brothers.

If so, I'm sorry, but I hope the release goes over like a lead balloon. Because if the Grey Knights sell well despite having a Matt Ward codex and a basic troops choice priced at 4 pounds each, 40k is doomed.

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Maybe take a Vindicator to act as flavoring


Except GK don't field Vindicators...


Techmarine with conversion beamer joined to a Purgation squad is a combo that I'm sure will be quite amusing. I've been planning my conversion for a while now, should be a fun little project.


Why Techmarine? Ordo Xenos Inquisitor has it too, is cheaper and much more durable :cuss

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Except GK don't field Vindicators...

He most likely meant Vindicare.


Why Techmarine? Ordo Xenos Inquisitor has it too, is cheaper and much more durable :cuss

Because there's only two HQ slots to three Elites and I can't ever see myself taking one of the generic inquisitors :D

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I'm not sure the Teleport Homer works with the Summoning, and unless it changed in the final version, the Librarian cannot take a Locator Beacon. And the Deep Strike scatter prevention wargear in the recent codexes require that the model was on the board at the start of the turn, so even if you could take it/it does work, you probably can't prevent scatter until turn 2.


The teleport homer will work with the Summoning, as the Summoning uses deep strike rules. Same as a Stormraven taking a locator beacon and units deep striking out of it when it makes a turbo boost move. They don't scatter if they are within 6" of it.


A teleport homer isn't a locator beacon; they don't work with everything that uses the Deep Strike rule. The Summoning may work with one, depending on wording, but probably not.


Given that the only unit in the game capable of Deepstriking without teleportation is the Stormraven, lacking in locator beacons isn't that big a deal. If the summoning doesn't work as "teleportation" in that sense, I just won't use Summoning that much.


Did you really mean only unit in the game, or did you mean to say, the only unit in the Grey Knights list? Big difference there, as there are tons of units in the game that can Deep Strike without teleportation. Within the Grey Knights codex, in addition to the Stormraven, and any units that are friendly targets of The Summoning, you also have every Grey Knights Strike Squad. The GKSS has Deep Strike in the special rules portion of the unit entry in the Army List, but it does not mention there, or in the unit entry in the Bestiary section, that this Deep Strike is due to teleportation. One would assume that it is, but it isn't actually stated as such. This is especially noteworthy GKSS units get Deep Strike regardless of whether they have upgraded to take personal teleporters.


Therefore, unless a special note is made somewhere in the final version of the codex, we would require Locator Beacons to enable these guys to Deep Strike safely, but only have access to Teleport Homers. My hope, obviously, is that this issue was identified and fixed long ago.



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Techmarine with conversion beamer joined to a Purgation squad is a combo that I'm sure will be quite amusing. I've been planning my conversion for a while now, should be a fun little project.


Why Techmarine? Ordo Xenos Inquisitor has it too, is cheaper and much more durable :cuss


bolster defenses + shrouding for terminator cover

inquisitors can't do that :D

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Maybe take a Vindicator to act as flavoring


Except GK don't field Vindicators...


Techmarine with conversion beamer joined to a Purgation squad is a combo that I'm sure will be quite amusing. I've been planning my conversion for a while now, should be a fun little project.


Why Techmarine? Ordo Xenos Inquisitor has it too, is cheaper and much more durable :)


Yes, Vindicare.


That setup that I recommended is only.. lets see.



5x Purgation (4x Psycannons) = 180

in RB TLLC = 75


5x Purgation (4x Psycannons) = 180

in RB TLLC = 75


5x Purgation (4x Psycannons) = 180

in RB TLLC = 75



Vindicare = 145

Techmarine (Conversion Beam) = 80+??



Librarian, +3x Powers, Shrouding, Summoning, Warp Rift = 165


1155, take the rest of your stuff and load up with PAGK, and maybe take a Grand Master and babysit as well since with Grand Strategy, your Purgation squads are now scoring.

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I think there should be a limit on taking daemonhosts with GK. That would be common sense at its most basic.


Common Sense and GW? Well no matter how long have you been playing you should know that GW don't possess any.

2 Chapter Masters or 2 Master's of The Forge, unfluffy but legal.

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Question on brotherhood of psykers if anybody can clarify:

If an IC joins a unit of terminators, how many psychic powers can that unit do per turn then? I would hope the terminators and the IC can each do their alotted amount of powers.

In case that the latter is true, according to the wording of hammerhand (in so far as anything we have to go on is definite ofcourse), the IC gets hammerhand benefit when the terminators cast it. Is the reverse also true when the IC casts it. I would think so but not certain. And if so, do the effects stack (I would think not but you never know)

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Yes, according to current rumours, Hammerhand counts for the entire units, so attaching a psyker IC to it allows you to spread the +1S love. Hammerhand doesn't stack with other casts of Hammerhand, but it does stack with Might of Titan for a total of +2S and S+2D6 armour penetration.
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Question on brotherhood of psykers if anybody can clarify:

If an IC joins a unit of terminators, how many psychic powers can that unit do per turn then? I would hope the terminators and the IC can each do their alotted amount of powers.

In case that the latter is true, according to the wording of hammerhand (in so far as anything we have to go on is definite ofcourse), the IC gets hammerhand benefit when the terminators cast it. Is the reverse also true when the IC casts it. I would think so but not certain. And if so, do the effects stack (I would think not but you never know)


If a IC joins a unit, both the IC and the unit can cast powers. The only limit on powers being cast is on a per model basis. Both the squad and IC benefit from the powers, no matter who casts it.


As for effects stacking, Might of Titan and Hammerhand definitely stack, cause it says so in the rules. I've also been wondering if you cast hammerhand twice (once by IC, once by squad), if that stacks as well.

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The real sadness is the fact that many of my friends who I game with upstate have more or less refused to roll dice with me because of some of the rumours out there. To some degree I can definitely see why. Thusfar, each codex that has come out has had a myriad of weird gimmicks and tricks to it, making it have cheese in it's own right. Following the rumours, a majority of the people who game at my local shop are scared out of their minds when it comes tourney-time. I especially feel (if Warp Quake stays as it is) for my friends that play Blood Angels.


Guess I might have to wait until a new codex is released after ours to finally be able to play! :(

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The real sadness is the fact that many of my friends who I game with upstate have more or less refused to roll dice with me because of some of the rumours out there. To some degree I can definitely see why. Thusfar, each codex that has come out has had a myriad of weird gimmicks and tricks to it, making it have cheese in it's own right. Following the rumours, a majority of the people who game at my local shop are scared out of their minds when it comes tourney-time. I especially feel (if Warp Quake stays as it is) for my friends that play Blood Angels.


Guess I might have to wait until a new codex is released after ours to finally be able to play! :(


ROFL just don't take min-maxed lists of doom and that's it.

I'll still field the same stuff more or less. Dreads and Raiders.

And if you're stronger now? So what? We've been playing with a massive handicap for ages, it's fun to actually go to a game knowing odds are you'll do very well.

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Even with the handicap, I can still give the majority of my friends (except this one Necron palyer, that dude just wipes the floor with EVERYONE) a serious run for their money despite lacking a lot in the way of up-to-date rules. They're just afraid of what sort of shennanighans I'll come up with when the power curve swings THIS way for once.
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The real sadness is the fact that many of my friends who I game with upstate have more or less refused to roll dice with me because of some of the rumours out there.


Pff, tell them to grow a spine. It's the same thing every time with each new codex when the rumours start rolling. Ironically it's usually the things people whine hardest about being OP during the rumour period that get used the least/aren't very effective when the codex is out for a while.

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Even with the handicap, I can still give the majority of my friends (except this one Necron palyer, that dude just wipes the floor with EVERYONE) a serious run for their money despite lacking a lot in the way of up-to-date rules. They're just afraid of what sort of shennanighans I'll come up with when the power curve swings THIS way for once.


I'm a sucky player so I'm not that good. I usually loose (but only just).

Frequently due to the oddest inconsistencies in dicerolling for which i'm getting a reputation.

Even with my Black Legion Terminator Lord... 2x lightning claws, mark of Khorn, assault,... and not a single attack hit!

Stuff like that.


As for Necrons unless they field more than one Monolith and C'tan I usually don't find them that competitive. Of course the really good players still have a few nasty tricks and tactics up their sleeves.


In any case don't bother with the complaints, enjoy your codex.

Make fun, fluffy but competitive lists.

Of course if you purposely go look for the most broken thing in their... they'll have a point.

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I still fly back and forth on my 'how I feel about this'-o-meter. I mean, we really, really need a new codex. I'm happy that they're paying attention to that and giving us something to give us a competative edge. On the other, some of the fluff or reasoning behind characters or abilities makes me feel like I'm choking down a can of nails.


All I can do is wait, really. And on the topic of Necrons, he actually doesn't run any monoliths (and anyone who thinks they need to run them to win will have their 'necron' models obliterated to make them phase)- just a serious truckload of warriors. To date, I've only seen him lose once. That'll change, I'm hopin', when the new codex comes out. :P

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Even with the handicap, I can still give the majority of my friends (except this one Necron palyer, that dude just wipes the floor with EVERYONE) a serious run for their money despite lacking a lot in the way of up-to-date rules. They're just afraid of what sort of shennanighans I'll come up with when the power curve swings THIS way for once.



Necron that wipes the floor, you sire don´t see many IG, SW, SM, Ork, BA or even (dark)Eldar players where you play?


And seriously we are getting getting nerfs too, our beloved smoke is gone (most likely) :P.

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Oh there are plenty. PLENTY. He just knows what to do, what to shoot at. Thing is, he's one of two Necron players, just as I am one of two Daemonhunter players. Because people don't get a lot of play time against them to figure out a strategy, they get antsy and do something stupid. Much and the same with me; the codex is so old that any of the older players know that something fishy is on the way, but no idea what to expect, and newer ones are just blind-sided by the whole 'what the hell S6 WS5 on a normal troops choice?'


The other thing I'm worried about is that now that we're going to actually have a bit of power behind us (and I've actually mentioned this in other threads), that we'll become the new flavour of the month.

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