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Grey Knight Rumors Thread


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While I can understand that people call Crowe limited (notice my choice of words) as a Character on his own, saying he's not good enough is simply impossible if you agree that the build I suggest is strong. Simply because that build isn't possible without him! Therefore if that build is good; he's good too, that's really undeniable logic. Never forget: 40k isn't about single units, it's about a whole list...


Zhukov... your a sage :D

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Not being an IC, at least it's only himself that suffers when the enemy assaults him with FC and rerolls...


Get rid of that, and make him an IC and you've got a superb Character, with rules and fluff to match.


Not really, at that point you've just got an under-costed over-powered Space Marine Captain.

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in the Ogre Kingdoms book a Hunter has Bull Charge. a Hunter cannot join units of Ogres. Bull Charge only works in a unit of 3+ Ogres.


Then why does he have Bull Charge? For completeness sake, because all Ogres have Bull Charge and a Hunter is an Ogre... sure he'll never be able to use it, but he has it.




If Crowe has "Litanies of Hate" it in no way guarantees he'll be an IC.

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Not only a commander, but a purity-inspiring leader of an entire order within a holy brotherhood? Yeah, lonewolfing it there makes total sense.



In a standard chapter, a Chaplain will always be with units where the fighting is thickest to keep the pressure on and lead others by example of battlefield bravery (read: insanity).

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That reminds me of something: Crowe has the Titan's Herald special rule, aka Litanies of Hate.


Why would he have this rule if he wasn't going to be an IC? :(


At the very least he still benefits from it so its not a complete waste of print. (a bit odd, yes. but hardly the first odd rule produced by gws)

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That reminds me of something: Crowe has the Titan's Herald special rule, aka Litanies of Hate.


Why would he have this rule if he wasn't going to be an IC? :(

Because normal Brotherhood Champions have this rule too and it's still relevant for him, so why not use the same rule? They could have made a seperate rule for him which says that he re-rolls to hit on the charge, but that's kinda unecessary. So it could be perfectly logical.


Zhukov... your a sage ;)

Thank you kindly sir :o


I love how rumors completely stopped circulating right now.



Expect official pictures in about 1 week and rumors based on the final codex in about 2-3 weeks. That's my prediction at least.

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As GKs for the most part have ATSKNF now, I'm surprised they haven't included a 'Honour of...' rule with the bro-champ too, or at least something along similar lines. Guessing it's to keep their cost down...


No doubt there are certain situations where he could be handy but would you really take him for, say 100-120ish points without his Keeper of Anarch rule?

would people take vulkan if he didnt twin link melta and make TH master crafted ?

your question is an odd one. Crowe is a cheap chara , he boosts a good unit that can take a good weapon , what is there not to like about him ? that he dies or that he can be sniped ? who cares . with cover and going down it takes a lot of str 8+ [as in 5 to be sure] ap 2 weapons to kill him and he has to be in LoS of the units shoting.

Tis an odd one and could perhaps have been phrased better, but it cuts to where needs to. Aside, I'm not much of a fan of Vulkan either. It's obvious why people take him. Depending on how much his cost is lowered by for the loss of chapter tactics Vulkan could still be a decent match if your looking for an assault-based SM Captain.


As for Crowe, I can't tell if what you said was with sly sarcasm. After all the only other unit he can currently boost is an enemy's which he does with a vanilla cc weapon. I guess Cleansing Flame helps indirectly if he joins an ongoing melee if that's what you were getting at? As for the rest, if I always face opponents whom decide to waste a round heavy artillery trying to flush him out of cover every game he'll prove to be more than helpful if a diversion is required. Seems doubtful though.

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Just a quick heads up for all you knight lovers



Not sure if this has been said...if it has I cant find it, but, in the march edition of White dwarf a date of release is given.


March 26th


This can be found on the inside of the back cover. There is a picture of 3 grey knight storm ravens over a significant gathering of daemons and the words GREY KNIGHTS and ON SALE MARCH 26TH are in a nice, large, white font.




Hope this helps you guys

Cpt X

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Taking Vulkan means you need a place for him too...which almost forces you to take Hammernators in a Land Raider. Or putting him with units which don't want to be near assaults generally speaking (tacticals, sternguard) While looking in a vacuum vulkan might seem a good deal for his combat abilities already; in reality he's not.


I had awesome sucess sticking him in my third Drop Pod with a Command Squad of Melta guns. The two Ironclads came down First Turn, then Vulkan came in, and Heavy Flamed a unit, supporting the Command Squad who was decked out for anti tank witt thier 4 Melta Guns. FNP on top of Vulkans saves was pure win. It gave the unit a nice amount of CC strength if someone decided to charge them after they dropped.


Crowe offers *nothing* similair.


As for Crowe, I can't tell if what you said was with sly sarcasm. After all the only other unit he can currently boost is an enemy's which he does with a vanilla cc weapon. I guess Cleansing Flame helps indirectly if he joins an ongoing melee if that's what you were getting at?


I tihnk it was a rference to 'boosting' urifiers by makign them Troops. :lol:

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I love how rumors completely stopped circulating right now.




Yeah, someone break into GW and nab the real deal will ya? :lol:


As for when we'll hear more I asked at 2 GWs last week, one said they were getting the preview codex March 12th, the other said 'mid-march'. So not too long to wait hopefully of they're correct.

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I had awesome sucess sticking him in my third Drop Pod with a Command Squad of Melta guns. The two Ironclads came down First Turn, then Vulkan came in, and Heavy Flamed a unit, supporting the Command Squad who was decked out for anti tank witt thier 4 Melta Guns. FNP on top of Vulkans saves was pure win. It gave the unit a nice amount of CC strength if someone decided to charge them after they dropped.

No offense, but this could be an example I would use to support my claim about Vulkan... I believe you had succes with it, but in the end it's far from optimal and I believe you know this yourself too. If not; let's agree to disagree to not derail the thread with it.


Regarding Crowe: I don't think this 'debate' can be solved. We'll see soon enough if he's an IC or not and how usefull he'll be. If I can play that Purifier build (or something close to it) you can expect me to play tourneys with it and writing battlereports about it, which will be much more usefull to support my claims. (or when I'm wrong regarding this I'll happily admit that too ofc!)

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I love how rumors completely stopped circulating right now.




Yeah, someone break into GW and nab the real deal will ya? :)


As for when we'll hear more I asked at 2 GWs last week, one said they were getting the preview codex March 12th, the other said 'mid-march'. So not too long to wait hopefully of they're correct.


Dark Eldar models are released on the 19th (I think), so it stands to reason that around the 22nd, they will give us shots of the models and put them on advanced order.

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"on sale March 26th" --could that possibly mean advance orders available March 26th? Just wondering...



I would have thought It was general release. I say this as I believe they have advertised pre-order dates for other "major" releases in previous editions of white dwarf.



....but, I've been wrong before lol


Cpt X

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So, anyone hear anything new if the Storm bolters will count as extra ccws for being wrist mounted? If not, i'm kinda pissed. They took away everything unique about gk, gave them some ok psychic powers, and called it a day. It looks like this dex will be subpar. They'll be forced to spam psycannons. Don't even bother with psychic powers, as if you fail, your justicar dies, awesome. Other armies are getting special rules, like pain tokens, orders, decent of angels, and wolves are just wolves. I think Gk should have wrist mounted storm bolters as their "special rule."


So far, i've play tested the GK leaked book, it was meh to me. Almost as meh as my grammar and typing. I guess we'll have to wait and see. I did test out with just 1 attack basic, or 2 for the wrist mounted. The wrist mounted cc option would pretty much decimate anything in combat. With just 1 attack, they'll get destroyed by hordes due to low number of attacks.

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