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Grey Knight Rumors Thread


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While Iron Will would have been perfect, GKs could have easily been given Stubborn.


You know, we don't really know what Psyk-out 'nades or the Bortherhood Banner do. Even if the 'nades are rumoured to give -1Ld in CC, the Banner could provide Stubborn. :)


The banner is suppose to be pretty much identical to the spacewolves banner where you re-roll 1s in combat.

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While Iron Will would have been perfect, GKs could have easily been given Stubborn.


You know, we don't really know what Psyk-out 'nades or the Bortherhood Banner do. Even if the 'nades are rumoured to give -1Ld in CC, the Banner could provide Stubborn. ;)


The banner is suppose to be pretty much identical to the spacewolves banner where you re-roll 1s in combat.


If that's true, 25 pts seems harsh tbh. I mean, it's a great ability, don't get me wrong but if it's no more than the wolfbanner and you're giving up a power weapon for it ...

Seems like there would be more to it.

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Things that suck when you're not fearless


This has happened to me once in my four years of gaming.

Yeah, it's probably easier if you only play a handful of games a year, right? :blink:

No, not really.


In response to the other comments let me clarify. I've lost several leadership tests but only once had my unit walked off the board. If this has been a reaccuring issue in your games than maybe you're doing something wrong :D



Back on topic, if the only thing this banner does is function like the "wolf-banner" than it's not worth the loss of a power weapon. I'll hang on optimistically until I see the codex though.

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continually tank shocking units off the table is one of those tactics that not many players use, and those who do use it swear by it.

i only see 3 out of the 50 or so players in my local shop use it regularly.



one thing i could see them having is be fearless but use ATSKNF in close combat and for regrouping.... that would be the best of both worlds.

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You know, we don't really know what Psyk-out 'nades or the Bortherhood Banner do. Even if the 'nades are rumoured to give -1Ld in CC, the Banner could provide Stubborn. ;)

There was someone who mentioned the banner maybe provides the re-rollable saves. It came about after all the fuss of the rumour saying it would be an army-wide ability. With Paladins, that could be *ahem* interesting...


Things that suck when you're not fearless


This has happened to me once in my four years of gaming.

Yeah, it's probably easier if you only play a handful of games a year, right? :cuss

No, not really.


In response to other comments...

Ouch, sincere and cutting to the point in the face of a tame jape. Why the odd/dismissive behaviour chief? I thought all wolves liked a friendly jostling... :P

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Things that suck when you're not fearless...

This has happened to me once in my four years of gaming.

Yeah, it's probably easier if you only play a handful of games a year, right? :cuss

No, not really.


In response to other comments...

Ouch, sincere and cutting to the point in the face of a tame jape. Why the odd/dismissive behaviour chief? I thought all wolves liked a friendly jostling... :P

I've heard it said that intentions are often misinterpreted over the internet. Next time I'll try one of these ;) :P :P ;)


In all honesty I didn't want to go too far off topic hence the directness. As far as the "jostling" I suppose I'm a bit more of a Wolf Scout by nature, not that I won't jab back from time to time ;)

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There was someone who mentioned the banner maybe provides the re-rollable saves. It came about after all the fuss of the rumour saying it would be an army-wide ability. With Paladins, that could be *ahem* interesting...




I'll be buying one of those in every Squad that can get them if that's the case!


And it actually makes the standard Terminators a very attractive troop choice!

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Yeah, if that's the case, I'll definitely sacrifice one power weapon for the chance at being able to re-roll saves. That's hideously wicked awesome.


The fact that Ward is writing it makes it even more of a possibility, strangely enough.

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I've just noticed that from GW UK's web shop dissapears nearly all remained Grey Knights stuff, even that was recently availiable.


1) Blisters №№1,2 with 2 PAGK

2) GKT 5-men box

3) Blister with GKT & psycannon

4) PAGK Nemesis Force Weapons bits set.


Maybe I've not found something. Interesting, isn't it?


However, PAGK with inci\psycannon still remains in shop :D

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There was someone who mentioned the banner maybe provides the re-rollable saves. It came about after all the fuss of the rumour saying it would be an army-wide ability. With Paladins, that could be *ahem* interesting...


That, on the completely opposite end of the spectrum, seems a little over the top for 25pts and a power weapon. (Well, maybe for the one turn like the wolf standard)

I would also expect it to be costed differently for 3+ models than it is for 2+/4++ models, which as far as I know it isnt according to the current rumours and leaks.


Still, you never know :D Lord knows the above average cost per model grey knights could do with a def boost to keep bodies on the field.

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GKSS, Purifiers and Purgation Squads can't purchase the Brotherhood Banner.


Only the TDA units can purchase it anyway (Paladins, Terminators and Ghost Terminators. And the Ghost's don't have to give up a Power Weapon for one!)


Right you are. Thought I'd seen it on purifiers somewhere but I cant find where so I'm probably imagining it :)

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Another "error" that'll be corrected to be sure. ;)


I've heard it said that intentions are often misinterpreted over the internet. Next time I'll try one of these ;) :) :P B)


In all honesty I didn't want to go too far off topic hence the directness. As far as the "jostling" I suppose I'm a bit more of a Wolf Scout by nature, not that I won't jab back from time to time ;)

Fair do's. It's understandable if you're coming on here looking for helpful updates and all you just get a load of inane banter instead.

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Am I just reading it wrong or are the Jokaero going to be beyond broken?

Just glancing through the leaked dex it looks like - for less than a termie each - it's possible that the orange space monkeys could be slamming 12 Lascannons down the field with a 60" range. If they survive that, they could be facing 12 Multimeltas with a 36" range. Survive that and you could be facing 12 Heavy Flamers that rend. And with Coteaz they could be troops. Is it me or does this REALLY not seem right?

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The US site is similar.


The only GK pieces you can currently purchase are:



GK Terminator Blister

PAGK Justicar Blister

PAGK with Incinerator

PAGK with Psycannon


Terminator Psycannon upgrade pack.

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Am I just reading it wrong or are the Jokaero going to be beyond broken?

Just glancing through the leaked dex it looks like - for less than a termie each - it's possible that the orange space monkeys could be slamming 12 Lascannons down the field with a 60" range. If they survive that, they could be facing 12 Multimeltas with a 36" range. Survive that and you could be facing 12 Heavy Flamers that rend. And with Coteaz they could be troops. Is it me or does this REALLY not seem right?


Broken? You're paying 420 points for unit that is overkill even for Monoliths. That has what, 5+ save? And can still only kill one target per round? And drops like flies to any kind of deep strike attack?


I, for one, would be happy if your entire army had nothing but this. Unless I was playing a list without long range fire, deepstrikers and CC units, but how many such lists you see?


Also, correct me, but aren't odds of getting these two updates pretty low? In fact, don't 12 Jokaero broke the upgrades table making you get nothing from it?

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Granted, but 5 in a Chimera a la Gentlemanloser's suggestion and it only runs you 230. Cheap enough to spam a few. Or stick two plus anything in a rhino to give yourself a cheap heavy weapons platform that you'd have to destroy to keep from shooting.
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Granted, but 5 in a Chimera a la Gentlemanloser's suggestion and it only runs you 230. Cheap enough to spam a few. Or stick two plus anything in a rhino to give yourself a cheap heavy weapons platform that you'd have to destroy to keep from shooting.


Agreed, but, IMHO, they're just next Thunderwolves. Everyone says they look so super on paper, yet, when we'll see the actual models they'll probably turn into colossal $ sink and might have built-in weaknesses, like height or base size. We'll see.


Plus, it's not like they're the shootiest units around, you can have far more survivable units of lascannon/mixed Long Fangs (and Battlesuits, too, if my memory of Tau Codex isn't faulty) for almost the same price.


And, the way I see it, 6 Chimps will still break the upgrade table, forcing you to ignore duplicate rolls, as all of them will be useless (due to +5 giving you the same bad result) no matter what you roll.

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Agreed, but, IMHO, they're just next Thunderwolves. Everyone says they look so super on paper, yet, when we'll see the actual models they'll probably turn into colossal $ sink and might have built-in weaknesses, like height or base size. We'll see.

like official GW models of Thunderwolves are ever coming out.....



chimps will have their places in the henchmen builds, just like everyone else, regardless of what they look like.

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I know that I will be moaning about how "they took GKs and made them SM with pimped gear!" for a while, but I have no doubt that this will be a stronger dex, and one that I will EVENTUALLY, HOPEFULLY accept. Except for Draigo. He's gonna be spending a lot more time in the Warp when I get around to building armies. "Go do something useful, like defeat Tzeentch in checkers, beat up Khorne using An'ggrath the Unbound as a weapon, get a chastity belt on Slaanesh, and give Nurgle a sponge bath"


Oh chaos...how far have we fallen :P


For Kalgors story I want something as retarded in the chaos codex that will eventually come out to compensate that Chaos cannot defeat one bloke running around with a daemon weapon in there own back yard. Something like a chaos spawned mutant rat that is slowly strutting around the Emperors Palace in a pimp suit, the Custodian guard can't defeat it as it has a Chuck Norris mutation that roundhouse kicks anything that comes near it. Even the Emperor shakes in fear of it.

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1,750 lists; (Editted becuase there's only 6 Troop Slots! :P)



5 x Weaponsmiths, Chimera

5 x Weaponsmiths, Chimera

5 x Weaponsmiths, Chimera

5 x Weaponsmiths, Chimera

5 x Weaponsmiths, Chimera

5 x Weaponsmiths, Chimera


1,480 points.


30 boosted Lascannons/MM/HF shooting from Chimera's (with your choice of ML/HB or HB/HB set up). Scoring.







12 x DCA

12 x DCA

5 x Weaponsmiths, Chimera

5 x Weaponsmiths, Chimera

5 x Weaponsmiths, Chimera


1,560 (So room to play with)


Attach Coteaz to a Unit of 'smiths to start with, so anyone DSing or outflanking within 12" takes 5 Weaponsmiths to the face.





12 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun (your choice), Chimera

12 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun (your choice), Chimera

12 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun (your choice), Chimera

12 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun (your choice), Chimera

12 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun (your choice), Chimera

12 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun (your choice), Chimera




Mix and match to taste! :P


Henchmen need some balancing. ;)

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most likely, much like some of the other characters that change force org of a unit, it's not an also but an inclusive..... they become Troops, meaning they no longer can be taken as Elites which would attach to the inquisitor directly.


so that would limit you to 6 spamed units as apposed to 7 spamed units... other wise, yeah, that's gonna be the proper 'ard boyz build.

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