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Grey Knight Rumors Thread


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12 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun (your choice), Chimera

12 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun (your choice), Chimera

12 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun (your choice), Chimera

12 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun (your choice), Chimera

12 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun (your choice), Chimera

12 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun (your choice), Chimera




Of course, the cheaper option is;



5 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun, Chimera

5 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun, Chimera

5 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun, Chimera

5 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun, Chimera

5 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun, Chimera

5 x Warriors P-Gun/M-Gun, Chimera


Total: 850


Now you have points to spare...


6 Mobile, scoring Tanks, shooting 5 Plasma/Melta guns from safety inside. For a pitance really.

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Saw this on BOLS



I showed a certain PDF file to someone inside GW. He said that the PDF is ~5 months old, and the codex has been cleaned up a lot. The wording in many parts has been changed and made clearer, but it's more or less correct. He thought some of the point values may have been tweaked but he wasn't sure.
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Saw this on BOLS



I showed a certain PDF file to someone inside GW. He said that the PDF is ~5 months old, and the codex has been cleaned up a lot. The wording in many parts has been changed and made clearer, but it's more or less correct. He thought some of the point values may have been tweaked but he wasn't sure.


The DE models go on sell 3/19/11. It seems to me that they won't put it on sale until after the DE go on sale.

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In preparation for the release I have started to paint my FW Grey Knight Dreadnought...I would paint Hector Rex but he is in the warp currently...or at my dads on my hobby table there -.-
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Not necessarily, there have been times when they had multiple release dated models in the advanced order section before. Why not now?


I was not aware of these instances. :D


As far as i'm concerened I would give my right kidney to see those models RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!! :HQ:


So if it is reasonable, given past experiences, then i'm all for it!

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Maybe it was a bad idea for the bank to approve me for a $7000AUD credit card... :evil

The second the orders go up on Maelstrom, i'll be ordering 2 of everything (at least)

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The DE models go on sell 3/19/11. It seems to me that they won't put it on sale until after the DE go on sale.

The DE 1.5 wave is pretty crap. Giving them exclusive focus for another couple of weeks wouldn't be worth losing a couple of weeks of buildup for the Grey Knights plastics and codex.

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Is it almost confirmed that psybolt ammo will basically upgrade their storm bolters to s5? If so, who wouldn't want to take that?


Vehicles that want to fire those weapons as defensive weapons for one. Hurricane Bolters on Landraider Crusaders and Stormravens come to mind.

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Is it almost confirmed that psybolt ammo will basically upgrade their storm bolters to s5? If so, who wouldn't want to take that?


Vehicles that want to fire those weapons as defensive weapons for one. Hurricane Bolters on Landraider Crusaders and Stormravens come to mind.


Good point there, on infantry units i could see wanting to take this all the time if the points were handy. Red has a perfect point about Vehicle small arms though, I don't want to lose the ability to shoot them for free. Psyflame ammunition is very interesting however a bit of a quandary. We don't see it on very many options in the codex but from the rumors about adding Rending I'm wondering how often we will see it. I was playing around with the idea of the heavy flamer Razorback with Psyflame ammunition, if the rumor holds up that Razorbacks are fast vehicles that is. Otherwise I think the Rhino is where its at, from what we see in the draft PDF at least. Firing two Psycannons or two Incinerators out of the top is brilliant since you can strap on an additional Storm Bolter (draft PDF might be wrong on this) for just that little bit of extra fire power.

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gah I want pictures so much... I can't contain myself much longer...


Now I'm just trying to work out where I'm gonna get the money to buy all the things I want... By my reckoning...


2 x Dreadknight @ £35(if they are good)

1 x Terminator @ £28

1 x PAGK @ £20

1 x furiso dreadnought @30 (because I want a librarian one as a force weapon wielding CC dread of doom)

Any character models @30


= £178 - 20% for online = £142 ... plus codex... gah!


~Gil ;)

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The plastic GKSS is rumored to be only 5 guys which bites. I really hope that the box comes with all of the possible Nemesis Weapon options for every model or I am going to be really disappointed. Regardless this drives up the cost of a GK army up quite a bit.
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The plastic GKSS is rumored to be only 5 guys which bites. I really hope that the box comes with all of the possible Nemesis Weapon options for every model or I am going to be really disappointed. Regardless this drives up the cost of a GK army up quite a bit.


The metal one only had 5 guys too. A plastic box will be better in every way.


While getting a Space Wolves pack would be great, it will probably be closer to the Death Company box.

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I'm a bit confused about these Henshmen-spam-builds. When I look at the leaked info, you'll need an inquisitor for each henshmen warband you take. Coteaz only moves them from Elite to Troops, he does not remove the Inquisitor requirement... and since all inquisitors are HQ's, then how do you manage to cram 5-6 warbands into the list? Or is there something in small prints I have missed?
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