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  Origins said:
With the Great Heresy still an open wound and vestiges of the Scouring still taking place throughout the Imperium, the Third Founding would take place upon the first day of the new millenium - 001.M32.


The Imperium having almost been destroyed by the treachery of Horus and traitors punished wherever they reared their heads, the High Lords decreed that now was the time to rebuild and retake what was lost; now those worlds lost to the myriad foes of Man would be reclaimed as the Imperium once more sought ascendancy amongst the stars.


The Chapter that would later become known as the Sons of Denoria would form, led by Khorchi Khan of the White Scars Eighth Brotherhood, and would be tasked with reclamation of the Vassan Cluster from the ravages of Eldar raiders.



  Homeworld said:
Denoria is a temperate world of forests, rolling grasslands and deep blue seas located deep within the heart of the Vassan Cluster on the eastern fringes of Segmentum Pacificus.


During it's early history the world was the subject of numerous raids by Eldar slavers, the planets gunpowder-age technology no match for the Xenos as they sought fresh meat. As communities isolated themselves in a bid to avoid attention, technological progression halted almost entirely and the Denorians drifted back into technological obscurity; forced to defend themselves from the predations of the Eldar with spear and axe. As raids continued the Denorians took to more drastic measures, raiding each other for slaves to leave as offerings in the hope that the providers would be left in peace. Such offerings were always accepted, even just for sport, but those who sacrificed their own people would still be hunted like animals.


As the Adeptus Astartes cleansed the Vassan Cluster of a Xenos presence they fell uopn Denoria in force, hunting down the last vestige of a slaver fleet as it came for one last raid before heading for a safer berthing. As Asatrtes met Eldar upon the coast of the Sea of Dreams, the local Denorian tribes took a more proactive hand in their destiny; choosing to final marshal themselves - even as individual groups - to final meet their foe in battle with spear and axe.


In the aftermath of the battle the warbands of Denoria became the preeminent human force upon the world, many of the leaders being those who fought most savagely against the slavers and impressed by the courage and bloodlust shown by the Denorians, Khorchi Khan claimed the world in the name of the Chapter, choosing to recruit from the youths of the warbands and future their offspring. In more recent years the cycle of tribal warfare has continued, with warbands raiding each other for slights both historical and imagine as the martial glory has become the focus of Denorian culture since the action upon the sands beside the Sea of Dreams.


The Chapter would eventually absorb much from the Denorians such as their belief in the Life Chain or the Iron Price, but by far the biggest impact would be upon the way the Chapter wages war.


Every boy of Denoria is taught to use the spear, axe and shield from the time they are strong enough to bear one - the sword is both a symbol of skill and might amongst Denorians and so only the most powerful Chief or skilled Champion carries them into battle. The art of the shield wall is still practised by the planets warbands, though infequently as rarely is a pitched battle deemed worth the cost by any Chief.


Each warband is considered self-sufficient, its leader the mightiest man amongst them and deadly with axe or spear, some even with the sword, and no band long goes without its own healer or smith, nor one to speak for the dead. Even the young are put to use; either foraging for food and peparing meals, or cleaning the armour of the warriors in exchange for learning the craft of those same warriors.



  Beliefs said:
At the core of the beliefs of the Sons, drawn solely from the native culture of Denoria, is the Life Chain; upon Denoria the Chain is what ties a man to life and gives a purpose to that life. For the Chapter such beliefs have changed to fit both the needs and the altered perceptions of the Battle-Brothers.


Upon induction as an initiate each Denoria ceremonially severs a chain as a way of breaking from their old, Human, lives and if the achieve the honour of being inducted into the Chapter proper they do so again, signalling the start of a new existence.


For a full Battle-Brother the Life Chain is a physical ideal, used as both a reminder of the ties that bind the Chapter and its Brothers to the Imperium and as a record of the deeds of its Marines. Each Battle-Brother forges the links for his own chain, the links symbols of different degrees; links can be forged for years of service or promotion and even for notable actions or campaigns, with each link inscribed with data about it. Such inscriptions provide an in-depth look at the career of the Marine, links forged for campaigns and victories small histories in themselves. Only in death does the forging end, some veterans possessing enough links to forge entire suits of mail of the kind used by the Denorian tribes.


Upon the death of a Battle-Brother, the Herald of his Warband will ritually sever his Life Chain and inter it into the Long Hall - a special tomb where the links of the fallen are displayed to honour their memory and inspire those they leave behind. Each initiate is required to make a pilgramage to the Long Hall to seek wisdom from the fallen.


Dreadnoughts are Brothers who are both hatred and held in awe within the Sons of Denoria. The hatred stems from the belief in the Life Chain and its ties to duty and service; those who are interred within a Dreadnought chassis being freed from that service and duty when their Life Chains are servered by their Herald. The awe that each Dreadnought recieves is due to that fact that though they are free from the ties that bind them, they still choose to serve the Emperor and fight alongside their Battle-Brothers.


Often the Dreadnoughts of the Chapter will fight in a single formation, known collectively as the Unchained, as this mitigates the distrust that can sometimes fester between some of the more superstitious Battle-Brothers.


The other core aspect to the Sons' beliefs is based around the Iron Price and the Gold price. The Iron Price is what is paid in blood and toil to aquire or achieve something, in counterpoint to the Gold Price of something which is what is paid or bartered for it.


The Iron Price can be any form of action or physical endeavour, from slaying an Ork Warboss to swimming across a predator-infested ocean. To pay in Iron is the ultimate aim of a warrior, lesser men will pay in Gold to achieve their ends but shedding blood is a sign that such a vicotry is worth dying for. Any Battle-Brother would rather pay Iron for a world, than Gold for a system.


"Paying the Iron Price" is a common phrase throughout the Sons of Denoria, oft used at the end of a hard campaign or action.




The Chapter is structured as set of ten Companies - called warbands - each under the direction of a Chief, with two half size Recruitment Bands taking up the role of the Tenth Company; one Band recruits from Denoria whilst hte second travels a circuit of all the worlds the Chapter calims the right of recruitment on.


Each Company is self-sufficient; specialists are permanantly attached and there are approximately 80 Battle-Brothers and 20 initiates that form the fighting strength - in return for off-field services the "squires" are taught warcraft by the warband.


Because of this organisation, there are frequently more Marines in the Chapter as a whole.


The Chapter is not led by single Marine, except in times of war that threaten the entire Chapter when a High Chief is appointed, instead a Council of Chiefs "debate" decisions that affect the whole.


No Warband has a particular role - each has its preference depending on the character of the Cheif; some may favour boarding actions and rarely be found upon a planet whilst others may favour lightning hit and run using bikes or speeders.


Combat Doctrine


Influenced entirely by the character of the Chief.



  Geneseed said:
The geneseed of the Chapter is from the line of Jaghati Khan, by way of the White Scars Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. Whilst there are no known mutations of the geneseed there is speculation that during combat the bloodlust of son of the Khan can be exacerbated.



  Battlecry said:
There is no single recorded instance of a uniform battlecry utilised by the Chapter, with each Warband sounding off at the whim of their Chief.


Updated: 16/02/2011

Edited by Captain Juan Juarez
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Aye, it was the only option that really fit what I wanted.. Vikings are (over?)done by the Wolves of Russ and the other cultures I'm familiar with such as the Dacians didn't really fit perfectly.


I'm hoping the beliefs point to the Saxon aspect, rather than the whole bunch of concepts punching you in the face with a boxing glove with "Saxons!" printed on it. Also, once I remove the really overt "Saxons in Spaaaaace!" subtitle too :wub:

Edited by Captain Juan Juarez
  Pulse said:
Pretty much what i have gone for with my chapter, although i've had a few years (i think two over all) to narrow down all the saxon culture and influences, lol. :wub:


Looking forward to seeing your take on them!


GHY has also gone for Saxon influences in his Blazing Sons.. Apparently it's not as unexplored as I'd considered.


Cheers though dude, I'm going to attempt the Beliefs section first as that will be the most complex.

Saxons in space?!!!

I must admit (and not without a wee bit of shame) that the first thing that came to mind was Battle Beyond the Stars:


That's the actor John Saxon (for you striplings :) )

And here he is again in one of the roles for which he is most well known:


Don't laugh at the yellow gi, though. He'll put most of you to shame with his strength. Here's a picture of him at age 71 pressing a 2 pood girya (which is pretty damned impressive for a 25-year old):


I humbly request that you convert your Chief to resemble John Saxon. B)

  Captain Juan Juarez said:
GHY has also gone for Saxon influences in his Blazing Sons.. Apparently it's not as unexplored as I'd considered.


Cheers though dude, I'm going to attempt the Beliefs section first as that will be the most complex.

Thankfully when i first came up with the idea of the Star Lords the idea of a saxon chapter was unheard of. People kept asking how i was going to differentiate them from "Vikings" as to be fair they are very similar, especially the early periods (before Christianity) pretty much all the practices from religion to everyday life were similar if not the same. The changes came when the different groups that make up the "anglo saxons" arrived in Britain could you start to see a shift in culture.


Looking forward to you belief section!


I have to agree with Brother Tyler as well, John Saxon would be an ideal looking Chief, especially that last pic at 71. :)

Edited by Pulse

While I'm delighted I could tempt you into posting in my thread Brother Tyler... that wasn't as instructive as it could have been :P


  Brother Tyler said:
I humbly request that you convert your Chief to resemble John Saxon. :)


I'll look into this.. If such can be done, I will - in the words of Jean-Luc Picard - make it so!

Looking good CJJ. I'm looking forward to seeing more :P


The Chapter is not led by single Marine, except in times of war that threaten the entire Chapter when a High Chief is appointed, instead a Council of Chiefs "debate" decisions that affect the whole.

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I saw your Chapter as one being quite fractionned and all over the place, so how could all of the Chiefs be at the Council of Chiefs if they are all so far away? If it's not the case, I'll just go and sit in the corner and wait for the beating :)




"Nom, Nom, Nom!"


Or possibly not.



No Warband has a particular role - each has its preference depending on the character of the Cheif; some may favour boarding actions and rarely be found upon a planet whilst others may favour lightning hit and run using bikes or speeders.

Could be a bit of a problem, no? If they can't fulfill a certain role, well... the results could be... disastrous? *evil smile*



  Battle-Brother Ludovic said:
The Chapter is not led by single Marine, except in times of war that threaten the entire Chapter when a High Chief is appointed, instead a Council of Chiefs "debate" decisions that affect the whole.

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I saw your Chapter as one being quite fractionned and all over the place, so how could all of the Chiefs be at the Council of Chiefs if they are all so far away? If it's not the case, I'll just go and sit in the corner and wait for the beating :lol:


Every warrior may have his say, with the Chiefs being the voice of their warbands.


If a Council is currently "ruling" the Chapter then there is time to make descisions, time will be given for messages to bounce back and forth acros the aether.. But if a desicison is required instantly it's a case of tough luck, you weren't here.


No Warband has a particular role - each has its preference depending on the character of the Cheif; some may favour boarding actions and rarely be found upon a planet whilst others may favour lightning hit and run using bikes or speeders.

Could be a bit of a problem, no? If they can't fulfill a certain role, well... the results could be... disastrous? *evil smile*


Perhaps you misunderstood.. It means that unlike a "regular" Chapter there is no Assault Company or not Tactical Company, each Warband is able to fulfill these requirements but how they operate is at the whim of their Chief.




  Beliefs said:
At the core of the beliefs of the Chapter, drawn solely from the native culture of Denoria, is the Life Chain; upon Denoria the Chain is what ties a man to life and gives a purpose to that life. For the Chapter such beliefs have changed to fit both the needs and the altered perceptions of the Battle-Brothers.


Upon induction as an initiate each Denoria ceremonially severs a chain as a way of breaking from their old, Human, lives and if the achieve the honour of being inducted into the Chapter proper they do so again, signalling the start of a new existence.


For a full Battle-Brother the Life Chain is a physical ideal, used as both a reminder of the ties that bind the Chapter and its Brothers to the Imperium and as a record of the deeds of its Marines. Each Battle-Brother forges the links for his own chain, the links symbols of different degrees; links can be forged for years of service or promotion and even for notable actions or campaigns, with each link inscribed with information about it. Such inscriptions provide an in-depth look at the career of the fallen, links forged for campaigns and victories small histories in themselves. Only in death does the forging end, some veterans possessing enough links to forge entire suits of mail of the kind used by the Denorian tribes.


Upon the death of a Battle-Brother, the Speaker for the Dead of his warband will ritually sever his Life Chain and inter it into the Long Hall - a special tomb where the links of the fallen are displayed to honour their memory and inspire those they leave behind. Each initiate is required to make a pilgramage to the Long Hall to seek wisdom from the fallen.


Really small start, but conveys the basis for the Chapter I think although I shall still be expanding it to incorporate the Iron/Gold Price part of their beliefs.


A Speaker for the Dead is a name for the Chaplain who presides over the ceremony, incidentally.

  Captain Juan Juarez said:
Every warrior may have his say, with the Chiefs being the voice of their warbands.


If a Council is currently "ruling" the Chapter then there is time to make descisions, time will be given for messages to bounce back and forth acros the aether.. But if a desicison is required instantly it's a case of tough luck, you weren't here.



Perhaps you misunderstood.. It means that unlike a "regular" Chapter there is no Assault Company or not Tactical Company, each Warband is able to fulfill these requirements but how they operate is at the whim of their Chief.



At the core of the beliefs of the Chapter, drawn solely from the native culture of Denoria, is the Life Chain; upon Denoria the Chain is what ties a man to life and gives a purpose to that life. For the Chapter such beliefs have changed to fit both the needs and the altered perceptions of the Battle-Brothers.


Upon induction as an initiate each Denoria ceremonially severs a chain as a way of breaking from their old, Human, lives and if the achieve the honour of being inducted into the Chapter proper they do so again, signalling the start of a new existence.


For a full Battle-Brother the Life Chain is a physical ideal, used as both a reminder of the ties that bind the Chapter and its Brothers to the Imperium and as a record of the deeds of its Marines. Each Battle-Brother forges the links for his own chain, the links symbols of different degrees; links can be forged for years of service or promotion and even for notable actions or campaigns, with each link inscribed with information about it. Such inscriptions provide an in-depth look at the career of the fallen, links forged for campaigns and victories small histories in themselves. Only in death does the forging end, some veterans possessing enough links to forge entire suits of mail of the kind used by the Denorian tribes.


Upon the death of a Battle-Brother, the Speaker for the Dead of his warband will ritually sever his Life Chain and inter it into the Long Hall - a special tomb where the links of the fallen are displayed to honour their memory and inspire those they leave behind. Each initiate is required to make a pilgramage to the Long Hall to seek wisdom from the fallen.

I like the whole chain concept, really cool. Goes really well with Space Marines.


So, I'm looking forward to more as you've really got some great potential/ideas here :D


Oh, and cheers for the explanations about the different things :P



+1 for the perfect colour scheme here. Love it.


"Paying the Iron Price" is a common phrase throughout the Chapter, oft used at the end of a hard campaign or action.


I like it, but you're repeating Iron Price so many times its unbelievable.

  Grey Hunter Ydalir said:
+1 for the perfect colour scheme here. Love it.


"Paying the Iron Price" is a common phrase throughout the Chapter, oft used at the end of a hard campaign or action.


I like it, but you're repeating Iron Price so many times its unbelievable.


I noticed that myself but even these parts are only a rough draft to get the ideas down.. As long as the content is fine I'll be re-writing it, honest.


Heru... Really!?


Althotugh I suppose I should appreciate someone has obviously been paying attention at my constant mention of the "Galactic Empire of the Space Hippos of Orion".

Edited by Captain Juan Juarez

It could always be worse. You should see what he did to poor Brother Thunderbunny and his codex-adherent beliefs. Linky (Towards the bottom)


- I do agree on the repetition of the "price" theme. You've got blood price, Iron Price, Gold Price...these guys should be called the Abacus Chapter with all the counting they do ^_^


- I like the fact that the brothers forge their life in steel and iron. It has that Jacob Marley feel to it from "A Christmas Carol" only in a positive skew. Very much the "reap what you sow" feel to them. Maybe different metals for the links mean different things? I say this only because I think it would be an interesting piece if victories were shown differently than defeats. Gold versus obsidian or somesuch. Then you could literally see the progression of their life. Just thoughts.


- I almost envision these guys with a sort of "round table" approach to governance. Each Chief fills their chair, and the chairs of those who are absent remain empty. Some chiefs lobby both for themselves and aligned chiefs who are not able to be there, maybe they have stayed in astropathic contact. Behind all of this is a massive throne made of bone/obsidian/black-hued iron that a High Chief ascends to in times of crisis. Sort of a palpable reminder, as they discuss the chapter's business in their egalitarian way, that their choices must be for the good of the chapter or their position will be forfeit to one of their equals/competitors.



Just my thoughts over coffee this morning. Hope they help.

Edited by Marshal Renatus
  Marshal Renatus said:
It could always be worse. You should see what he did to poor Brother Thunderbunny and his codex-adherent beliefs. Linky (Towards the bottom)


- I saw but thought but for once refrained from commenting.. Heru must have had one too many deep-fried Mars Bars ^_^


- I do agree on the repetition of the "price" theme. You've got blood price, Iron Price, Gold Price...these guys should be called the Abacus Chapter with al the counting they do :(


- I've just re-written that part to lessen the repitition - adding in the part about Dreadnaughts too.


- I like the fact that the brothers forge their life in steel and iron. It has that Jacob Marley feel to it from "A Christmas Carol" only in a positive skew. Very much the "reap what you sow" feel to them. Maybe different metals for the links mean different things? I say this only because I think it would be an interesting piece if victories were shown differently than defeats. Gold versus obsidian or somesuch. Then you could literally see the progression of their life. Just thoughts.


- That actually occurs in G. R. R. Martin's A Song of Fire and Ice Series - coming to Sky Atlantic incidentally - where gold is for study of finances, iron for war and so on.. But in this case each link is inscribed with the relevant info rather than the metal signifying something.


- I almost envision these guys with a sort o "round table" approach to governance. Each Chief fills their chair, and those that are absent remain empty. Some chiefs lobby both for themselves and aligned chiefs who are not able to be there, maybe they have stayed in astropathic contact. Bhind all of this is a massive throne made of bone/obsidian/black-hued iron that a High Chief ascends to in times of crisis. Sort of a palpable reminder, as they discuss the chapter's business in their egalitarian way, that their choices must be for the good of the chapter or their position will be forfeit to one of their equals/competitors.


My thoughts run in much the same way, except that to emphasise the fractious nature they all possess their own Halls where only they may go - there is a Great Hall where the council meets and alot of central resources are located but each Hall is basically a barracks and Company Armoury.


It's very much the fact that only the strong will lead - the Seers, Heralds, Smiths and Healers* must all be warriors, for martial ability is all - there are no diplomats in the Chapter, a High Chief is responsible both for and to the benefit of the whole so consideration of other Imperial organisations is often lacking.



All that said, I already have a great short story piece planned out in my mind :P


*Librarian, Chaplain, Techmarine and Apothecary... For the lamen/those not in my head ;)

  Captain Juan Juarez said:
  Marshal Renatus said:
It could always be worse. You should see what he did to poor Brother Thunderbunny and his codex-adherent beliefs. Linky (Towards the bottom)


- I saw but thought but for once refrained from commenting.. Heru must have had one too many deep-fried Mars Bars ;)

I don't eat those nasty pieces of suicide. :P

Edited by Heru Talon

Cheers BBL, provided I get more positive feedback for the Beliefs I'll be starting another section shortly.


Any serious - I'm looking at you Heru - name suggestions would be greatly appreciated.. I can't think of one and I'm not calling them the Star Hippos.

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