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New Chaos Codex Rumors


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Chances are slim at best. Alessio said they were considering doing legion books but that idea seems to have all but died.


Edit: Alessio is the game designer who claims responsibility for the rubbish excuse for a codex chaos currently has. Incidentally he also no longer works for GW. This was also slated as being the plan (legion codeci) as to why C:CSM was all about renegades (who somehow forgot to bring any of their gear with them) but nothing really materialised.

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The problem with such an approach; that would mean 5 Chaos Space Marines codex'es to go with the 5 Space Marine codexes. 10 codexes with nothing but duplicate wargear and 3+ armour saves.There are 10 non-marine (including DH which according to rumours will be another 3+ dex) dexes..


"In the grim darkness of the far future there is only civil war".

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The rumor of Legion Codex is more persistant then what Aleesio spook of,its from another source as far as i can tell.


But it would'n be like a full codex for each legions,but there is a sligth chance that it will be the Magic Fours in One dex and the 5 Others in a Dex covering Un-dedicated Legions,OR a New CSM Codex covering the 9 Legions and a little aside for new Renegads army's.

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The biggest problem i see, and objection I have against this, is that it would feel really unfair to go through 4 codice release cycle to finally have only the Cult Legions reprensented. Add in all the other races, AND Chaos Undivided, and you would probably have AT LEAST (being really optimistic, 1 chaos codex a year) 4 years before all of the Cult legion get their own.
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I think it's complete bias on the part of GW. If you want to go by storyline, shouldn't WE have a codex since BA,SW, and DA have one....


I think this is a historical remenent. In 2nd Ed BA and DA had a distinct codex along with the Wolves and Ultramarines.

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I think it's complete bias on the part of GW. If you want to go by storyline, shouldn't WE have a codex since BA,SW, and DA have one....


I think this is a historical remenent. In 2nd Ed BA and DA had a distinct codex along with the Wolves and Ultramarines.


in 2nd ed wasnt the dark angels and blood angels codex combined call angels of death or something

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I think it's complete bias on the part of GW. If you want to go by storyline, shouldn't WE have a codex since BA,SW, and DA have one....


I think this is a historical remenent. In 2nd Ed BA and DA had a distinct codex along with the Wolves and Ultramarines.


in 2nd ed wasnt the dark angels and blood angels codex combined call angels of death or something



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  • 2 months later...
I heard rumors that they are releasing a codex for each Mark of Chaos. I.E special rules for a all Khorne Army! This info comes from another website. Just wondering if their is any validity to this rumor...



FWIW, Alessio Cavatore (who wrote most of the rules in the codex) stated in a recent interview that they had intentionally left out the Legion-specific stuff to "leave freedom for potential future releases (that might or might not end up seeing the light of the day...)". Some time ago, Alessio's co-author, Gav Thorpe, had stated something similar on his blog, and I recall that Jervis had mentioned something along those lines as well (no reference, sorry).


So, the idea that a Chaos Legions book might come out is by no means a new one. Unfortunately, it won't be out any time soon - if at all. Beyond the next few (likely) releases of Necrons, Sisters and Tau, no one really has any idea what's coming, though I've heard some idle speculation that Chaos might be due around the end of 2012. Just in time for the apocalypse.

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I heard rumors that they are releasing a codex for each Mark of Chaos. I.E special rules for a all Khorne Army! This info comes from another website. Just wondering if their is any validity to this rumor...




Unfortunately, "I've heard rumours" usually translates to "I really wish". I doubt that there will be 4 specific books for Chaos, there just isn't enough material for each. The 4 Ruinous Powers can easily be accommodated within a single codex, along with renegades and cultists.

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Rumour about Codex: Chaos Legions is like the one about Codex: Inquisition. It appeared a few years ago. It comes back now and then. It won't become true.

Codex: GK is codex:inquisition. It sad but true.

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Though I would LOVE a codex: World Eaters....I know it will never happen anytime soon.


But I can see a Codex: Cult armies being done, and I know people say it can all fit into one codex (Cult, undivided and renegade) but we are Chaos....we can be anything, and we can have a lot more options compared to our brothers the SM but hey they have some Chapter codexs....I cant see why we can't have one for our cults, that's all im asking ;)

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Though I would LOVE a codex: World Eaters....I know it will never happen anytime soon.


But I can see a Codex: Cult armies being done, and I know people say it can all fit into one codex (Cult, undivided and renegade) but we are Chaos....we can be anything, and we can have a lot more options compared to our brothers the SM but hey they have some Chapter codexs....I cant see why we can't have one for our cults, that's all im asking :huh:


heck, i would love a world eaters codex...

The loyalists get loads of 'dexs: blood angles, black templars, black templars, dark angles and the normal SM one. Thats five, so we could have five aswell! four for the big four and one to be undivided. Each codex could get their own special wargear etc etc.


So, the question is: should it be one codex for one chaos god or one codex for one legion?

I'm getting carried away here...


Its unlikely to happen but with all the stuff GW is reeling out now the chances improve ever so slightly.

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"In the grim darkness of the far future there is only civil war".


Heheh so basically 40k is becoming 30k and we will be playing heresy era battles! Awesome! Oh and those xenos codices (there are a few knocking about I'm told) will be representative of the alien races that the great crusade crushed utterly.

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The CSM timeline, iirc, went:


Lost and the Damned introduces Legions >

Jervis' hastily followed by Chambers' (Oops sorry!) dex >

Hainesdex w/ all Legion rules - and the villagers rejoiced >

Gavdex w/ no Legion rules - and the torches and pitchforks came out >

Tar, feathers, rails, outcry and hatemail because codex perfidously misnamed >

Marketing phones Development to discuss the vertiginous drop in sales of the CSM range >


Suddenly, "Oh, Legion rules are right around the corner. Yeah, that's the ticket! Aaannny second now!"


Bottom line? GW's QC is as rigorous as its proofing and its playtesting.

I.e. Nothing that quickly releasing a new SM codex won't fix ...




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That rumour has been around since the currant codex wass release. Its pretty certain that there will be necrons by the end of the year followed by tau, sisters of battle and probably black Templars in that order. there has been leaks from the sisters of battle codex and alot of talk about the others. Even if GW keeps on pumping out new codices as it has (and there not). its still a good year or two way at the least. the only codices left will be dark angels and then there will be a 6th edition to the rules.
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It'll be unbelievable if Chaos Space Marines go an entire edition without a codex. I mean sadly I can see that happening but it's still ridiculous! With the success of the HH series and, lets be honest, just how awesome chaos is I just don't understand how stupid GW can be sometimes...
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I suspect the success of the Horus Heresy series, in conjunction with the power armored codex releases so far, is why we're not hearing anything tremendously solid about a new chaos 'dex, yet. Additionally, what were the last few codex releases of last edition? Eldar, Orks, CSM iirc? It makes sense that we'll see them last in this particular cycle. Rumours are pegging the 6th edition release as next summer. I would expect we'll see our new 'dex sometime after that. I would also imagine there will be a vanilla space marine 'dex near then too, as, let's face it, codex marines are the flagship army.


Bear in mind, I'm not trying to say anything about who needs a new 'dex in what order. I am squarely in the current CSM 'dex is awful camp. I don't, however, think that really has anything to do with GW's decision making process.

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I suspect the success of the Horus Heresy series, in conjunction with the power armored codex releases so far, is why we're not hearing anything tremendously solid about a new chaos 'dex, yet. SNIP I would also imagine there will be a vanilla space marine 'dex near then too, as, let's face it, codex marines are the flagship army.


The success of the Horus Heresy series is why I would expect Chaos Marines not to be ignored the way that 5th edition has ignored them, since the Horus Heresy is all about the Legions that turned to Chaos.


And I understand that vanilla Marines are the flagship army, but Chaos Marines are the arch-villains that oppose them. These two codices should be Release One and Release Two of any cycle, logically. "Here's Good Guy Prime and his evil brother Villaintron" type thing, followed by all the weird variations thereof as supporting characters.

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