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New Chaos Codex Rumors


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Rumours are pegging the 6th edition release as next summer. I would expect we'll see our new 'dex sometime after that.


Hence my astonishment that Chaos Space Marines can go a whole edition without a codex - it's a 4th ed codex remember.

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For what it's worth, there's been a lot of speculation that Chaos will be one of the first codices for 6th edition and they may even be featured in the starter kit. Again, it's just speculation by fans based off this quote:


Ok the ”Bombshell” I really need to use better wording…


”By the end of the next Olympics we will be treated to 6th ed Warhammer 40k”

Now thaGrey Knight Codex Q&A Limited Time onlyt is something that people that follow GW trends have suspected for awhile. So really that is not that earth shattering. What makes 6thed potentially earth shattering is the version of AoBR we will get. For the first time in a long time neither Xenos nor the Warriors of Roboute Guilliman will be featured. Nor will the Sledgehammer of the Emperor be chosen to fill the starter box.


What that means for all of us… we shall have to wait and see.

The "Warriors of Roboute Guilliman" I personally interpret as literally meaning the Ultramarines, so it's likely we'll see another chapter as the protagonists. The lack of Xenos and the "Sledgehammer" (surely the Imperial Guard) is what is got most people going - the only enemies of the Imperium are either Xenos or Chaos. I honestly doubt we'll see Daemons in the starter kit, since I doubt GW would want to force players to use the Deep Strike mechanic for starter games.


Which really only leaves CSM as the antagonists. Assuming, of course, that TastyTaste's source is correct.


IMHO, it'll be better to have a new codex at the start of the edition, rather than having some awkward half-5th, half-6th edition rules. And let's just hope that GW doesn't decide to change design philosophy just before the CSM codex is due again...

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For what it's worth, there's been a lot of speculation that Chaos will be one of the first codices for 6th edition and they may even be featured in the starter kit. Again, it's just speculation by fans based off this quote:


Ok the ”Bombshell” I really need to use better wording…


”By the end of the next Olympics we will be treated to 6th ed Warhammer 40k”

Now thaGrey Knight Codex Q&A Limited Time onlyt is something that people that follow GW trends have suspected for awhile. So really that is not that earth shattering. What makes 6thed potentially earth shattering is the version of AoBR we will get. For the first time in a long time neither Xenos nor the Warriors of Roboute Guilliman will be featured. Nor will the Sledgehammer of the Emperor be chosen to fill the starter box.


What that means for all of us… we shall have to wait and see.

The "Warriors of Roboute Guilliman" I personally interpret as literally meaning the Ultramarines, so it's likely we'll see another chapter as the protagonists. The lack of Xenos and the "Sledgehammer" (surely the Imperial Guard) is what is got most people going - the only enemies of the Imperium are either Xenos or Chaos. I honestly doubt we'll see Daemons in the starter kit, since I doubt GW would want to force players to use the Deep Strike mechanic for starter games.


Which really only leaves CSM as the antagonists. Assuming, of course, that TastyTaste's source is correct.


IMHO, it'll be better to have a new codex at the start of the edition, rather than having some awkward half-5th, half-6th edition rules. And let's just hope that GW doesn't decide to change design philosophy just before the CSM codex is due again...


Taken literally that quote could certainly mean that it won't be Ultramarines in the box set. It could also mean any Codex Chapter if stretched a little. Could mean a new Black Templars or Dark Angels book maybe? It could also be that it's not any Space Marine chapter but that's unlikely as SMs are the flagship of 40K.

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Or be in the same unfortunate shoes as we are now and get a 6th ed. test codex.



as a true nightlord you strike terror in my thoughts with such sayings !!


It makes sense to have black templars in a new starters box, there are rumours about a new codex release for the Black templars, they have been in a starter box before.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Unfortunately, "I've heard rumours" usually translates to "I really wish". I doubt that there will be 4 specific books for Chaos, there just isn't enough material for each. The 4 Ruinous Powers can easily be accommodated within a single codex, along with renegades and cultists.


There's plenty of material on each god to accomodate a codex. Look at the massive tome that is the Liber Chaotica (REVEL BROTHERS, FOR WE ARE DAMNED). All that would be required is a history of the actions of each legion, like in current codices releases, which would be awesome! To get away from the Black Legion fluff, and go into the more obscure conflicts we never hear about in which the Legions are mired (even within the Eye of Terror) would be a HUGE story injection that the fanbase would go rabid over. That's not to say I would mind a cult legion codex, but JEEBUS H. BISCUITS, MAN, I would froth at the mouth and sacrifice China to the Skull Throne for a World Eaters 'dex. Until we know for sure though, I encourage all of you to hold your breath in the vacuum.


By the way, hi everybody. I'm new here.

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Another minor little rumour from ghost21 on Warseer. When asked about which armies will be in the starter kit for 6th edition, this was the response:


it isnt its chaos n imperial



Ghost21 is a relatively new rumourmonger over there, but we'll see. It's also worth remembering that, even if it is true, this does not necessarily mean that Chaos will get a new codex at the same time. It would make sense, but unfortunately GW seems to be making less and less sense lately...

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By the way, hi everybody. I'm new here.



a new skull for the throne :mellow:


anyway im a firm believer the next box will be black templars and chaos, the templarts have filled a starter set before so i favour them over the unforgiven

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's worth remembering that the armies included in the new editions have always been the biggest sellers from the prior edition.


Also, for those concerned of going a whole edition without a new chaos dex need to put themselves in the mind of the Dark Angels, Necrons, Daemon hunters (and/or GK), Dark Eldar, Eldar and Tau (I think). Really, until this edition, Chaos, Orks and Loyalists have been regularly updated throughout previous editions, including 2 codices during 3rd edition.

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Games Workshop will just give us back what we had in 3rd Ed. Rules for every legion, lots of choices for each god, lists that fit together and awesome wargear. And all will be happy.


And... back to reality.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Another minor little rumour from ghost21 on Warseer. When asked about which armies will be in the starter kit for 6th edition, this was the response:


it isnt its chaos n imperial



Ghost21 is a relatively new rumourmonger over there, but we'll see. It's also worth remembering that, even if it is true, this does not necessarily mean that Chaos will get a new codex at the same time. It would make sense, but unfortunately GW seems to be making less and less sense lately...


Following up on some of the other rumors there it could be Chaos vs. Eldar (he didn't say it wasn't Chaos OR Imperial, just that it wasn't Chaos vs. Imperial :) ). By that I'm referring to the rumors that they want to focus more on the Chaos vs. Free races rather than the Imperium.


Eldar are also primed for a new dex in that timeframe as well.

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Y'all have heard that the first codex released after 6th edition (summer 2012) will be Chaos Legions?


If not, head on over to;




to read for yourselves.


The really interesting, with regard to this thread, bit;


first real 6th edition codex: Codex Chaos Legions, really big release in three waves, doesn’t invalidate Codex Chaos Space Marines which gets extensive White Dwarf update as Codex Renegade Space Marines


Rumors, grains of salt, etc., but potentially just a year away from what we've been waiting for...

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I can totally see them coming out with an awesome 6th edition codex. When they came out with the first 3rd edition codex and it was horrible, they made up for it with the second 3rd edition codex. They can't keep Chaos down because it's bad for business.
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It can't be that bad for business based on the number of times people write about how they're using a loyalist dex to represent their armies. GW just looks at the numbers and says "Hey, everytime we make a new loyalist dex Chaos sales go up briefly."
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Well, I for one am intrigued by the prospect of a new codex. According to the same rumour source, the Chaos Legions book isn't going to replace the CSM book. So, really, things cannot possibly get any worse as we'd still have access to the current codex anyway ;)


Though there has also been talk of the current CSM book getting a White Dwarf update when Chaos Legions comes out to make it more of a Renegades book, so I guess there is still a chance it would screw around with things...

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Frankly, there is far more reason for any given chaos legion to have its own codex than any Space Marine Chapter to, with the possible exceptions of Wolves and Templars. The only reason regular marine chapters get so much focus is becasue they're the big sellers to the kiddies. This is coming from a loyalist player too, so it's not just fan rage.


I'd really like to see a codex like the old 'Haines dex - rules for marines marked by each god, plus an extra section with rules for fielding each legion.

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It can't be that bad for business based on the number of times people write about how they're using a loyalist dex to represent their armies. GW just looks at the numbers and says "Hey, everytime we make a new loyalist dex Chaos sales go up briefly."



How often do people use loyalist dex's? That pisses me off! People have no loyalty these days...

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It can't be that bad for business based on the number of times people write about how they're using a loyalist dex to represent their armies. GW just looks at the numbers and says "Hey, everytime we make a new loyalist dex Chaos sales go up briefly."



How often do people use loyalist dex's?

Quite often around here, mostly to represent Renegade marines without daemonic influences or newly turned Renegade chapters.
That pisses me off!
How come?


People have no loyalty these days...
Outside of being stubborn, why show loyalty to a bad product with mangled/missing background information and lacklustre options as well as options that when taken - punish you for wanting to be fluffy? :rolleyes:
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