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Suppuratus, The Lord of Flies WIP!


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To go with my plague Raptors I'm bringing in a winged Daemon Prince as I expand my army to the 2000 mark. After a couple months w/o being able to do any work, I finally have enough done to get some pictures of the Conversion so far... I still need to sort out the lower Right leg and detail the lower Leg guards on both sides. I like the head and think that I'm done with that part at least. The arms still need a little work and the gut needs to be a little more round, and then I need to make him some wings.


Main things I did...

1) I cut the legs off at the knees and built armatures out of sprue to build them up to look like oversized power armor.

2) I cut the head off at the neck and lifted it up to make him look more upright and to make room for his double chin. :D

3) I have been adding more power armor like details instead of the "my armor turned to skin" look that it had before.

4) I added compound eyes.


I'm most proud of the ears. ;)







So the To-Do List:

-Complete the basic bulking up of the right leg and foot.

-Complete basic detail and trim to Lower Legs.

-Add some more Armor plate detail to the lower arms and elbows.

-Complete Fly Icon on the Left Shoulder

-Add some bulk to the breast plate

-round out to the Gut more

-Add another fat roll to it's back

-Design and fabricate the wings

-Make it's back hairy and prepare the wing join.

-Add detail (Intestine, rivets, ooze, pocks, rot and skulls) as needed


I've got a lot more work to do. :lol:



Edited by DavicusPrime
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Yes, he's coming along nicely. I've been waiting to see more conversions of this model. So many people seem to be taking him as is - I only did some very minor conversions myself - since he's such a nice model.


I really like the shoulder pads, and the right gauntlet in particular.

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Made some progress:




A face only Pappa Nurgle could Love:


And the wing in comparison to the DP:



I think I've got to the point where I can finish all the detailing. By which I mean adding some rot, skulls and oozing sores. Then it's time to get some paint on him.


So the To-Do List:

-Complete the basic bulking up of the right leg. DONE

-Complete basic detail and trim to Lower Legs. DONE

-Add some more Armor plate detail to the lower arms and elbows. 50%

-Complete Fly Icon on the Left Shoulder

-Add some bulk to the breast plate DONE

-round out to the Gut more DONE

-Add another fat roll to it's back DONE

-Design and fabricate the wings 50%

-Make it's back hairy and prepare the wing join. 50%

-Add detail (Intestine, rivets, ooze, pocks, rot and skulls) as needed




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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright... Here's Suppuratus, now with wings. I think I'm ready to paint him, but I might find the need to add a couple more details. We'll see. I'm just ready to get some paint on him though.




Here's one with one of his Plague Raptor Minions:




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i cant somehow help the feeling that i would absolutly love this if you took the GS out of his eyes... guess its a matter of taste though... another (easy) idea could be having him eye-less either just no anatomical sign of such, or just drill in and detail empthy oozing sockets
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