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Alpha Legion!


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After reading the Alpha Legion Horus Heresy book, I was inspired to paint up an Alpha Legion army. So, here it is! Comments and criticism are welcome.









I trimmed off all of the horns and spiky bits, since Alpha Legion are more of a renegade Legion and haven't really been mutated by chaos. I think it looks pretty good. Let me know what you guys think!

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Looking good man! :lol: Especially like what you've done with the flames/power weapons and plasma coils. Hydra pads look great too. Oh, and did I mention the hazard stripes? Not really an AL thing, but looks good.

One suggestion, if I may. If you haven't already, you may want to wash some of them to keep with the Alpha's stealthy/muted aesthetic. Of course, that's just my opinion, take from it what you will.

Again, looking good, keep it up! ;)

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Always nice to see more Alpha Legion :lol:


It's quite rare to see the green trimmed variety, so I'm especially happy you chose that colour scheme.


Echoing what KaosRaptor has said, some Asurmen blue and Thraka green might add a little more depth to those two colours; however, I am concious that you've used the flash whilst taking the pictures, so the colours in the picture might not be how the model appears in more natural light.


I like the power weapon, and the staff head for the sorceror is very well done too. The CSM with the dagger is a nice pose as well. ;)


Is there a particular reason why you've got two Raptor champions?


And are you working towards a specific army list?

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The colors are indeed very washed out from the flash, although they do have those extreme highlights, but I like them ;) I will try a wash of the asurmen blue and the thraka green. I tried something new with the plasma coils and I really like the way they came out, I also did the magma type effect on the lightning claws and all power weapons, I have more painted but I didnt load the pics.


The reason I have two raptor champions is because I actually took a picture of two raptor squads but I only showed one squad in the pic, the other one is out of sight and all you see is the other champion. I didn't catch that until you mentioned it, lol.


Thanks for the comments!

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That sorceror scares me...


Also, loving the Firey-Magma style details on the Plasma and Power weapons, makes a chage from the "mysterious glowy blue" that everyone else does. I paint my Plasma green, just for a change.


Also, as a faithful Iron Warrior, I approve of the hazard-striped weapons.

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That sorceror scares me...


Was about to post that too!


I like them! I'd try a wash on one, just to see what it's like, but they look pretty darn good to be honest.

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Why has this double-posted?!


I do like the non-spikey look. Was it just pure Chaos Marine parts, minus spikes? I was going to mix marine and chaos parts to try and produce a similar look, but this might be cheaper!

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Yep, just pure chaos parts without the spikes. They are really easy to cut off, and then its just a little shaving and shaping with the hobby knife to get the helmet rounded again. In some places I just painted highlights where I accidentally cut the "ears" of the helmet off, and you can't really tell. I like the chaos helmets better without the horns, they look really mean. I didnt use any loyal marine parts at all, it helps keep it looking like older armor, which I like. I like the extra arrows, it makes the armor look more ornate. And although I haven't actually used the sorcerer in a game, I really like the model ;) I did the hazard stripes on the bolters just because I like hazard stripes, I know they dont fit into the Alpha Legion's scheme, but I like them ;)
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Simple but highly effective. I think they look excellent! Goes a long way to show just how good results you can get by just highlighting. I also really like the colour scheme. Good job on ye.


Also liking the way you've done power weapons and lightning claws. Might borrow that for my own guys as it looks real nice.

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